Weird ass ending

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Idk I thought I'd lighten this book up a bit and someone commented about this and I just thought why not.

"Get out"

"No lu-"

He turned around, black eyes boaring into mine.


Queen mama Liz burst through the door.

"Luke! What are to doing!" She said to her son wh

His black eyes went straight back to his glistening blue ones. He knew he was in shit. "Mum, I just-"

"No! Shut up and go to bed!" She said, smacking him round the head with her golden mother hands.

"But mum! I need to murder all my friends first!"

"Luke Robert Hemmings! I don't know where my parenting went wrong, but I did not raise you like this! Now go to bed!"


"Don't make me slap you again, son"


"I said, go to bed!"

Luke sighed, looking down ashamed as I just stood there with my mouth agape.

Luke plodded up the stairs as I looked at Liz.

"I'm very sorry about that dear, I have no idea what came over him. Now, if you must excuse me, I'm going to give Luke a right good spanking. I always did it to him when he ate the butter" she said, shaking her head.

I just nodded.

Well then.

Idk people kept commenting about Liz so I thought a year after I fUCKING COMPLETE THE BOOK. WHY FUCKING NOT.

So yeah, mama Liz saved the day.

Okay bye
-t xx

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