Belle: New and Broken

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(Previously: Belle tells Jackson they are done for good. Belle tries to talk to Scott about his break up with Alison although he doesn’t want to hear it, and Isaac and Belle have a moment before they are interrupted by Zan.)

My life is finally starting to turn around and fall into place. Derek is healed completely and back to normal and I’m gaining more control of my werewolf abilities every day plus Isaac and I are having the “talk” today. I don’t want to sound overly cocky but I’m positive that I’m finally going to get the kiss I’ve been dreaming about.
“Hey watch it!” A fellow student hisses as we collide and bump shoulders in the busy hallway. Maybe I should start focusing and snap out of the dream world before I accidentally knock someone down on the ground.  
That’s the last thing I need, to draw attention to my super human strength.
As I’m about to reach my locker I see Jackson talking to Scott and I quickly head back around the corner to eavesdrop before being spotted, knowing Jackson he never has anything nice to say and I’m hit with an uneasy feeling in  the pit of my stomach.
“I know what you are McCall.” I can hear the cocky smile in Jackson’s voice and I feel the urge to swipe if off his face.
Put the claws away Belle! I order myself.
“What?” Scott’s voice is low and full of fear and confusion.
“I know what you are.”
Jackson can’t be talking about what I think he is talking about. How would Jackson even know about werewolves let alone that Scott is one? This is just crazy. It has to be something else.
It has to be!
“Sorry I have no idea what you are talking about.” Scott plays dumb although I know it’s not going to work.
“Yeah, yeah you do, and uh here’s the thing. However it is you became to be what you are. You’re going to get it for me too.”
Oh-oh we’re in trouble. How the hell did Jackson find out?
This is bad, so very bad.
“Get what for you?” Scott’s heart is racing as fast as mine.
“Whatever it is: a bite, a scratch, sniffing magic fairy dust under the moonlight I don’t care. You’re going to get it for me or . . .”
There’s a slight pause, and even though the hallways are full of chatter all I can hear is my heart beating rapidly.
“She is going to find out about it to.” Jackson finishes before he walks away and I gather he is talking about Alison. Well so much for my life getting back on track.
No it’s not my problem- it’s Scott’s problem. If he wants to be a moody jerk than he can deal with it without my help! Now I just need to keep my distance from Jackson. I can’t let him find out about me.
Or maybe I could just give Jackson a little warning and maybe tell him to back off although it won’t help. Jackson isn’t going to stop until he gets what he wants. Scott won’t do it. He can’t. There’s no way Scott can ask the alpha and even if he could I don’t think the alpha is the type of werewolf that does favours.
I’m getting worked up for no reason.
“Earth to Belle?” I feel his hand on my shoulder before his voice registers in my mind and all the tension and worry seems to instantly fade away. It’s as if the scene with Scott and Jackson didn’t happen.
“Hey Isaac,” I can’t help but smile. It’s almost as if the hallways are completely empty and Isaac and I are the only ones left.
Ick when did I turn into a total cliché romance movie?
“I’m sorry we couldn’t talk last night.” Isaac apologises.
“It’s okay. You had to work.” I hold my tongue. The only reason Isaac had to dig up space for Mrs Moore’s grave is because his father was too drunk to do it himself. If only kidnapping wasn’t illegal.
No I have to stop thinking about it.
“Well I got us lunch, do you want to find somewhere we can sit down and talk?” Isaac asks and shows me the full paper bag in his hands and I feel my heart start to race again although this time it’s not because of fear or worry, but the complete opposite.
“You know Zan won’t be happy with us.”
“Zan gave us a lunch pass.”
“How’d you talk her into doing that?”
“Easy,” Isaac shrugged his shoulders, “So are you coming?”  
Of course. Wait I need to say it out loud maybe I should just yes or sure or just okay or ahuh. Great now I look like an idiot.
Hurry up and say something.
“Yeah lets go.” The smile surfaced instantly as Isaac took hold of my hand and began to lead the way. It’s easy to ignore the few people left in the corridors who are staring at us. I don’t care what they think.
Not anymore. I used to think the worst of my problems was wearing the wrong outfit to school but since inheriting the family trait all those little things don’t seem to matter anymore. I’ve finally seen the bigger picture. Part of me misses those days though. I don’t feel like a 16 year old girl anymore.
“Are you okay?” Isaac asks and gently nudges me bringing me back to reality. It only felt like we’d been walking for seconds but I realise it’s more like minutes. We’re on the edge of the empty Lacrosse field, about to reach the bleaches.
I really need to stop doing that.
“Of course I was just planning my outfit for tomorrow.” I reply.
“How girly of you,” Isaac teases before we reach the bleaches and take a seat.
