Chapter Two

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"What were you thinking?"

"I obviously was not," I groaned as my manager hissed into the phone. I could literally hear the veins popping out of her neck. I knew she'd find out about the previous night's activities, more speciifically mine. "Look, I'm sorry. But there's no such thing as bad publicity, right?

"SELENA GOMEZ!" I had to tear the phone away from my ear to protect my ear drums from the sheer loudness of her voice. I already had the worst hangover of my life and this was not making me feel any better. "People are starting to pull out of projects that have anything to do with you! You don't realize what is at stake here. Gettng drunk every night is not the Selena Gomez that everyone wants to see. You have to learn how to be resp-"

Before she could go on and on about responsibility and my 'brand' I let my mind wander, trying to block out the lecture that I had heard, not once, not twice but four times in the last week. I was trying to recollect the events of last night. I remembered getting to the club with the girls and making our first stop at the bar. I remembered the five stops after that and everything in between them but after that seventh shot of caramel vodka, everything got a bit blurry. I have a vague scene playing out in my head of lying on a pavement but then I'm sitting in the booth next to that idiot Harry Styles. I don't exactly remember what he said but I do remember being really angry.. and then everything goes blank. Next thing I'm waking up in my bed to a pounding forehead and an urge to smack that dimply smirk right off that stupid, annoyi-

"Selena? Selena? Are you listening to me?"

Snapped back to the current situation at hand I sighed and said in an exasperated tone, "Yes. Yes, I am."

"Okay, so be at Ellen's at 3. Do you understand me?"

I sighed again, "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Don't mess this one up. We need to get you a new project and soon," I rolled my eyes at the thought of being involved in another project. I just felt like crawling under the covers and sleeping this off. "Oh, and Sel? Please be more careful."

A small smile crept on my lips at that last statement, "Yes, I will try to do so. Thanks, Anna. See you at 3." 

Anna may rash my tits but she has a heart of gold. 

I walked out of my room a few minutes afterspeaking with Anna to find Demi sitting at my kitchen counter reading the paper. She didn't even look up at me when she pointed to the coffee pot next to the sink. A giggle escaped my lips - I don't think anyone will ever know me better. 

I sat on the counter next to her, the steaming cup of black coffee with one sugar warming my hands. "Whatcha reading?"

Demi rested her head in the palm of her hand as she fipped the page to continue reading the article she was completely engrossed in. "An article." I nodded as I took a sip of the black goodness. "On you." And just like that the black goodness found itself running down my chin and all over my lap. 

Demi looked up and laughed wholeheartedly as I ran for a dish cloth under the sink while vocalizing my outrage, "What the fuck for this time? Can they just not give me a break. I am NOT reliving Britney Spears's 2007 epsiode!"

Demi was now clutching onto her stomach as she nearly fell off the stool. "So-sorr-sorry," she tried to take deep breaths but it only made her laugh even harder. I glared at her from my now hunched position over the floor in order to mop up the mess I'd created. She picked up the article while trying to stiffle her giggles, "'Selena Gomez at it again? This young girl went from waving her wand on the hit Disney show 'Wizards of Waverly Place' to waving her cigarette around on the hard cold pavements of LA after being kicked out of yet another night club for drunkeness.'  Can you believe it?" Demi had now regained her serious stature to read the article.

I Knew You Were Trouble: A Harry Styles & Selena Gomez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now