Chapter Seventeen

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My heart rose into my throat as Harry began singing the opening lines to "Midnight Memories'. My eyes averted to Demi's direction and watched as she head banged, a smile on her face. I was gripping onto my hands so tightly that I could literally feel the blood flow slowing down in my veins. I looked down at my manicure, scratching at the light pink polish that my stylist had chosen for the event. 

What the fuck am I doing here? Why am I putting myself through this? 

I looked up to see the boys jumping up and down while playing around with the mic stands placed in front of them, looking at the audience and occasionally looking at a specific fan sending the crowd into an even bigger frenzy. My eyes immediately found Harry - "Nice hair band, looks hot." I mentally slapped myself for even thinking that. I spent the rest of their performance cringing at my erotic thoughts as I imagined sliding Harry's black shirt off of his body and clinging onto his necklace to bring him closer and closer to my body as he... SNAP OUT OF IT SELENA, FOR FUCK'S SAKES. 

The performance came to an end and the girls in the audience were either having heart attacks or brain aneurysm just because of One Direction's presence. Jesus Christ, it made me sick. Mr. Lopez then joined the 5 boys on stage and began questioning them on their plans for the holidays to come. 

Lima's voice echoed as he shared their holidays plans, "...and get really fat." I smiled at the joke that showed his easy breezy humour that I loved about Liam. 

"And Harry, what about you? What do you want Santa to bring you this year? Or better question: have you been naughty or nice?"

Harry's deep voice then filled the speakers: "I think I've been quite nice this year really."

Oh fuck off. That was it. Nice? NICE?! I rolled my eyes as I jumped up from my seat and stormed out the auditorium. I raced to backstage where I was greeted by the security who immediately recognized my backstage pass that hung around my neck. I walked through as they made way for me and I continued on my witch hunt, the anger fueling my actions. 

I rounded the corner to the long hallway filled with the dressing rooms. I passed Demi's and Kelly's to be greeted by the guest dressing room with a laminated piece of paper that read "One Direction" on it. I leant against the door after turning the door knob to find that it was locked. I huffed and began scratching at my manicure again - the pale pink almost completely gone. 

I heard the voices of the boys around the corner echoing as they buzzed after the performance. I looked up to the direction in which their voices were coming from as Liam and Zayn rounded the corner with a certain bounce in their step. Zayn was the first to see me and slowed his walk which Liam followed before his saw me. 

He shot me a wide smile while Zayn just sent his usual smirk. "Selena! Man, what a surprise! What are you doing here?" Liam's friendliness neever failing him. 

I smiled in return and stood from my leaning position opening my arms up to bear hug the two british boy band members. "Ah, here to support Demi, you know?"

They both nodded, the awakwardness of the actual situation at hand settling in. "Do you, uh, wanna come in?" Zayn asked politely. 

"Oh no - uh.." I replied awkwardly. They nodded, looking at each other for a moment before looking down at the ground. "I saw your performance, it was really really fantastic!"

Zayn sent a sheepish smile my way while Liam thanked me before asking, "Are you waiting here for someone? Demi?"

"Harry?" Zayn interjected.

I blushed slightly before hearing my name coming from behind the two boys. All three of us turned our attention to the other three boys of One Direction who had stopped in their tracks. I lifted my hand up to send a small wave. 

Niall jogged up to me and embraced me in a big bear hug, "We've missed you, Sel!" I giggled returning the hug. The anger rushing away as quickly as it had arrived. Liam had now opened the door and the boys began piling inside the mirrored room. Niall let go and followed Zayn and Liam inside. Louis slowly followed and raise his hand for a high five which I not so gracefully completed. "Good to see you, Sel," he said as he also went inside, closing their door behind him. 

I slowly turned to face the one boy who had not greeted me. Harry stood in the middle of the hallway, the dried sweat making his black shirt stick to his chest. 

"Hi," i said in a small voice. 

"Hi," he replied, his gaze so intense that I felt I was swimming in it. 

We stared at each other for a few moments more before he rushed towards me, grabbing my face and punding ours lips together. Hungry for his taste, I pulled on his black shirt tighter, tighter, tighter. His hands rough against the softness of my neck. 

We finished and stayed as we were, panting with our foreheads pressed against each other, our eyes magnetic. 

"...I've missed this," he breathed into the psace between us. 

"Shh.. Don't ruin this," I whispered. 

Once again, our heavy breatjing filled the empty space between us. He pressed his lips softly against mine once, twice, three times, four times...

"Stop. Stop," I breathed.

"You don't want me to," he replied, his voice equally heavy and breathy. 

"No..." I replied, feeling myself getting wrapped up in his kisses. "No. NO!" I repeated as sense washed over me. I pushed him away fast and delibrate. 

He stood his eyes closed for a moment before he opened them to reveal his hurt. "I..I'm.." I stuttered, suddenly blind sided by the look in his eyes. 

"No," he said, his voice tainted with anger.

"I can't do this again," I whispered, the words barely travelling to Harry's ears. He only grunted in return, which only made me sadder. I reached out to him but he stepped back. I shook my head, "You've been anything but nice this past year."

Without any warning  he punced on me once again, this time lifting me up and pushing me hard against the wall previously next to me. 

He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I, against my better judgement, allowed him entrance. He grinded his hips against my lower body tickling a moan out of my lips. I only then wrapped my legs around him to give him comfort. I began squeezing my thighs tighter around his torso with his every thrust. he began placing soft kisses down my neck as I looked above to the ceiling, trying to hinder the groan wanting to escape my vocal chords. 

Then, as suddenly as he had punched on me and pulled away and dropped me to my feet, taking a step back. "Fuck!" he said loudly before hitting the wall next to head causing me to jump. 

I quickly ducked under his arm and ran into Demi's dressing room two doors down. When the door was closed behind me, my breathing became uneven and the sobs began to erupt into the quietness of the dressing room. 

"Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck..." I kept muttering as I rubbed my forehead with the palms of my hands. 

I half expected, half hoped there would be a knock on the door and his sweet voice would return asking to come in so we could talk it through. 

But it never came. Even though there was a part of me that knew it wouldn't, I still waited. 



I Knew You Were Trouble: A Harry Styles & Selena Gomez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now