(#ΔP+3® 5

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(A/N: Burn! Its hot in here! There must be NomiRandy in the atmosphere! XD What up cheer reference!)

He smirked and winked at me as his hands made it's way to my waist. He pulled me closer to him that both of our chests made contact. His fingers held my chin and turned my head toward him, his eyes staring deeply into mine. I can feel him leaning slowly inch by inch when our noses touched. He closed his eyes as he came closer and closer that I can already felt his minty fresh breath on my skin. His touch was now making me melt. A question was created inside my mind...What soap brand does he use? Meh gawd! I have to buy that!

Where was I? Oh yeah.

There was only a tiny gap between our lips before we totally kissed. Should I really do this or not? Well...let's just say that I'm going to go with the flow. I can feel his breath coming in my mouth. Our lips are only a millimeter away when... I heard him giggling. Fluttering my eyes open, I saw him LMAO-ing while rolling and crying tears of joy on the ground. Well that's just awkward. Soon enough, he stopped and dusted himself of. Another worth-melting-for smirk was placed on his face.

''So you do have a crush on me,'' he said in a rather irritating tone. I slightly pushed him that made him stepped forward a bit. He chuckled a bit as he caressed my cheek.

''Want another spark?'' he asked. I slapped his hand away from my cheek and respond.

''Sorry, I might get burn next time,'' I snapped my fingers infront of him as I left him with a blank face (baby! And I'll write your name!). Once there was a huge gap between us, he catch up with me and wrapped a hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He nuzzled his face on my shoulder when he bit me. Pulling away, a bite mark was left on my shoulder. My hand rubbed it a little and I could say that it's a little deep.

The heat inside of me started to rise up. And no, I'm not blushing. Soon, my blood started to boil. Silver sparks and a ring of fire surrounded me. My eyes glowed pure white. I started to float above the ground. A streak of fire went toward NomiRandy which sends him running away. I can't control it. It's like it has a mind of it's own. No matter how hard I tried, I still can't control it so I guess I have no choice but to see him burn. I calm myself down.

I stopped floating, my eyes stopped glowing, the flames and sparks both disappeared into thin air. That's just weird...

NomiRandy's POV
How the juice did she did that?

Before she even smashed her smokebomb, the one she pulled out from her pocket a few seconds ago, I sprinted toward her and grabbed her arms and waist as she struggled to break free from my grasp.

''Want to save the world? See me at Greg's Gamehole at 12 midnight, sharp...if you don't want any of your friends dying infront of your eyes,'' I threaten. I can sense her, all frightened. I snatched the smokebomb from her hand and smash it for her. Once all the gray smoke is gone, she is gone also...

Using my two hands, I opened the two big doors that led to my masters. The room is huge. It has all these green and purple colors inside. Two thrones were on the very top of the mini staircase, where the Sorcerer and the Sorceress sat, talking about the future world domination. Stanked Randy and I walked toward the throne side by side as we kneeled infront of them.

''You've called for us,'' we said in unison. Both of our masters hummed and nodded at the same time.

''We did,'' the Sorcerer said. ''So what happened on your patrol my dear henchmen?''

''A lot has happened,'' Stanked R said. ''Right NomiRands?'' he nudged my elbow slightly hard as I rubbed the part he hit. I nodded a little bit. Both our masters told me to speak up when Stanked R spoke for me...as what I assume he will be doing next.

''The Silver Ninja is back...'' I could feel the disbelief inside of our masters just by looking at there faces. They both slammed their palms on the arms of their throne and stood up. Gritting their teeth, they asked us on what happened next.

''Ask NomiRands, he's the one who stayed with her...ALONE,'' when I heard him emphasizing the word alone, the memories a while ago flooded in my mind, repeating every move and word. All of them stared at me, waiting for my respond. Since I have no choice, I told them, even if I know that I'm gonna be in heap of trouble. I was about to speak when SR butted in.

''Did you guys make out?'' If only I can kill him but I can't...after all, he is the original while I'm the clone and what happens when one of us get injured? The other one gets the same treatment as well. Bummer!

''I wouldn't say 'make out', I prefer the word 'flirting' instead. Don't worry, we didn't go that far. Were gonna meet again at midnight at the park again and...''

Kayz's POV
I'm here at the headquarters already, eating cup noodles while reading a book on the cold marble floor. Skullix was sleeping beside me, his light snores making me giggle. It's already eleven in the evening. I can't seem to sleep after everything that had happened awhile ago. The bite mark he gave me is still there, aching, turning red in color. What will happen if I met him again at the park...AT MIDNIGHT?! And why would it be midnight?

Shrugging, I continue to eat and read when it started to get a little windy at my spot. It's very impossible that the aircondition can do this...cuz I know it's broken. The cold wind gave me shivers down my spine, causing me to grip on my jacket. Without further notice, another ring of fire surrounded me, giving me warmth. I don't know if it is just me? Or the elements are starting to have a mind of their own? Or I'm just getting paranoid? Who knows.

I wonder where the wind came from but what matters most is that it stopped. The fire soon faded. I felt something or someone was lurking in the shadows but I just shrugged it off cuz I might not sleep cuz of too much fear. Once I'm done eating, I assume the cup as if it was a basketball and threw it at the basketball hoop AKA the trashcan and she shoots, she scores! I closed the book and placed it on the back of my head. Might not be as soft as a pillow but it's all that we got. Soon, I fell asleep...

Someone's POV
Little bit earlier today...
I was just on top of a building, scanning the whole city for any signs of life. Two humans caught my attention and it looked like they're gonna kissed when the guy started laughing. Do I know them? Yes I do. How? Because it was spread all over the news. The girl is the Silver Ninja named Kayz while the other one is NomiRandy, AKA the clone of the now Stanked Randy. NomiRandy bit her shoulder which made her push him away.

Little while later, a streak of fire was now chasing NomiRandy. Question, how did she do that without her mask on? When that is over, a smokebomb was smashed on the ground, gray smoke coming out of it. I can see her running as I followed her. She went inside a bookstore, the bookstore that I always visit and buy art supplies before the whole Norrisville crumbling to pieces. Oh how I miss going back.

I entered the store from the broken window at the back. In every part of the store, this is the only part that wasn't been covered enough by planks of wood. I slowly moved some planks away as I got inside. She's now on the floor, eating cup noodles while reading a book, a kind of skeleton wolf by her side.

''Ninja air fist,'' I whispered-shouted. I continue to do the same technique until it became windy, enough for her to be all cold. The same ring of fire surrounded her again, warming her up. I stopped what I'm doing as it also disappeared. This most likely to catch my attention. She fell asleep on the floor after eating as I thought of staying here for a bit, all I ever wanted is to know how she did that. I lay on top of a book shelf as I drifted of to my dream land.

(Attention my very beautiful readers! Just wanna make an announcement that I will update between friday to monday cuz I'm starting to get busy because of too much schoolwork, ok? Ok. What up TFIOS reference XD)

The Mission 2 (Sequel of The Mission, an RC9GN fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now