Chapter Four

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"Oh my God."

"I know, I know."

"I can't believe it."

"I know."

"I thought you hated each other?"

"We do!"

"But you don't?"


"I'm so confused," Demi huffed as she fell onto the bed and lay down next to me.

I covered my face with my hands and mumbled a few curse words under my breath. 

"I'm just at a loss of words here."

"I know."

"So, what? He kissed you and you left?"

I nodded slowly as Demi summed up what I had spent an hour telling her. 

"You left him standing in the middle of the danefloor alone?"

I nodded again as I bit down on my lip.


"I know, I know," I covered my face again with my hands too embarrassed of my cowardliness from the night before to show my face. After Niall and Demi had gone for drinks I'd met up with them at Stones as well as a very handsome looking Harry Styles. "I just couldn't do it!"

"Do what?" Demi propped herself on one elbow to look at me. I just stared back at her questioning eyes hoping she would somehow know what I was planning on doing without me having to tell her. "Oh no." was all she said when she relaised what I meant. She lay back down beside me as she let what had dawned on her sink in. "SELENA! How could you be using him?"

"I didn't actually get to that stage though!" I defended myself trying to convince her as well as myself that what I was planning to do was not that bad.

"But still, Selena..." her disapporing tone just made me feel ten times worse than what I did before. 

"I know..." I whispered.

"Was this Anna's idea? She's always scheming."

"Yeah and it sounded like a really good idea at the time."

"I don't understand how using Harry's new success to reacclaim your own could have seemed like a good idea at any time?"

I groaned at her judgmental tone and glared at her from the corner of my eye. "I just need a boost, Demi. You don't understand, 'Heart Attack' has gone Platinum and every magazine wants you on the cover. I, on the other hand, have gotten no offers and 'Come and Get It' doesn't even look like its gonna get to the recording studios let alone platinum. I needed this, I still do.." I hadn't realised how upset I was about my career going under before I voiced it out in the open. Thw words hung in the empty space bwteen us before the tears started to trinkle down my face. Demi looked shocked when she saw that I'd been reduced to tear but not as shcoked as I was. "Sorry, I just-" I choked on my words as I brought my hands over my eyes as the tears kept falling.

Demi wrapped her arms around me as she hummed into my ear, knowing it would soothe me.

"I just.. I need this." I repeated this sentence to her over and over as she kept humming sweet melodies in my ear.

We lay like that for what felt like an hour when she simply said, "Okay." I knew that she would never really understand why I needed this but she knew that I did, and that seemed enough for her to stand by me. The silence followed as we continued to lie like that - our arms entangled, our faces close enough to hear each other's breathing.

I Knew You Were Trouble: A Harry Styles & Selena Gomez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now