Kirito x Sick! Reader

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Sword Art Online~

Y/N = Your Name
B/S = Brother or Sister

You and Kirito had been friends ever since he saved your life in SAO and you had escaped with him and everyone else. Right now though, you were at home lying on your couch with the worst throat infection in the world. Your voice had started out so hoarse that people could hardly understand you when you talked. It had gotten better over the last few days to where people could finally understand you, but it was still hurting like hell.

Right now you were home alone because your parents were away on a business trip, your little B/S was at preschool and none of your other relatives could come look after you due to business, school or them living in different countries.

At least your non-online friends had been constantly calling and visiting you to see how you were, so you were happy  to have friends like them.
After another 20 minutes of just sitting there in the heat with your fan on watching TV, your phone started to ring on you kitchen bench. You lazily got up from the couch and walked towards it picking it up and answering, a worried voice on the other side.

"(Y/N)? Where are you right now?" His voice ringing in your ears. You open you voice to speak, your tired voice ringing through his ears.

"H-home... W-why?" You hear shuffling in the background. All you can hear before the phone call stops is three words.

"I'm coming over!"

Your face flushes red, your crush was coming over. You walk into your kitchen and grab a juice box, opening it and drinking it. 30 minutes pass when you hear a knock at the door.
You walk over to the door and open it, a puffing Kirito standing before you.

"H-hey.. *deep breath* (Y/N)..."  You motion him to come in, he walks into your house, and you close the door. He takes some deep breaths before turning around.

"Now that I'm here, I'm going to make you some soup!" He smiles brightly at you. "You go sit on the couch okay?"
You nod as he walks into your kitchen. You hear some shuffling of pots and pans, you quite excited to eat his food. A few minutes pass when you start to smell something delicious wafting through the air, chicken noodle. He suddenly walks out with a class of water and some medicine in his hand. He sits down and gives them to you, and you eat and swallow the medicine.

"Um.... K-Kirito?" You say as he looks at you. "Who told y-you I-I was s-sick?"

"Actually, I passed by your little S/B's preschool! He/She asked me if I was going to see if you were any better..." He looks away from you. "You could of told me you know..."

"I'm so-sorry!" You put your hands up to your mouth and coughed, "But I-I really didn't w-want you to worry a-about me..." He looks up at you, then smiles.

"Of course I'd worry! Your my friend!" The word 'friend' stung a bit. "Anyway, I should go check on that soup! I'll be back so just relax!" He left you on the couch and went back into the kitchen. You sit there watching the TV again, contemplating whether or not to say that you are in love with him.  For the next 30 minutes, you stare blankly at the TV, until a tap on your shoulder takes you out of your trance. You turn to see Kirito holding a steaming hot bowl of soup on his hands and he motions for you to take it. You grab it and place it in front of you, leaning over the bowl and drinking a spoonful of it. It wasn't too hot but it wasn't cold, it was just right.

"T-thanks Kirito..." He nodded, smiling as he looked over at the TV. You look back over at him, a blush covering your face. Since when did he get so good at cooking? You put the bowl down and and turned to him, hesitantly placing a kiss on his cheek as his face flushes red.
"It was d-delicious, thank-k you..."

"Um... (Y/N)? D-do you... *Breath* Doyoulikeme?"

"Wha-what?" He took a deep breath and spoke slowly, his voice shaking.

"Do you like me?" Your face flares up red as you look down embarrassed.

"I-I....Y-Yea-" You couldn't even finish your response before he lifted up your chin and shyly placed his lips on yours. Your eyes widen as you slightly feel your self kiss back. You forget all about you being sick and close your eyes, enjoying it until you push him away, remembering that your sick.
You cough, speaking through it.

"K-Kirito! You-r gonna g-get sick!" He shrugs, not really caring about it.
"I don't care, as long as I can do this..." He pulls out a note and kisses you quickly before running out the door. You pick it up and read it in your mind. Your face flushed a brighter, deeper crimson colour as you read the not in your head.

'I love you (Y/N)'

Thanks for reading my Kirito X Sick! Reader one-shot! I wrote most of this during a storm, that was bloody terrifying by the way. There was fucking thunder and shit XD!
(It really was scary!)
Anyway! If you want to request a one-shot then go ahead and ask! Also, if you want to know something about me, then go ahead and ask as well!
Welp! Bye Bye! ^~^

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