Chapter 22: Missing The Deceased

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Your alarm rang as you slammed the clock, breaking it into a lot of pieces.

"What the--," you groggily spoke rubbing your eyes.

You ignored the broken clock because you were just too lazy. You walked out your room stretching and yawning.

"Hiro *yawn* can you make me some bacon? I need my breakfast drug," you spoke opening the fridge.

"SURPRISE! WELCOME BACK!" The gang yelled. You screamed at the top of you lungs clutching your heart.

"ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK?! I COULD GET INTO ANOTHER COMA," you breathed heavily lying on the ground.

"Heh sorry," Black*Star chuckled.

"Why are you guys here anyways? I need to visit my mom today," you grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down.

"What did you think the whole 'Welcome Back' scream was for?" Liz crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever, if you need me, I'll be in the bath," you walked towards the bathroom with a handful of bacon.

"She's changed, I guess the coma must've done some damage," Tsubaki spoke worringly.

"That's not the case, her mother is probably worried since I'm the one who told her," Kid scratched his chin.

"I see, why don't you go with her Kid? Since you've got a thing for her," Patty giggled as she slightly elbowed Kid.

"It's not like that ok, we aren't dating so zip it."

Everyone laughed as you soaked in the warm water.

'I wonder how my Mom is doing nowadays,' you spoke finishing your bath.

(Now I know what you're thinking, 'How did you take a bath so quickly?' Simple. One word. MAGIC.)

You wrapped yourself in a towel and sat at the edge of the tub.

'Did Kid like me all this time?'

You walked out of the room with a (color) sweater, jeans, and (color) flats.

"Hiro can I use your car? It's a long way and I don't have anything else to use," you asked reaching for his keys.

"Ya sure, just take care of it, we'll open the gifts another time," Hiro spoke grasping a cup of coffee.

"Well I have time so how about I just open one present," you spoke walking towards the tree. You looked around to see which one to choose from until you saw Hiro pushing one towards you.

"I recommend that one," he smiled pointing to the one he pushed towards you. You bent down and picked it up, sitting next to Hiro on the couch.

"Why does it have holes in it?"

"So it can breathe."

You raised an eyebrow and with that, you ripped it open to see a baby sleeping kitty.

"Oh my gosh Hiro, its adorable," you spoke as you took it out of the box and layed it in your lap.

"I found him in a box while I went on a midnight stroll, I figured you could name him."

"How about um Alfie?" You suggested, petting the sleeping mammal.

"That sounds great, now go see your mother. She's probably worried sick," he elbowed you slightly just before putting Alfie on his lap.

"Thanks for the car Hiro, see ya tomorrow," you left with a suitcase in your hand. You started the car and drove towards Gallows Manor. You beeped the horn which made Kid rush out, leaving Liz and Patty standing at the entrance.

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