Missing Symmetry (Death the Kid x Reader)

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Chapter 1: The Beginning of All
~ 10 years ago (You're 6 I guess I don't know)
"Well hello ____, have you seen Kid," Lord Death asked.

"He exploded Mister Lord Death," you said trying to hold back your laughter. Just then a chuckle was coming from the closet.

"Oh ok mind if i take a look around," Lord Death asked with the same old comical voice.

"I don't mind as long as you don't look in the closet over there," you said pointing to the laughing closet. Just as you put your hand down, Lord Death opened the closet and there was Kid holding his mouth.

"What are you doing in the closet Kiddo, we have to leave," Death said with a smile. Kid removed his hand and laughed as you collasped onto your back laughing. Just then your mother walks in to see Death.

"How were they," Death asked your mother.

"____ finally learned how to summon her roller blades, i'm so proud, all thanks to your son," your mom said with a smile. Then Death turned around to see you summoning your blades. A pair of blades then appeared on your feet and you fell backwards only to have Kid catch you.

"Guess i also need practice on balance," you chuckled.

"Father why did you come earlier," Kid asked sadly.

"Well i want to talk to you guys for a sec, im afraid i have some bad news," Death said sadly.

"Me and Kid have to move very far away from here, and ____ i'm afraid you and Kid cannot practice anymore, you're on your own from here on out."

Tears started to swell up your eyes. So did Kid's.

"Father why," Kid asked.

"Remember that school i opened, well i cant be in two places at once so were moving there," Death said with a frown. You were shocked but you couldnt do anything. The decision was final. Death walked out as Kid trailed behind him.

"Bye Mrs. Greed, bye ____," Lord Death waved. Kid walked out and stopped before walking out fully. He turned around and pulled out something from his pocket.

"I'd thought this would be the best time to hand it to you."

He then put a necklace around your neck with a skull charm on it.

"Kid, i love it, i promise to never take it off," you said tearing up. You gave him one last hug before he left. You never saw him again.


~Present Day~

"PERFECT GRADE," you yelled as you fell off your bed.

"____, why are you on the floor," your mother asked walking into your room.

"Mom, mom, mom, chill, but i got a 99.9% on my test," you said shoving the paper in her face.

"Sweetie thats nice but why didn't you get a 100%," she asked confunsingly.

"I don't know why, but aren't you proud of me," you asked happily.

"Next time try better," she said putting away the laundry. Your jolly smile turned into a depressed frown.

"Oh ok mom," you said walking over to your bed putting away your books.

"Oh and sweetie we're moving again," she said as she was shutting the door. 'Great again, i wonder where to this time' you thought. You turned in your bed to face the window. You then held the charm on your necklace as a teardrop dripped down your face. But the tears helped you sleep faster so to you it was ok. You always felt like this, every night's the same deal. You face the window, hold your charm, and cry yourself to sleep.

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