Derek: Just Another Typical Night, #foreverneverleftalone

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(Previously: Derek talks to Nora at the hospital, and tries to talk some sense into Kristin by telling her to say goodbye to Nora. Kristin starts to have a mini-meltdown and Derek tries to snap her out of it, and kisses her which works and Kristin takes his advice and says goodbye.)

Kissing Kristin was a mistake but I didn’t know what else to do. Shaking her did absolutely nothing and slapping her across the face didn’t even make her twitch. I should have just carried her inside and left the nurses and doctors to snap her out of it.
Real smart idiot! I roll my eyes trying to shake off my stupidity.
Oh please stop acting like you didn’t enjoy it. My inner wolf teases although I just ignore him as two cars pull up at the gas station: one in front and one behind me. It’s Argent and his group of moron’s.
Great just what I need. Well they can try and get a reaction out of me but I’m not going to give them anything.
The hunters get out of the two cars. There are three of them including Argent, and I make sure to keep all of them in my line of sight as I pull the nozzle from my car. I have to be ready for anything.
“Nice ride.” Chris Argent speaks up as I put the cap back on my fuel tank and close the door. This situation is either going to end two ways: they are going to attack me and I will be forced to fight back or they are just try to intimidate me which isn’t going to happen.
“Black cars though, very hard to keep clean.” He approaches my car and rubs a ‘dirty’ spot on the bonnet. Yeah right my car is never dirty. “I would definitely suggest a little more maintenance.” He adds as he grabs the squeegee from the bucket which is sitting near the gas pump.
“You have something that’s nice, you want to take care of it right?” he asks and starts washing my windshield. Somehow I manage to fight the urge to snatch it and hit him with it repeatedly.
Unfortunately that won’t help the situation.
“Personally I’m very protective of the things I love. That’s something I learnt from my family. You don’t have much of that these days do you?” Chris asks trying to get a reaction out of me. Instinctively my hand clenches into a fist as Chris stops cleaning my car and waits for me to strike. It takes all my strength to unclench my fist, and I mean all my strength. All I want to do it rip Argents had off with my teeth. I want to make him suffer but it’s not the place or time.
Chris nods, “There we go.” He drops the squeegee back in the bucket. “You can actually look through your windshield now, you know that makes everything so much clearer.” He adds before he starts to walk away.
“You forgot to check the oil.” I call out after him and he stops in his tracks before facing me again.
“Check the man’s oil,” he orders one of his buffoons who smashes my passenger window in response.
“Looks good to me.” The stupid soon to be dead asshole replies. 
“Drive safely.” Argent gives me a smug smile that I want to rip off his stupid face before he and his buffoons get in their cars and drive away.
Seriously . . .
Am I ever going to catch a break?!?
Just like last night the hospital is relatively quiet. I need to speak to Myers and try to avoid Kristin. Shouldn’t be too hard. I decide as I get out of my car and start making my way into the hospital. I use my werewolf sense of hearing and target Kristin- she is in her Grams room talking with Courtney.
Coast is clear.
Three doors from Myers, only three rooms when Belle shouts my name and runs down the hallway, “Hey Derek,” Belle smirks. The bad kind that says she knows something she shouldn’t.
“Hello Belle,” I reply blandly wondering what she is up to. I don’t need any more surprises tonight.
Not a single one.
“Come on Grams wants to see you,” Belle grabs my hand and starts leading the way. Every part of me wants to stop walking and continue to Myers room but I can’t deny a dying woman.
Especially one I have a connection to.
“Hey everybody it’s Derek. Kristin’s boyfriend,” Belle announces as we walk in the room and Kristin looks somewhere between shocked and mortified while her mother looks clearly amused by the situation.
I guess they found out about the fake relationship.
“It’s so good to see you again,” Nora’s voice is much weaker and I can tell she doesn’t have much time left now.
“You too,” I manage a small sincere smile even though I still feel like ripping a few hunters apart- Argent mainly.
