(#ΔP+3® 16

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Kayz's POV
''Kayz, wake up, it's time to go,'' My vision is still a bit blurry but after a few blinks, I can see clearly that Theresa is still shaking me frantically. Stretching, I got off of my slumber and was about to get the keys from my sling bag that is just right beside me while I'm sleeping. Opening it, my hand searched inside it in every area and corner but I can't seem to feel anything but my other stuff.

A smirk replaced my usual expression everytime that just made the others look at me like I was high af.

''Why are you smirking like a psychopath? And where's the keys?'' Howard asked, more on demanding. I pulled out a key from my pocket and swing it in front of him. ''Why is there only one? Wasn't it a bundle yesterday?''

''I managed to get the keys that are useful like the key for the dungeon and so e other more. The other keys that are still together have been stolen from one of you guys because one of you are working for the Sorcerer. I felt someone tugged my bag and I heard the keys' clink a little loudly that my ears heard it. I also heard 2 people having a tiny conversation and that I can smell chicken,'' I explained to them. ''Now what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here,''

Walking toward the lock, I inserted the key inside and turned it. I took off the lock and put on my mask as we started searching for the Sorcerer's throne room cuz I had a feeling he has one...but wait, I did manage to write a note and placed it beside the lock that was now on the floor. Who's the boss now, Randy?

As we roam around the hallways, two medium door caught my eyes, making me stop in front of it, my groupmates stopping. They went to my side as we all read it a loud.

''Trophy room,'' Is what it said. How come they have a trophy room if there are no so-called 1st place for best of taking over the city nor Best in making people into monsters. I guess we have to find it out ourselves.

I inserted a key or two before it opened completely.

Inside the room, dust particles are visible and cobwebs too. Streaks of light coming from the ripped stained old curtains, the window glass filled with tiny cracks. Everything seems like I'm in a horror film...I mean we're...Everything seems like WE'RE in a horror film. Rats and mice roam around the place and squeaked at the highest note of their voice.

Everyone turned to the left as we saw...gold, tons of gold. Beside it were other bunch of stuff but what really caught my eye were 2 long red coffins that was laid beside each other, surrounded by gold and other things. They should really rename this room to 'Cemetery'.

''I wonder what's inside those coffins, do you think we should open it?'' I asked them. They all exchange faces at each other, which made me sigh and just go for it. I took tiny steps on the gold because I might slip. My hands felt the dusty lid of the coffin when I felt something at the somehwhat head of it. A gold plate filled with dust is placed as my hands wiped the dust away. My eyes widen in horror. I turned to them and told them to take a look.

They stand beside me and read the letters that were on the plate as they get the same reaction I expressed.

''First Ninja...''

S.R.'s POV
NomiRandy and I were just meditating in our room, just meditating, nothing else. A lamp was lit in the middle of our room, giving us a dim light that seems to be fine for us. I was just in the middle of my session when NomiRandy spoke. ''So how's Kayz?''

The question made me startled a bit and look at him with a 'what-do-you-mean' look on my face. ''Oh you know what I mean, don't tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about,''

Sighing, I put up my hands in defeat. ''I know, I know. I'm not in the mood to talk about it right now,''


''Ninja!'' Before N.R. would even finish his sentence, a guard slammed the door open and started to shout immediately. We turn to him and asked why he interrupted our conversation...even though I really wanted it to be interrupted for N.R. to stop talking. ''The prisoners escaped!''

''How?!'' I reacted, standing up in a straight position. ''THE KEYS ARE WITH ME! HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO ESCAPE?!" The guard just made his shoulders move up, saying to me that he does not know. I pushed him away from the entrance of my clone's and I room and sprinted to the dungeon.

Once I reached my destination, I found the lock lying on the floor, a piece of paper behind it. I kneeled down and read what it is written.

Guess who just got outsmarted by me?
Who's the boss now huh?

I crumpled the paper with my bare hands and huffed back to my room when I heard chatters from somewhere near me. My feet began to walk while my ears began to detect where the sounds are coming from. My feet stopped and made a few steps backward. I looked at the plate on the door. Trophy room.

'So you guys are here huh?' I turned the knob and went inside the room. No noise was heard. 'They must've heard the door creak,'

The red coffins were wide open but no person was inside. 'Where the juice would they even place the dead bodies?' I asked myself, still looking around the place. Soon, the door creaked and was locked instantly. I glance at the door and saw no other than Kayz, her sword pointing at me.

I chuckled a bit and raised my hands up in the air. ''Yes you are smart...but not smart enough,''

''Heh, I thought villains like you are too lazy to read, guess I was wrong then,'' she said with a smirk on. ''Now what are you gonna do now, Randy?''

My lips slightly curved as it formed a smirk like hers which creeped her out. After a few moments of silent, I screamed at the top of my lungs, that everyone could hear all over the tower. After so, loud footsteps began to be heard all over the outside of the room. I glanced at her and asked. ''Who's smarter now huh?''

The Mission 2 (Sequel of The Mission, an RC9GN fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now