Chapter 7

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                                                        Chapter 7:


“If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.” – Denis Waitley

Blaise and I were resting in my room, clothes slightly damp from our swimsuits underneath. I had pulled my hair back in a high ponytail, feeling the drenched tips swish against the back of my neck. Blaise had left hers running wild and free, darting in all directions, just like she liked it. We were drying off and chatting about our day at the beach.

“Well, I believe this is a perfect time for training!” Serina took over and spoke. My eyes widened, not knowing what she meant, as I squeaked, “Training?” Somehow we were alternating our voices, giving Blaise a clear picture of who was talking.

Blaise smiled, a kind of dark, creepy smile. She totally agreed with Serina, her gaze showed it. Her feelings, so happy and relieved that the time had finally come that we could try out our powers, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed, as well.

“Yes, training…” Serina said in a matter-of-fact voice, ‘…is there a problem, little ‘un?’ She continued in my mind.

“Uh…no. Not at all…” I gulped, knowing I am capable of nothing with my powers… besides blasting them out of my hands by accident in means of self-defense… Other than that, in terms of control, I couldn’t do anything.

I looked at Blaise and was overcome by a wave of blood-lust, longing to go out into the battlefield, to fight, to kill… I quickly shook it away. I didn’t like these emotions one bit… but my best friend seemed completely comfortable with them.

“Alright, Alexa, want to go first? Good,” Serina didn’t even wait for a reply! I gawked from my body, the one Serina was now in control of. She continued, “Now, Blaise, you stand up and focus your energy, get ready to use your shields to block. Alexandra…” I cut her off, taking control over my own body again as I corrected her,


Serina sighed, regaining control once more, “…Alexa… you stand in front of her and attack her… but not at her, besides her, alright?” Her eyes roamed to Blaise, but she was talking to us both, “Got it you two?”

We both nod and I walk up to the middle of my room. Blaise stood up, in front of my bean bag as if she were protecting it. I was uneasy… I mean, how could I hit my best friend? Or act as if I was going to hit her?

‘It’s only practice, little ‘un… You won’t bring her harm… She is strong…’ Serina reassured me. I nodded and looked back to Blaise. She was waiting, looking patiently at me, occasionally blinking as her brown eyes bore into mine. As our gazes locked, I could feel what she felt. Adrenaline, not a lot, but it was there, pumping through her veins, the mere thought of the word “training”, “powers” or “fight” making her blood boil, making her go on full alert. In this case, I was the enemy… her eyes were glued on me, watching my every move, her muscles tensed up, ready to pounce or, if needed, kill. And yet, she stood there, looking like any normal, innocent teenage girl… that crept me out even more.

“Ok…” I said, realizing how uneven my voice was. “You ready?” I eyed her carefully. In the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder why? Why was I so scared? She wasn’t going to hurt me. Maybe it was just the nervousness I felt at using my powers against one of my friends… or just the fact that I was using my powers. Both thoughts were unsettling – at least for me. Blaise quickly nodded her head, resuming her ‘normal-girl-alert’ look again. She looked like she wasn’t expecting anything.

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