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+Amelia POV+

Calum had gone upstairs to see if Violet was okay. When he was upstairs, something came from the letter box. I got up and picket the envelope. I opened it, pulling out a... Picture?

I gasped, feeling bile ride up my throat.

Someone had stuck their hand down her throat, from what it looked like she had been coughing up blood but her throat was torn apart, as if it was paper.

"C-Calum" I called very shakily. He came down the stairs, he was pale, looked sick.

"Violet" we said in unison.

My legs gave in, and I fell to the floor, sobs raking through my body. Calum fell down next to me, pulling me into him and crying himself.

We stayed like that for 30 minutes until our voices were horse and our eyes stung.

We sat on the sofa, cuddled into eachother. We stayed like that for another 10 minutes before Calum asked me if I wanted a drink. I nodded.

He brought in some vodka. I smiled at him, some what greatfully.

We filled two glasses and took small sips.

"Let's run away"

I gave him a confused look.

"Let's run away" he repeated. "Me and you. I have enough money and so do you, let's get a flight and fûčk off out of this place"

I grinned like an idiot and nodded.

Calum kissed me softly and I blushed immensely.

Little notice I took to the black shadow in the window.
So if you didn't understand what happened with violet, Luke basically shoved his hand down her throat and made her choke, Calum thought she was being sick and then Luke basically clawed her throat from the inside out and yeah.

Everyone wanted demon babies but y'all ain't getting that shīt

OKAY SO HIDE HAS 1.28k?!?! Kshssksjdh bye

Thank you for reading

It's coming close to the end ;)

Much love-

-Tianna XX

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