(#ΔP+3® 2

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3 words, Where Am I? As I flutter my eyes open, my head aches a lot as if it was hit by a hammer multiple times. I tried to move but I can't. My arms and legs were tied at the chair I'm sitting on right now. Oh this has to be a very special day of mine!

I struggled to break free but failed. The ropes are sure tight that if I struggle more, my skin might get sliced. Great. Just great! I wanted to get my sword real bad but I can't ease the pain anymore. I'm 100% sure that I already have bruises on my body.

A creaking sound and footsteps of what seems to be owned by many people lured my attention. My head turned to the left, then to the right, then up, then down, then to whatever direction my head can still turn to. A light bulb was lit above my head, bringing light on the half of the room, aka the part where I'm sitting. I can here people whispering to each other. What are they gonna do to me? Maybe their gonna kill me right at this point or worst...


''Churbanecknecks?'' a person asked. I know this girl voice but I can't seem to put my finger on it. ''What's that?''

''Oh I don't know! It just popped out of my head!'' I replied. She just giggled as she went under the light. As she revealed herself, my eyes were wide open. It's Theresa! She hugged me tight when I began to stop breathing. Good thing she let go of me before I died for reals.

''OMG! I can't believe that it's really you, Kayz!'' she squealed. ''It's great to come back to Norrisville but...I have a question...WHAT HAPPENED AFTER I LEFT NORRISVILLE?! WHAT DA JUICE HAD HAPPENED TO RANDY?! WHO DI-''

''CHILL KAYZ! Just chill, I'll tell you everything,'' she cut me mid-sentence while calming me down. Soon enough, the lights switched on. Squinting, I saw few people from school, including P-Slim, surrounding the two of us. I noticed that all of them are wearing ripped and dirty clothes, bandages on some parts of their body, bandannas, and most of all, war paint. She untied the rope around me, setting me free.

Taking off my mask, I saw my limbs that are covered with bruises. Not minding it, I asked her many questions and I mean MANY. She sighed as a tear escaped from within her eyes. The others bowed their heads and started to sob quietly as possible. She invited to sit down on the floor with them as I just go with the flow. Wiping the tears, she told what happened.

''2 weeks ago...''

Author's POV
The bell rang, alarming the students that it's already lunch break. Randy, Howard, and Theresa went to their usual table, the one near the window. As they sat down, Randy turned his head toward the window as if he was expecting something to come out. Sighing, he just looked back at his lunch and ate quietly. Howard put an arm on Randy's shoulder, his face filled with sadness.

''C'mon Cunningham, you know that she's not gonna popped out from the window like last time, right?'' Howard said, patting his back.

''I know, I know. I just really miss her you know,'' Disappointed and heart broken, the memories of him and Kayz flooded within his mind. ''If only I can see her, one last time...''

Soft sobs escaped from his mouth while tears escaped from his eyes. His two buds comforted him when something unexpected happened. Roars and screams filled the atmosphere, just outside the campus. The 3 friends looked outside the window. Monsters. Monsters. Monsters everywhere!

Just near the entrance of the building, there stood the known dead Sorcerer, together with the love of his life, The Sorceress. They're turning people into monsters. The cloudy calm sky turned dark and stormy. Green and purple lightnings struck down to the earth's surface, creating large and deep craters. How is this even possible? Who brought him back to life?

Randy put on his mask and smokebombed a few meters away from the two. Both the Sorcerer and Sorceress smelled the disappointment and heartbrokeness of Randy which leads them to him.

''Disappointment and heartbrokeness aye,'' the Sorcerer and Sorceress said in unison. ''Now what would the Ninja looked like...after getting stanked!'' green and purple mist started to surround him. Uh-oh...

End of flashback...

''So yeah, he got stanked and turned into one of the dark side's henchman,''

''So you're saying that...it's my fault why Randy got stanked?'' Kayz asked. Theresa and the others nodded slowly as a river of guilt rushed inside her body. A sigh escaped from her mouth when she noticed, where is Howard?

''Hey guys, where is Howard?''

''Oh, he's looting for things we needed to survive until the war is over...if ever...'' Bucky said. His tone filled with lost hope and faith.

''Wait, so you're saying that...HOWARD IS OUT THERE, LOOTING BY HIMSELF?!'' Kayz shouted. Everybody nodded in response as she smacked herself with her hand. ''GUYS! THERE'S A WAR OUTSIDE AND YOU LET HOWARD ALONE! ARE YOU GUYS NUTS?! HE MIGHT BE BEING CHASED BY RANDY ALREADY OR WORST!!!'' she shouted at the top of her lungs. She puts on her mask and told Bucky, Theresa, Heidi, Flute girl, Stevens, Debbie, Doug, and P-Slim to accompany her on searching for the missing squid(ward, XD)...aka, Howard.

Once they're out of the known 'secret' headquarters (but in reality it's just a bookstore), all of them started to search for him. They told her that they've been doing the same routine for weeks now and that it never gets old. No one was in danger while doing the routine that's why it became official. They also told her that many people had turned into monsters and became slaves. She asked them if they had any idea on where they are right now but all of them shook their heads.

Heidi said that the Sorcerer and Sorceress are not alone. Many villains all over Norrisville joined forces with them, meaning that the dark side have gone stronger than before. Kayz noticed that her teammates have many weapons on them, including guns. P-Slim said that they have gone into a kind of weapon store and just loot all of it. She looked inside her bag and saw that her now silver nomicon is glowing. She told them to keep going as she got shloomped inside.

Landing with a thud on top of a branch. Under it, a pond filled with fishes swimming around it was seen. After a few moments, words of wisdom appeared. ''What is wrong for you is right for others,'' she said it out loud. Soon, a doodle of a big malnourished fish encountered a small healthy fish. She assumed that the two fishes are talking to each other because of the bubbles that are coming out of them. Later on, the big fish ate the small one as it turned healthy like the one it had eaten.

''So you're telling me that...I should be eaten to save the world?'' she asked, her eyebrows furrowed. The ground shook, notifying her that it's not it. ''Will you just tell me directly?'' After asking, the big fish jumped out of the pond and using it's big mouth, it ate her with just one gulp.

She popped out of the nomicon and saw that her teammates are just standing and leaning against the wall, waiting for her. Continuing what they're doing a while ago, they came across an abandoned mall. Debbie said that this is where they always loot for things that they'll need to survive. Sliding the doors open, they stepped in. Chills were send down to Kayz's spine.

Kayz's POV
Everything felt like I'm in a horror movie. The lights above us were flickering every second. The sounds of static tvs, dripping water, and other more creepy sounds frightened me. It's like I'm going inside a horror booth then chickening out cuz I can't take how horrifying it is inside like duh, it's a horror booth. As we went deep within, another question popped out of my mind.

''So...where's Firsty and Plop Plop?'' I asked. Everyone stopped on their track and looked at me. They looked down at the floor and sighed. Theresa put a hand on my shoulder as she tried to make eye contact with me but couldn't for some reason. She went near my ear and whispered.

''They're dead...''

The Mission 2 (Sequel of The Mission, an RC9GN fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now