Chapter 29: Who Needs Training?

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"All your fault? What?"

"Hiro there's no time to train, we have to barge in there like there's no tomorrow." You got up and walked to the closet.

"We have ten days, that's enough (Y/N). Are you just jealous that your brother is getting more action from Kid than you," after those words, your arm formed into part of the blade and you held it up against Hiro's neck.

"Hiro, I love you and stuff but don't joke about this, it's serious. I'm not letting him lose his virginity, not like this." Your arm goes back to normal as you pick a black outfit from the closet.

"Well, I need to change and unless you want to see bare nips I suggest you leave." Hiro gets up and leaves, surprisingly.

"I guess he understands," you smile softly and finish dressing up. You walk out of your room as a certain feline blocks your path.

"And where do you think you're going young lady?"

"I'm going to save the person I love, but first I'll need some backup so I'm calling the gang," you reach for the phone but Alfie, somehow, pounces up and claws at your wrist.

"What the hell Alfie! First you attempt to train me in the longest way possible and now you won't let me go. You're not going to stop me I hope you know that," you grab the phone and dial Maka.

"Ugh you really are making this difficult," Alfie struts to your ankle and sinks his fangs into your skin. You kick the cat onto the couch as you see blood dripping down your leg.

"I was sent by Master Noah to stop you from going on this journey to stop him. I was going to appear in front of the door but a certain blonde found me and brought me here. Good luck fighting now that you have venom inserted into your blood flow." He began to laugh hysterically as he laid on the couch, holding his abdomen.

"You really are the spawn of Satan," you open the door and called Hiro from the frame. On your way out, you looked back at the cat and furrowed your brows. "Fuck you."

You slammed the door shut and paced towards Noah's hideout. "(Y/N) can't you transform and let me do the running?"

"Can't. No time."

"(Y/N) what the hell there's enough time," Hiro grabbed your arm and yanked you back.
"(Y/N) you need to take a chill pill, those grow on trees here."

"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS DIPPY FRESH!" You cleared your throat. "I'm sorry but I don't trust my brother, not for a second and you're either with me or not on this."

Hiro looked away, ashamingly. (If that's not a word, it is now.)

"I see," you yanked your arm away. " If you change your mind, you know where I am."
You summoned Shellra and clicked your heels to the rocket settings. It wasn't that difficult finding his hideout, he was always one to make everything... obvious. You landed on the gravel outside of the entrance and skated in. The place was deserted, not a single soul was around, but then again you couldn't see them. You creeped around a corner, making sure the coast was clear, and then it hit you. Literally.

You woke up to a familiar scenery. You were sat up against the wall with chains locked around your wrists. They weren't rusted so it wasn't easy to break. The moonlight was shining on you as if it were a spotlight. You heard the door open and close and soon a figure was standing in front of you.

"Look who woke up," Noah teased. He then walked slowly to you only to lift your chin.

"Why haven't you given up yet? It's over, you lose, and Kid will be mine," he whispered.

This scene. It seemed so familiar. You soon felt a stinging pain in your thigh. You grunted, trying to hold your screams back.

"I'd love to stay but I'm afraid I have some better business to attend to. Gopher why don't you keep her company?" The little devil submerged from the shadows.

Noah whispered into his ear, it was quiet but still hearable.
"She's yours now, do whatever you like."
Your blood ran cold as soon as he left.

"Alone at last princess." Gopher walked up to you a crouched down.

"Listen I won't harm you as long as you do as I say, okay?"
You looked away.

"Refuse to talk huh?" He took the knife that resided in your thing and held it to your throat.

"Do you understand what I'm saying? Cause I hope you do." You slightly nodded your head.

"Good," he smiled and took the knife away from your throat. He took his hands and placed them at the collar of your shirt. Next thing you knew, your shirt was split down the middle.


"Uh uh uh hold that tounge missy before I take it from you." You shut your mouth.

He took the knife yet again and held it in between where your bra cups met. Next thing you knew, your bra cups hung loose.

"Ah yes, as a familiar foe would say, how symmetric." He took one of his hands and held it against your cheek while the other was on you hip.

"How about we get this show started?" As he was about to go in for a kiss, at the last second to spoke.

"How about no," and with that you kneed him right in his non-exsistant balls. He crawled up against the floor as he held his no-no spot tightly. As soon as that action took place, a familiar face barged in.

"Um nice tits," Hiro spoke with a slight nose bleed.

"Thanks but get me out of these chains before he gets up," your wrists wriggles in the chains.

Hiro went up to you and used a bobby pin to unlock the metal bracelets. He gave his jacket to you and told you to go on without him, he would deal with Gopher when he came to.

As you left, you became more aware of the surrounding, you looked around making sure there weren't any enemies afoot. Luckily there weren't.
You came across a door, one that seemed the one. You creeked the door open and almost began to cry hysterically for the person that resided in there was none other than Kid. You ran up to him crying into his shoulder before he could even process what was going on. Being locked in the chains made him useless, for he could not embrace you the way you did to him. You caressed his cheek and looked into those golden, mysterious eyes of his. Words were unecessary, his presence was enough to dial down your stress. You pressed your lips against his, for the fear that that might be the last time.

"I'm here," you whispered between your cries.

"I know," he whispered back as your foreheads made contact.

Next thing you knew, a large slam of a door ruined the moment, as Noah stood there holding the key to the only exit.

(A/N): I apologize for not updating this story enough! I'm sorry also for this tragic news but this book is coming to an end. But in case you guys haven't forgotten, there will be a sequel and a very surprising plot twist, lol don't hate me.

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