(#ΔP+3® 6

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Kayz's POV
As my eyes fluttered open, I came face to face with Skullix...who's tongue is out. His saliva had come out of his mouth as I instantly got up, a streak of eeky-gooey saliva on my cheek. I sprinted toward the store's bathroom and washed my face with soap and water, wiped it with wipes, rubbed it with hand sanitizer, and lastly, I repeated the 3 things I have done a while ago. That just had to be the grossest thing I have ever felt in my entire life...maybe.

After that, I went outside the bathroom when a nice aroma lingered between my nostrils. It smelled like...newly-cooked ramen, with a mix of...roasted chicken, with a dash of...IDK and IDC anymore, I have to eat now! I ran, almost stumbling and slipping because of the marble floor, to where the scent came from as I saw a giant box. Murmurs and shushes were heard inside of it. The guys must've hid inside of it, I wonder why. I've knocked on it for 3 times when it's sides fell.

A cloud of dust blinded me. I coughed a bit as my other hand started to wave, driving away the dust that is going toward me. Once the surroundings were cleared, my eyes widen with surprise as my hands found their way to my mouth.

''SURPRISE!!!" all of them shouted. Behind them we're all sorts of food that really make my mouth water. It looks like I'm in an all-you-can-eat buffet! I ran upto them and asked what this is all about.

''It's all for you!'' they all said in unison.

''For me? Why?'' I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

''Well, we wanted to celebrate your returning here at Norrisville,'' Theresa explained, her hand on my shoulder. I just nodded in agreement as we started to eat till we get fat and die, the end, XD...

Someone's POV
I can smell food and hear people chattering nearby, awakening me from my deep slumber. Opening and rubbing my eyes, a yawn escaped from my lips...a very loud one. The chattering sounds soon disappeared, I assumed that they have heard it, uh-oh. I used stealth-mode to get out off here when something...or someone bumped me, making myself land on the hard, cold marble floor. Groaning in pain, the tip of a sword was placed on my throat. I glanced at the one who's placing the sword on my throat but the person was against the light.

''Who are you?'' It said with a deep sound. ''Where did you came from?'' 'Umms' and 'uhs' were heard from me. Beads of sweat forming inside my now drenched suit. I heard the person's gasp.

''Another blue ninja?! How is that even possible?!'' the person yelled in disbelief and stood up. My eyes widen for I'm infront of the Silver Ninja aka, Kaytlin De Guzman, for short, Kayz. She stared at my eyes and tilted her head.

''It's very impossible that that's Ash cuz I haven't done any cloning yet so far,'' she said. ''Who are you, ninja?'' I stood up straight, pushing away the blade, and spoke.

''I'm the Blue Ninja, another student of Firsty,'' I explained. Soon, she started to giggle to the fact that I called the First Ninja, Firsty. ''Firsty said to me that I should call him that cuz it reminds him of you and that your gang misses you very much,'' squeals were heard from the others as they started to nudge their elbows at Kayz's elbow. She just rolled her eyes as she asked me of my true identity.

''Sorry but once a ninja is known, he can never be unknown,'' I stated base on what Firsty said...and the nomicon.

''Well...since you're a 'she' and not a 'he', you can trust us with your identity like cmon, Silver is here, you can trust us,'' she said, her hand on my shoulder, staring down at me (since I'm a little smaller than her)...on my green orbs. I gave out a sigh and was about to speak when Theresa butted in.

''Wait...that voice...I have heard it before...those green orbs...I have seen them before too... Is that you...Carla?'' I frozed. My legs were stucked on this position. I glanced at Theresa as I gave them a surrendering nod and a sigh of defeat.

''Nice senses, Theresa,'' she complimented as Theresa thanked her. Both of them giggled then turn their attention to me. ''You can take off your mask now,'' I followed the Silver Ninja's order as they saw my true form...

(A/N yesh! I get to update!....even if I'm sick so I apologized if it's short cuz yeah...i'll make it up to you guys at my other fanfic (Never Been Better), kay bai

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