Chapter 10

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                                                      Chapter 10:


“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?

Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” – T.S. Eliot

“Ah! Blaise! Wait up!” I yelled over the wind as we rode our bikes along the sidewalk, dodging pedestrians along the way, some even yelling at us. Blaise kept going. I sighed and pulled over, resting along the railing that was situated so no one could fall off the sidewalk and into the sand which was a good two meter drop. I took out my mom’s phone from my pocket and speed-dialed Blaise’s number. Putting the phone against my ear, I looked to my right and saw only pedestrians, no Blaise.

“What?” came her irritated reply. I giggled and merely said,

“Look behind ya.”

There was a slight pause and then a mumbling of words, “Where the heck are you?” she asked.

I looked around, “At the beach…”

“Yeah, so helpful…Listen, I’m turning around, you keep going straight, got it? That way, we’re bound to meet.”

“Sure!” I smiled and hung up, slipping the cell phone back into my pocket and swinging my leg over my bike. I started off and it wasn’t long until we met each other.

“Blaise!” I called out.

“Alexa!” she yelled.

Then we both passed each other. I turned around again and we almost crashed into each other. I yelped and steered clear out of her way as she steered clear out of mine. I almost crashed into the railing and she almost went flying into the street. Suddenly, I find myself pushed back and Serina was in control now. She gripped the handles tighter and steered away from the railing, pushing off of it with her foot and pressing the brakes hard so I wouldn’t run over a woman. The woman gave me a dirty look as I regained control of my body.

“Will all our meetings always be that catastrophic?” Blaise inquired.

I shrugged, smiling, “Who knows?” I laughed nervously as the woman turned and walked away, saying something which was lost in the wind. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it either. Blaise shook her head smiling and we both started on our way. The wind picked up slightly, giving us the satisfaction of a cool breeze on a warm summer’s day.

When we finally reached the hotel at the edge of the beach, we left our bikes in the parking lot.

“What if someone steals them?” Blaise inquired.

I looked at our bikes that were laying on top of each other in the shade of a willow tree. “I don’t think anyone would take them.” I said sure of it.

Blaise tilted her head from side to side, weighing the options. Suddenly, I felt a wave of confidence wash through me… Blaise had an idea, I groaned.

She started gathering fairly large, almost to the point of large, twigs that looked sturdy, but were quite easy to bend. “C’mon, help me,” she ordered. I didn’t know where this was going, but I picked a couple of twigs up nonetheless. “Good, now…” Blaise trailed off as she started weaving the branches throughout our bikes.

I blinked at her, what was she doing?

“Now…” Blaise mused, “give me your twigs.” I nodded, handing them over and she intertwined them among her twigs and the bikes. “Step back… I don’t want this affecting us.” She warned as she took a couple steps back.

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