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a lot of you liked the last chapter and I'm very glad you all did. and i can't wait for the tears b/c cake (carter + luke) is soon to be apart and you all know it and so yeah and then carter mentioned something like ten chapters ago about someone and that someone is going to may come up in the next five chapters or six and so yeah. We're so close to 10K and that leaves 10K left to get a copy and 20K if you guys want a sequel, but do you guys want a sequel? .-.

anywhores, my friend, who's a girl, is on the varsity football team (american football for all your englanders) and I'm nervous for her first game, but I can't wait for her first game.

off topic, but here ya go and if ya like smut, go read my 5sos smut book and leave a request. (:


t w e n t y s i x :

Ashton's house was empty, kind of besides the bed and furniture. Michael would be moving into the house. Danielle and Ashton were sitting on the couch while Carter is on the floor with a pillow under her head and a blanket wrapped around her. Ashton chuckles, Danielle smiling.

"I think we should wake her up. We need to get going to the hospital," Danielle says standing up, Ashton helping his fiancé up. Danielle waddles over to Carter, shaking her a bit and she groans. "Carter get up. We need go to the hospital. We both have check ups."

Carter groans and sits up, then proceeds to getting up. Grabbing the pillow and the blanket, she throws it on the couch and rubs her eyes. She mumbles something and begins to walk towards the door. Danielle follows waddling while Ashton grabs the keys to his car and then locks the door.

They get into the car and Carter looks out the window as Ashton begins to drive. "So um where's Luke?" Danielle asks. Carter blinks, still tired.

"He said he'd meet us at the hospital," Carter falls asleep again, turning off her hearing aches and closes her eyes.

Ashton grabs Danielle's hand, squeezing her hand. "What did Luke say," Danielle quietly whispers just in case Carter is hearing.

Ashton sighs as he stops at a red light. "He said he'd tell her soon that he's a bit scared-- and trust me he is. I don't... I don't think I've seen him break down this hard before, but it's going to be hard for him and usually people don't confess the other person finds out," Ashton tells his finacé as he begins to drive again.

Danielle bites her lip a bit harshly, trying to figure out a way to not get Carter's heartbroken, but there isn't anything she can think of. No matter what way Luke is going to tell her, Carter's still going to have a broken heart in the end. "Baby don't think about it too much okay. Luke's going to tell her and everything may be a bit weird at first, but they both love each other."

Danielle nods her head and hopes that Ashton is right.

Luke arrives at the hospital, holding some roses as he walks through, looking for the room number Danielle and Carter are in. Once he finds it he knocks on the door and goes in, seeing the doctor checking Carter's ears. He closes the door and Danielle looks over at Luke, smiling at waving at him. He waves back and walks over to his girlfriend, who looks up, smiling. Luke's heart does cartwheels and he hands Carter the roses.

She blushes taking them and he takes out the small Polaroid camera and snaps a picture of her. Carter looks up and sees the film coming out and she smiles brightly, she makes a grabby hand and Luke chuckles. He takes the picture and waves it, then hands it to his girlfriend and she takes it, waiting for the color to come in.

The Fake Boyfriend // l.r.h. [completed ✓]Where stories live. Discover now