Aomine Daiki X Reader

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AN: This takes place before the winter cup.


You were loved by everyone. You were the smart student, you were sweet and kind to everyone but we're also scary when you wanted to be. You were one of the only girls that actually played basketball at Touou instead of watching from the side.

"Y/N? Can I borrow the Math notes from yesterday? I was away..." You heard your classmate, M/N, ask.

"Sure!" You smiled and handed your notebook to him, as he chuckled.

"Thank you! I'll remember to return them to you!" He waved and ran off, a smile on your face as you waved back.

"Y/N, hurry up!" Momoi shouted from down the hallway.

"Coming!" You ran up to her and smiled, waving your hands in front of you.

"What took you so long..." Imayoshi asked.

"Someone needed to borrow my notes from class, don't worry!" Imayoshi, Momoi and you started walking towards the gym.

~Time Skip~

"Y/N?" You look over to see Momoi sighing.

"Yes Momoi?" You cock your head to the side in a questioning manner while you feel a ball hit you chest. You hear a 'sorry!' and you wave in the direction of where it came from.

"Have you seen Dai-chan? He's not around here is he?" You look around and notice that the blue haired pervert is in fact not in the gym.

"Nope, haven't seen him! Do you want me to find him?" You point to yourself and she nods, smiling.

"Are you gonna change though?" She gestures to your outfit. You were wearing a singlet that slightly showed your breasts and shorts that were above your knees, which caused most boys to stare in astonishment and give most of them nosebleeds.

"Nah, I'll be back. Don't worry!" You pat her shoulder in a friendly manner and run out of the gym, looking for Aomine.

You ran to the spare classrooms and around the courtyard, finally figuring out where he was. The rooftop.

You stepped through the steel door and saw the him lying on the ground, either pretending or actually sleeping, a porn looking magazine on his face. You crept up to him and lifted the book off his face, looking at his sleeping face.

"My god... You're an idiot..." You whisper to him and look at the book pages, cringing. Nearly naked girls were on the pages and you closed the book, disgusted by the site. You sat next you his sleeping form and blushed, watching his chest move up and down. You poked his cheek and he snorted, making you giggle.

"Psssst, wake up~" You whisper into his ear and he groans, moving his body so his nose and yours are touching. The blush on your face brightens and you sit up straight, poking his cheek again. He swats your hand away and you giggle again. God he was cute when he wasn't awake.

You move you face down to his again and get ready to wake him up, counting down in your head


Your move your body over his and place your hands on both sides of his head, a smirk on your face.


You move for head down to his left ear and moves your legs on either side of him.


"AOMINE WAKE UP!!" He jolted up, pushing him with you and you grip onto his shoulders so you don't fall.

"H-Huh? Y/N? What are you doi-" He was interrupted by the sight of you. He had clear view of your... um... breasts and a giant blush was on his face. You smirked, watching him look back at your face.

"Why are you in my lap?" He asked.

"Cause I woke you up?" You cocked your head to the side.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Cause I could? And you weren't at practice..." You mumbled, looking away.

"Were you worried about me?"

"Nah, Momoi wanted you, so I came looking for you!" You exclaimed, looking back at him with a smile. He stared at you and sighed.

"I don't have to come every day do I?" Aomine asked.

"Of course not! But you didn't come yesterday so you HAD to come today, you weirdo..." You stated, flicking him in the forehead.

"Ow..." He rubbed his forehead and you smiled, giggling slightly.

"By the way..."

"Yeah?" You answered him.

"I do love this position, but why are you dressed like that?" The blush returned and you looked down at your clothes, the smile on your face turning wonky.

"I-I came looking f-for you halfway t-through practice you know!?
Pervert!!" You said, starting to stand up.

"Woah, calm down~" He said, pulling you back down on him.

"H-Hey!" You punched him in the chest and he coughed, letting you stand up. You crossed your arms and pouted, as he stood up as well.

"Geez woman! Don't do that!"

"Well don't pull me on top you!"

"You were on top of me first!" He got you there.

"S-Shut up..." You mumbled. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you glared slightly.

"C'mon... Stop glaring at me..." He whispered, pulling you closer to him.

"This is what I get for dating a idiot..." You mumbled and sighed, looking down.

"What was that?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down, kissing him on the lips. He kissed back and you let go, as your hand brushed against his and your fingers intertwined with his.

"Let's go!" You exclaim, a groan leaving Aomine's throat.

~Time Skip~

"Thanks for the note Y/N!" M/N said, handing you your notebook back.

"No problem M/N". You said, when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You looked behind you and saw Aomine glaring at your friend.

"Mine..." He muttered just loud enough so only you and M/N could hear it. M/N bowed and ran off, scared. You turns around and kisses his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm yours..."

HELLO FABULOUS READERS! I'm back~ and with this pervert too! (Even though I'm a pervert too...) BUT STILL! Hi!
*bows* I am sorry for the slow update but I've been very busy... Gomen!
Also... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 3k READS! AMAZING!! I love you guys and girls! If you want, go ahead and request someone and I'll get to it when I can!

Bree out! BYE BYE!!

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