Shu Sakamaki x Reader

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Daibolik Lovers~

"Shu?" You walk around the rose garden. You've been searching for the blonde haired vampire for at least 30 minutes now, Yui telling you about a certain spot outside in the garden where he liked to sit and listen to his music alone.

You come across a cute place with a seating area. You suddenly see the quiet boy sitting up against the wall on one of the benches, reading a book. You walk up to him and giggle, weaving your way onto his lap so that you were straddling him, causing him glare slightly at you.

"What do you want?" He asks, placing his book down next to him on the ground. You cross your arms and pout.

"I've been searching for you~" You whine, causing him to groan.

"Why?" He unplugs his headphones and you smile.

"Why? Because I wanted to see you?" You say, tilting your head cutely.

"Whatever..." He said monotonously, lifting his head up to look at the ceiling.

"And... The others were trying to drink my blood..." You say quietly, gaining the blondes attention.

"Did they?" He asks, looking at you. You look down and nod slightly.

"Laito bit me..." Shu's eyes widen and he growls.

"Where Y/N?" He shouts slightly, causing you to wince. You move the top of your shirt on the right side down your shoulder, showing him a red and bruised bite mark. Blood was dripping out of the wound. His eyes darken and he moves forward, licking the mark.

"S-Shu?" You look down at him and your eyes meet. He licks it again and you mewl in response, gripping onto his shoulders as he continues to lick it.

"I don't like it... He's touched what's mine..." He moves his head up from the wound.

"Shu..." You look down, blushing slightly as you feel his hand suddenly lift your chin up.

"It's fine... I'm going to kill him later though," Your eyes are glistening with tears and he sighs, pulling you closer into a kiss. You kiss back, his tongue automatically entering your mouth like it has many times. You both pull back and he moves his head back down to your cleavage area, biting it.

You gasp but relax, you had always liked it slightly whenever he bit into you. He moaned at the deliciousness that was your blood and pulled back, licking his lips as a small smile appears on his face. You giggle as you snuggle into his chest, him placing one of his earphones into your ear and his arms instinctively wrapping around your waist.

You look up at him and kiss his lips lightly, your lips always fitting perfectly together.

"Love you Shu..." You say lovingly, as you start falling asleep on his chest. He hums in response, falling asleep with you.

THANK YOU FOR READING! I really hope you fabulous readers enjoy this chapter! It's short and sweet, and yes... He's a little OOC I think? I wanted him to be SUPER comfortable with his girlfriend! See you in the next chapter! Bree out! BYE BYE!!!!

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