Chapter One

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But it doesn't get..

The strobe lights within the club shon all around me..

Doesn't get easierrr..

The walls bounced with the loud notes which filled my body..


As the bass dropped my body jumped and rocked along with the rest of the sweaty crowd. My mind felt blank as I allowed the sweet after taste of the caramel vodka to swallow my senses and the man behind me took hold of my waist, grinding his hips into mine. I felt nothing but the feel of his hands roaming my body and the music pulsing through my very core.

These are the nights I live for. The nights that make it so easy to forget.

I opened my eyes to the sight before me: sweaty and energized people all headbanging, grinding and dancing, all forgetting their troubles which waited for them outside the black doors of the club.

I spotted the blonde curls first before I spotted the other two girls who had accompanied me to the club. After slipping the man's hands off my body and started to walk towards them I noticed that they were not alone. 

"Sel! You know Niall from One Direction?" Demi beamed as she introduced her blonde friend to me. I could barely hear her over the roar of the crowd and the bass banging through my ear drums.

"Yeah! I saw yo-" Before I could even wrap my head around the words I was saying, the floor felt like it was tipping sideways as I bumped into Miley who was standing next to me.

'Woah, there tiger. Looks like someone is a bit tipsy," she laughed as she grabbed onto me. "I'll take her outside, get her some fresh air."

"Noo, I wanna speak to Niall some more!" After hearing those words roll off my tongue I realised that I was in fact slurring. I hadn't noticed how thick my tongue had gotten in the last hour.

"I'm sure there will be plenty time to talk some more," Niall smiled showing off his pearly white teeth. Even with my vision being a bit blurry I could still see how good the new teeth made him look. Like a man. But before I could compliment my new friend I felt Miley's fingers claw into my wrist as she pulled me outside the club. The cold air hit my hot face and blew my sticky hair into the wind, I don't think I've ever felt something as refreshing as that.

I stumbled while holding onto Miley and fell onto the ground once she'd stopped walking. She laughed again as she fell down beside me. "You, my friend, are drunk."

"And you, my friend, are not my mother," I slurred while reaching into my bag for my sweet nicotine. I could barely see that flame as I lit my cigarette which was now hanging out my mouth. Miley scrunched up her nose as she picked up a stone from the pavement and starting fiddling with it. "Whaaaat?" I looked at her as I took a long drag and blew out the smoke.

"Nothing. I just wish Liam came out tonight," she sighed as she continued to fiddle with her new found treasure.

"Ohh, the husband-to-be-or-not-to-be dilemma again?" I laid my head down on the solid ground as to rest my now spinning head. "I don't understand. You love him. He loves you. The rest should be minor details, you know?" The words felt like they were sticking to my tongue like gum to the bottom of your shoe.

Miley didn't even look up. I watched her from my comfortable position as the look on her face showed she was deep in thought. She sighed after what seemed like a lifetime. I had already finished my cigarette and had already to put it out by the time she remembered where we were and that I was lying down next to her. She then laughed when she saw how my body position, "Lets get you back inside, shall we?" 

The music greeted us warmly as the heat of the club engulfed us. I felt a bit better, my head no longer spinning as much. We dodged our way through the throng of people to get to the little booth that Taylor had booked for us the day before. I slid into the booth without taking a look at the people who now occupied the booth along with my other two friends. Not even when I slid right into a hard rock body did I suspect that 3 other boys had now joined them as well. 

I groaned as I banged my head on the table. 'Fuck."

I then heard Taylor say, "Don't mind her. She's had a bit too much to drink." I looked up to see who she could be speaking to and only at that moment did I notice that not only Niall but also two other boys had joined our little party. 

"Hiiii, my name's-"

"We know who you are," the curly haired boy beside me said. He wore an expression which, even in my drunken state, could read off as disapproval. "Selena Gomez. Party Animal of 2013." He then shook his head and took a sip of his beer.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I turned to face him. "So what? I like to drink. Its not like you're a fucking angel, Mr. Fuck-and-Duck." If he wanted to play the rumour mill so be it. I knew what the papparazzi had me tagged as and I liked the brand. I was considered 'out-of-control' and you know what? Maybe I was but I liked it that way and there was no way I was gonna sit by while this boy band wannabe acted as if he were God's given gift to Earth. 

I could tell by the way his eyes turned dark that I'd struck a nerve. "You don't even know me." He spat.

"Oh, but you know me so well?" I raised an eyebrow. I suddenly became very dizzy again and I put my palm to my forehead to try and get the faces of all the people now staring at me to stop moving.

"Are you okay, Sel?"



Next thing I know I'm on a warm white pillow and the sun is smiling at me through the curtains. And to my dismay there are two things that pop into my mind.

My banging head ache and Harry fucking Styles. 


I Knew You Were Trouble: A Harry Styles & Selena Gomez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now