“Well it was so nice of you to stop by but aren’t you busy?” Kristin asks as she approaches, and I gather she is going to walk me out the door.
“Oh come on Kristin don’t be embarrassed. You can kiss Derek in front of Grams, right Grams?” Belle smirks evilly and Kristin becomes tense as she stops in front of me. Surely Kristin will give up the act. There’s no way Kristin is going to kiss me in front of her mother and Belle, not when she already has a boyfriend.
Maybe I should say something? Nah Kristin is the one that made the mess and she can clean it up. I’ve got my own problems to worry about.
“Of course,” Elle speaks softly and I wait for Kristin to speak up and tell Nora that it’s all a big lie.
Any second now . . .
Kristin will come to her senses.
I watch curiously as Kristin steps closer. She can’t seriously be thinking what I think she is thinking. Where the hell is Tane?
Kristin wraps her arms around me and kisses the edge of my mouth/cheek. ”Don’t just stand there hug me back!” Kristin demands.
This is ridiculous.
Stop being a douche bag and hug her back already, savour the moment. It’s not like you have dreamt about this constantly for the past six years. My inner wolf demands. Although it’s not that simple. I’ve gotten good at pushing people away and I can’t let anyone in. Not even Kristin no matter how much I want it. The longer I am around Kristin, the harder it is keeping her at a distance.
“Derek please,” I hear the desperation in Kristin’s voice and I return the embrace making sure to block out her sweet scent and not think about how much I miss being with her and holding her.
I’m not that person anymore.
“Oh come on you call that a kiss?” Belle teases as Kristin pulls away but stays close to my side, still trying to sell the act to Nora who seems to be buying it.
“Belle enough you know Kristin isn’t big on PDA, just leave it alone.” Courtney interrupts and Belle rolls her eyes in response.
“Why do you want to watch me make-out anyway freak?” Kristin teases.
“Mom did you hear what she called me?” Belle whines.
“Oh come on you never used to care when I called you freak before you joined the werewolf club.”
“Well I care now and I’m not a freak dumbass.” Belle retorts and Kristin laughs before she grabs my arm and starts leading me out of the room.
“I’m surprised you let her win that one.” I muse out loud. Kristin always had to have the last word well at least when we were friends and dating.
“She needed a win, as much as she loves the perks of the whole werewolf thing I can tell she is struggling to feel accepted. It’s a sister thing. I can practically read her mind anyways that’s not what I want to talk to you about.” Kristin replies as she stops us a few rooms up from Nora’s.
“Okay go on.”
“Well last night I didn’t . . . You helped me out and I should probably say. I mean I kind of lost it and well you know what I mean. Well I'm glad that’s over later.” Kristin pats me on the arm and begins to walk away.
“Wait is that your messed up version of saying thank you?” I ask trying to keep my voice down. It is a hospital after all.
“Well duh.” Kristin replies and walks back into the room.
Okay then. I shake it off and start making my way to Myers room which is only literally two rooms in the opposite direction of Nora’s.
“Open your eyes.” I order Myers who doesn’t respond. I can tell by his breathing that he is pretending to be asleep. “Open your eyes.” I order once more and Myers complies.
“Look at me.” I speak and Myers' head slowly turns my way. I need to get answers. There’s a reason he was attacked and I need to know why. “What do you remember?” I ask.
“Hale.” He practically whispers.
Wait what the fuck?! “How do you know my name?”
“I’m sorry.” He apologises leaving me more confused than before.
Again what the fuck! “How do you know me?” I demand an answer.
“I’m sorry,” is all her replies with before his head leans back on the pillow and he stares up at the ceiling.
“Sorry? How do you know my name? Answer me!” I raise my voice but not loud enough to attract any unwanted attention, although he doesn’t even blink and just continues to look up at the ceiling.
Well that’s just great I’m clearly not going to get any more out of him. My night just has to get even weirder, how typical.

