Chapter 24

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                                                      Chapter 24:


“The temple is concerned with things of immortality. It is a bridge between this life and the next.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

Taking the bus ride home, I leaned my head against the window and looked out at the setting sun. The mountains were turning blue as the sky was changing into shades of crimson and gold as the sun became one with the blue horizon of the turquoise sea. Trees obscured my vision at times, but I paid no attention to any of this.

My mind was on techniques. What I did wrong, what Alexa did wrong, what mistakes we had made during training. Every little detail filed through my mind, past my eyes and was analyzed. No mistakes should be made in battle.

At last, the bus stopped at the station nearest to my house and I got off. Hitching my bag higher over my shoulder, I looked around and crossed the street, heading off to my house with the final destination being my bed.

Upon arriving in it, I did my usual routine of throwing my bag in my room, then retracing my steps to the kitchen, eating, watching T.V. and after all of that, brushing my teeth, changing my clothes and eventually sleeping. In short, it was an uneventful time.

“God,” I sighed as I fell down on my bed, throwing the covers off me. “It’s too hot!”

Chris was standing in a corner, next to my always closed – not to mention blocked by a huge mirror and a desk for my make-up – balcony window.

“Want to train then?” he asked.

“Now?” I whispered, looking at the clock. It was two-thirty in the morning. “My parents are home!”

Chris got up and took out a small pouch from his belt. I eyed it suspiciously but I kept my mouth shut – until he opened it, that is.

“What the hell is that?”

He looked at it indifferently and shrugged, “Dust.”

“For what?” I was wide awake now.

“Stuff,” was his monolectic reply as he kept floating towards me. I gripped the sheets.

“Just…” he paused a bit as he inserted his fingers into the pouch with the powdery gray dust, “relax…”

“I don’t think-” I started but was cut off by the sudden whirlwind of small particles flying towards me. I coughed and inhaled them. Suddenly, I started smelling fresh cut grass and everything was spinning.

“Chris what…” I coughed again and felt my body swaying. “…did…” Suddenly, I felt this unexplainable feeling as if I was experiencing an out-of-body-experience. I was dizzy, but at the same time I wasn’t. The colors and images blurred and I heard Chris say,

“Think of the forest where you send me,” as he gripped my arm.

I nodded, too dazed to put up a fight and did as I was told. Just then, I saw nothing but darkness.


“Ow!” I exclaim landing face first in grass.

“Are you ok?” Chris’s worried voice broke through the buzzing in my ears. I nodded numbly as I got up. He helped me by pulling my arms until I was on my feet.

“I’m ok…” I mumbled gripping onto him as I steadied myself, and then quickly pushed him away.

“Follow me,” he says as he starts walking into a forest.

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