Modern! Eren X Reader - Old Friends?

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This was a request from demigodMaddison! Go follow her!
Attack On Titan~

How did this happen? All you wanted to do was see the animals in the forest near your house, and now your in a ditch. There's massive pain in you left ankle, so you must of sprained it. "HELLO? IS ANYONE THERE!?"
No answer... of course. No, wait a minute, was that... movement above you? You see brown hair and shining green eyes, a boy? He looked so familiar to you.

"Um, excuse me? Do you need help?" The familiar boy asked, his school uniform was the same as yours. Was he an upperclassmen?

"Yes please..." Your uniform was ruined and tattered but still wearable. The boy climbed down the ditch carefully and plopped down beside you.

"The names Eren Jaeger, third year! How about you?" He smiled, extending his hand out.

"(Y/F/N). I'm a second year, it's nice to meet you too..." You shyly took his hand in yours and shook it.

"Can you stand (Y/N)?" You tried to stand but couldn't. He turn around and put his hands behind his back.

"Here! Climb on!"

You put your arms around his neck and climbed into his back. He stood up and you felt his hands on your legs to steady you. He started to climb up and out of the ditch, while you winced in pain when your ankle moved. He carried you until you were out of the forest.

"Is your house close? I can take you there so we can look at your ankle properly!"
You pointed to a cabin not far from where you were standing, in fact you were quite close to school too. He ran you to your doorstep and slouched down a bit so you could have more access to the keyhole, then he went inside and put you on your couch. He went back and closed the door. You told him where the kitchen was and he went to get your medical kit and some ice.

"This may hurt a bit, just breath, okay?"
He smiled and slowly took of your shoe and socks. Tears began to form in your eyes when he touched you foot but you wiped away the tears with your uniform sleeve. He put ice on your ankle and stood up, putting his hands on his hips.

"That should make it feel a bit better. Do you need a drink? Where's the cups?" You nod your head and point to the cupboard next to your fridge.

"In there..." You say quietly. He leaves to grab you a drink while you think about life. You go to grab the TV remote when you lose balance and fall off the couch. A loud bang could be heard throughout the house. Eren came rushing in the room, a glass of water in his hand.

"(Y-Y-YN)? A-are y-you okay?" He rushed over to you, put the water down and tried to pull you up. You put too much pressure and weight on your sprained ankle that it didn't work out, due to you falling on top of him. It all happened to fast that you didn't realise what happened until after a few minutes.
You and Eren... were kissing.
Both of your eyes were wide open and you faces were bright red. You both didn't know what to do, your first kiss has just been stolen and he didn't pull away. It lasted for a few minutes before you both pulled away.

"D-d-did we j-j-just d-do what I-I think we j-just d-did?" You couldn't speak properly, still on top of him. Eren sighed, you could tell he was nervous.

"I believe we d-did..." His eyes were looking away from you, his face flushed and his voice was shaking. You and Eren couldn't look at each other as you both sat up, you wincing in pain.

"Are you okay?" His voice filled with worry.

"I'm fine... Don't worry" You smile slightly at him.

"If... If I told you something bazaar, would you believe me?"

"Yes, I would..." He didn't talk for a while until he finally sighed and looked into your eyes.

"I've actually know you for a long time... Since we were kids actually. I've wanted to tell you for a long time now, but I was scared..."

Suddenly, memories of when you were a kid flashed in your mind. You and a shorter kid playing hide and go seek, baseball and doing normal kid stuff together. Your childhood friend from a long time ago. You remember him leaving because his parents didn't like you. You were a troublemaker back then, and he was a goody too-shoes. You would have so much fun together, but it all ended when he had to move. Back in reality, Eren had a sad look in his eyes, you hadn't answered him yet.


"Yes (Y/N)?"

"I'm sorry I forgot about you..." You hugged him, trying to forget about the pain in your ankle.
"I remember everything! When we were kids, how we're use to play together all the time, how your parents hated me..." The grip around you tightened. "And I'm sorry for being the reason you left... I guess I liked you too much that I got a bit too angry at your parents... And uhh, Eren?"


You pull his face closer and lightly kiss him on the lips. "I love you Eren". His face was burning a dark crimson colour.

"Um (Y/N)? If you don't mind, c-could we t-try that k-k-kiss a-again?"

He didn't have to ask twice when you firmly wrapped your arms around his neck. His arms loosely wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. You lips touched and sparks flew around the both of you. He licked your bottom lip, begging you for entrance which you denied. He grabbed you thigh and squeezed, causing you to open your mouth. He forced his tongue in your mouth and you both fought for dominance, which he won. He explored your mouth, claiming it as his. The kissing lasted for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only a couple of minutes, when you had to pull away for that dam thing called Oxygen.

"I love you too (Y/N)!" He said smiling.

Let's just say he stayed with you for a long time after that day!

Thanks for reading! Sayonara~

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