“Derek I know you’re here! I know what you did!” Scott barges through the door into my house and starts shouting like a crazy person. I guess I’m not allowed to be alone for more than 20 minutes without being annoyed.
Great just what I need.
“I didn’t do anything,” I reply and stay out of view. If this is going where I think it is than I want the upper hand.
“You killed him.”
“He died.” I reply as Scott stars ascending the stairs.
“Like your sister died?” Scott replies and I feel the anger begin to surge through me. He sure picked the wrong night to mess with me.
“My sister was missing. I came here looking for her.”
“You found her.”
Wow does he have a death wish because if so I’m going to fulfil it! I would never hurt the only family member I have left. Well technically there is still my Uncle Peter but he is showing no improvement.
“I found her in pieces being used as bait to catch me!” I yell with the anger loud and clear in my voice.
“I think you killed them both. I’m going to tell everyone starting with the sheriff,” Scott replies as he reaches the top of the stairs which is when I emerge behind him and throw him down the stairs.
What can I say. I don’t react well to threats.
No one threatens me in my house.
Scott shift and roars as I jump and clear the stairs, easily landing on my feet in front of him. If it’s a fight he wants than it is a fight he is going to get. Immediately I go to grab Scott who pushes me off of him and through the wall that now has a hole that resembles the shape of my body.
Wow that hurt so much . . . NOT. I stand to my feet and shake off the debris and dust. It’s time to kick Scott’s ass.
“Well that was cute,” I take off my leather jacket and drop it on the floor as I shift into my beta form.
What? It’s my good jacket and I don’t want it to get ripped.
Scott walks towards me and through the hole in the wall, and the standoff begins. It takes less than a few seconds for Scott to pounce like an amateur and I grab him, repeatedly slamming him into the wall before I throw him across the room like a rag doll.
I quickly pounce and aim to smash Scott into the ground although he quickly moves out of the way. I guess that is the only good thing about being small and puny, it means you are usually quick at running away at least.
Smack. Scott’s fist connects with my face as I turn although I don’t even flinch and as he tries to hit me again I easily block it, and elbow him in the face before I aim for his chest and he flies across the other side of the room.
If he is smart he will stay and not get back up of course he does the opposite and stands to his feet and leans over the desk. At least I’m getting to kick someone’s ass today. I do wish it was the hunters instead though.
Oh well I’ll take what I can get. I roar before I charge across the room and jump onto the table, kicking Scott in the chest who flies backwards into the wall. While he is temporarily stunned I aim for his face although he quickly moves out of the way and grabs a paddle. It connects causing me to fall and roll along the ground.
A paddle . . . Really Scott?
He aims for my face again although he isn’t the only quick one around here and I quickly move before it has the chance to collide and do any damage. In one swift move I knock Scott’s legs out from underneath him and he falls to the ground.
With one hand I grasp his throat and slam him into the ground, and again for good measure since you can never be too careful. This is the only way to teach Scott not to mess with me, and I kick him while he is down. He lunges at me in which I return the favour with claws to the chest, it turns him back to his human form.
Well that was fun. I roll my eyes as Scott grunts in pain and I shift back.
“I didn’t kill her. Neither of us did. It’s not your fault and it’s not mine.” I reply and Scott stands to his feet.
“THIS. . . this is all your fault you ruined my life!” Scott screams as he approaches and gets in my face.
“No I didn’t.”
“You’re the one who bit me.”
“No I’m not.”
“What!?!” Scott’s face becomes twisted with confusion.
“I’m not the one that bit you.” I reply and the confusion is replaced with shock before he steps back and falls onto the couch.
“There’s another.” Scott mutters.
“It’s called an alpha. It’s the most dangerous of our kind. You and I- we’re betas. This thing is more powerful and more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for him and now I’m trying to find him but I don’t think I can do it without you.”
“Why me?”
“Because he is the one that bit you. You are part of his pack. It’s you Scott, you are the one he wants.”
“This is insane.” Scott replies as he covers his face with his hands.
“It’s only just starting.”

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