Chapter Three

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The clapping and cheering filled my ears as I stepped onto the wooden floored stage of the Ellen DeGeneres's show. I smiled at the crowd and sent them a little wave as I made my way to the short, blonde woman standing by two comfy chairs that I am no stranger to. I've always loved being on her show, she has this way of making you feel as if this show is your home, like if you ever needed a place to breathe this would be it: right here, on these two chairs with Ellen.

"Selena! Hi! How are you? Its been so long, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" She kissed my cheek and then we both sat down, one on each chair. "Oh wait, that's because it has been FOREVER!"

I giggled along with the crowd as I leaned back into my chair and crossed my legs. "I know and I'm sorry! I've just been so busy-"

"Partying?" Ellen questioned with a teasing smirk as a photo from last night popped up onto the flat screen between us. It was one of Miley, Taylor, Demi and I dancing and laughing - it was such a wonderful picture and I smiled at the four of us. 

'Sort of..." I winked at her which caused her to laugh full heartedly. My favoruite thing about Ellen is her laugh. Its so full of life and positive energy, making her laugh was the easiest thing in the world and that just made me love her even more. "I've been recording some demos for my new album and I've been doing a lot of work with UNICEF."

"So, not busy with a particular Brit?" she raised her eyebrow at me as the crowd began to cheer and whistle. 

I thought of Harry and how angry he'd made me feel last night. I'm still not sure what had been said between us but just thinking of how he'd made me feel made me relive that surge of anger all over again but even still I gave a coy smile and looked down at my painted nails. "What ever could you mean, Ellen?"

The crowd laughed at my sly comment and left Ellen biting on her lip. Ellen looked at the audience and then looked at me. "I mean what I say, Selena. So spill the beans."

I laughed, "There's no beans to spill."

"I disagree!" she stated as another photograph appeared on the screen between us. It was one of Harry and I. The same one that had been in the newspaper article from this morning. I covered my mouth with my hand as I giggled at the picture. I couldn't even rememebr leaving the club let alone having that picture taken. I looked at the face on the screen. I never noticed how truly curly hair was. "So? What do you have to say for yourself, Ms. Gomez?" Ellen crossed her arms and relaxed into her chair.

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "We met last nigth at Stones, he was there with a few of the boys from One Direction and I was there with my girls." I smiled at Ellen but she did not seem convinced. 

"Okay," she nodded slowly. "And this photo?" The audience laughed at Ellen's persistency and I just smiled.

"Oh well, he walked me to my car," I shrugged again and sent a knowing look to the audience. I had to play this interview just right, a lot was riding on this. 

"And that's all?"

"Yeah, he seems really cool," I shrugged my shoulders again. "I didn't really get to speak to him that much since I decided to leave shortly after we met but he's a sweet guy and he knows how to have a good time." The crowd whistled and made a "oooh" noise at my last comment as Ellen cracked a knowing smile.

Hook, line and sinker. 

Ellen clapped her hands together after she'd asked me a few more questions about my new album and how UNICEF was doing and the new porjects they ahve me working on. We laughed and joked, it was truly lovely to be on Ellen's show again. I never failed to have a good time while I was with her. "I have a little surprise for you before you go, Selena." 

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