Chapter 16: Everything's New I Guess?

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A/N:Before you start reading this chapter, if you comment "please update" or "UPDATE", it just pressures me or gives me writers block (somehow but it does) so please, if i post an Authors Note, please don't demand, i work really hard on my books and i don't want to mess them up.



The early morning rape-faced sun shined through every inch of your room.

It was bothering you. You were too lazy to walk over to the window and close it so you just put the pillow over your head. But as soon as you did, the sweet aroma of bacon met with your nose. And soon, you were out of your room faster than a flicker.

You slowly popped your head out of the corner to spy on Hiro. The wall hid the rest of your body so your eyes and the top of your head was visible.

When he wasnt looking, you started to sing the Jaws theme song.

"Dun Na...," you whispered softly.

Hiro turned around but as soon as he did, you backed away from the door. He shrugged his shoulders and he continued his breakfast master-piece.

"Dun Na...," you repeat again. You back away as he turned around again.

"Dun Na Dun Na Dun Na Dun Na DUN!!!!!," you lastly screamed while shaking Hiro's shoulders.

Hiro screeched like Finn.

"Got you good," you laugh while holding your stomach.

He heavily breathes as he holds his heart.

After a while of him regaining his normality, you helped him set up the table for breakfast. You both sat in complete silence until he shattered it.

"So, how did you like your lip-lock with Mr.Albino?," he smirked taking a bite of bacon.

The next thing you saw was Hiro drenched in orange juice.

(P.S. You did a spit-take.)

"Oh my gosh Hiro im so sorry, Gomen-Nasai!" You speak grabbing napkins and cleaning Hiro up.

"I feel sticky," he spoke touching his skin.

( If you know what i mean ;) )

After Hiro was cleaned up, you both went to sit down in the living room.

"Now Hiro, explain to me why you said that," you crossed your legs looking at him dead-straight in the eye.

"Well i woke up from my nap and got a bit worried since you weren't back yet. So i put on my jacket and headed for the door. But it was cracked open and i heard voices. I peaked out of the door and saw you both smooching it up. I backed away and pretended i saw nothing," Hiro spoke saying the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

You looked down embarrassed. Blushing madly. Sadly you were kind of sensitive when it comes to being embarassed so a few tears escaped your sparkling eye.

"So now you know," your cracked voice spoke.

"Oh my gosh sorry for mentioning it in the first place," Hiro dropped everything and went to comfort you.

"Its alright its just i didn't know what to do or what to say, i don't even like him like that, i only see him as a good friend and ever since i was injected with Black Blood, everything seems more confusing," you lost it.

"Wait, i don't think i was ever mentioned Black Blood," Hiro raised a brow.

"Oh i thought Nygus told you," you wiped your tears.

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