Zen x Reader - Lemon

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AN: I'm gonna start using (F/N) now, instead of (Y/N). I kinda feel like changing it up, and for some more one shots, I wanna put (L/N) as well... ANYWAY!
This was requested by Airin-Chan2002! Enjoy~ Forgive meh if he is a little OOC~

Sweat dripped down his forehead as his sword clashed with Mitsuhide, his white hair swaying against his body as his red eyes pierce his surroundings. Kiki watched from the side, observing the match between the two young men. Suddenly, Mitsuhide swung for Zen's legs, the younger male tripping over onto his behind. Kiki laughed lightly, a smile on both boys faces as Mitsuhide lends a hand to the prince, laughter leaving their mouths.

"Nice one Mitsuhide, you've improved." The older male lets out a small laugh, moving towards to sword stand with Zen.

"You have too, Zen." Kiki leant against the wall behind her.

"Alright Zen, Mistuhide. we really should get back. Zen still has a pile of paperwork on his desk." Zen cringed at the thought as his two friends/servants laughed. In Kiki's peripheral vision, she noticed a (H/C), (E/C)'d young girl crouching off to the side, watching everyone patiently while holding a tube of liquid. A smile plastered on her lips as she motioned to (F/N).

"What do you need (F/N)?" The younger girl blushed lightly and gave a nervous smile,

"I have Zen's medicine..." Kiki looked over at the prince, watching him pick up his real sword. The two men had not noticed the other girl who had now entered the room.

"Zen has a few papers to finish, but when he's done I'll send him to the medical ward, okay?" (F/N) puffed out her cheeks, looking over at Zen before sighing, the sigh catching the boys' attention. Zen's face flushed a slight red at seeing (F/N), his heartbeat picking up speed.

"Just make sure he doesn't hurt his arm anymore, I might have another panic attack... and I do not want to spend another 30 minutes bandaging any more of his arm." Kiki laughed to herself, watching the (h/c) girl lift a finger and point. She turned around slightly, looking back at the boys once more.

"You heard that Zen?" Zen nodded quickly, smiling at the girls before (F/N) ran off, leaving the three others behind her.

Time Skip

A knock sounded out through the quite medical ward, startling the (H/C) girl. She stood up from her workstation and opened the door, Zen's white hair and blue eyes entering her view.

"Hello (F/N)!" The girl smiled shyly, letting the prince into the ward. The sun was setting, warm rays of light hitting his face as (F/N) moved back to her station, quickly writing down her last few notes before turning back to the boy who was awkwardly standing around.

She let out a small laugh.

"Could you sit on the bed please?" He nodded, sitting down on the bed. He watched the girl move around the room, collecting spare bandages and his medicine once more to apply to the massive bruise on his left arm.

"Okay then..." She sat on the ground in front of him, gently taking his left arm to unbandage the small cast the bandages had created. He observed her quietly, watching her expression changed from calm to gloomy. (F/N)'s moved slowly over the large purple/blue bruise on his arm, a small frown covering her face.

"It's gone down, right?" Zen's voice was wavering, the second he had shown the (H/C) girl the injury, her face had turned white and she almost fainted due to how worried she was. Her (E/C) eyes shifted up to his, a sigh leaving her mouth.

"Yes, however, it's still not healed fully..." she paused, grabbing the medicine, "obviously."

He smiled.

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