This is it. I can’t help but feel nervous and excited at the same time. I’m going to have a real boyfriend; a proper boyfriend. Or the opposite could happen but then why would Isaac bother being nice to me.
“Yeah,” I giggle slightly and feel like a complete loser afterwards. Why the hell did I giggle like a 12 year old girl?
Isaac smiles before he starts unpacking the paper bag revealing my favourite cafeteria items which are in separate smaller paper bags; chicken nuggets that are completely processed yet somehow taste amazing, chocolate puddings, orange juices and potato gems.
Best unhealthy lunch ever!
“Did I miss anything?” Isaac asks and passes me a bottle of juice.
“Nope,” I smile sheepishly before I reach for a chicken nugget and start nibbling nervously like an idiot.
“Are you okay Belle?”
“Of course,” I nod slightly. Okay so maybe I’m still very much a 16 year old girl. Okay I just need to take a deep breath.
Inhale and exhale. I’m feeling better already.
“Okay well where should we start?” Isaac is looking at me curiously; not that I blame him for noticing my awkward behaviour. I don’t feel awkward just nervous. With Jackson it was completely different. I didn’t have strong feelings for him and we both knew what it was from the very start.
I shrug and continue to nibble on my chicken nugget savouring each small bite as if it’s my last meal for the next week or two. It takes a lot of effort to finish off the nugget and swallow. “Well I guess we should see if umm if we’re thinking the same uhh thing?” I suggest.
The doubt which has barely been a whisper in the back of my mind is growing stronger with each second of silence. Maybe I should suggest we forget about it and just stay friends although I don’t want to just be friends anymore.
“Okay well I meant what I said. I think you are amazing Belle and I always have since the moment I met you.” Isaac sounds just as nervous as I feel and I ease up slightly grateful I’m not the only one acting like a giddy teenager.
Now it’s my turn. I gulp before Isaac reaches out and grabs my hand and I feel better; even my heart starts to even out again.
“I’m sorry I had no idea.” I squeeze his hand.
“It’s not your fault. You had your own crush although I do have one question. If Scott wanted you tomorrow would you choose him?” Isaac asks although I don’t need to think about it. I already know the answer.
“Of course not it was just a little girl crush but I’m not a little girl anymore well most the time anyway.” I smirk and Isaac chuckles in response. “Do you think you can you get past the whole Jackson thing?” I ask worried that a part of Isaac might hold that against me not that I’d blame him. I acted like an idiot.
Isaac let go of my hand before opening his bottle of juice and taking a sip. I can’t help but think the worst. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned it at all. Why can’t I just keep my big mouth shut?
“I know you regret it and I trust you Belle.”
“So what now?” I ask hopeful and Isaac starts to inch forward. Instinctively I do the same as my heart starts to race while the butterflies begin to roam violently in my stomach although it’s a good nervous feeling.
Even though my kiss with Scott was complexly different I’ve seen enough movies to know when it’s time to close your eyes, and they snap shut automatically as our faces and bodies inch closer leaning over the food.
I never thought my first real kiss would be with Isaac well actually I never thought I’d ever kiss Isaac. The feel of his hand grabbing mine snaps me out of my thoughts and I know it’s about to happen. His warm breath is tickling my face and I quickly take a small breath before I feel his soft lips on mine.
Even though we are at school and in plain sight I don’t care who could be watching and judging; all I can think about is Isaac’s intoxicating body spray that smells spicy but also has a citrus element to it.
How have I never noticed before? Never mind the kiss is over and I open my eyes to see Isaac’s face hovering in front of mine just a few inches away. I wonder if I have a goofy smile on my face that matches Isaac’s.
“Does that mean?” I start to ask unable to say the words boyfriend or girlfriend for some reason. There’s a very small part of me that almost feels guilty. Scott is heartbroken and I’m the complete opposite, and about to get a boyfriend.
“I hope so.” Isaac’s smile grows on his face and I answer by quickly placing a kiss on his lips before pulling away.
“Is that girl code for yes I’ll be your girlfriend?” Isaac asks and I quickly nod in response.
“Sure is.” I can’t wait to tell Zan that I have a boyfriend. Zan’s had a new boyfriend every year for the past few years and I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Of course I was too busy chasing after Scott like a tool.
“I have one more question.”
“Yes.” I reply almost urgently.
“But I haven’t asked it.”
“So ask.”
“Okay well do you want to go to the dance with me?”
“Sorry I already have a date.” I tease and Isaac’s smile falters. “He’s kind of tall and handsome and has dark blonde curly hair and amazing blue eyes.” I can’t help but smirk as Isaac’s smile returns.
“Well we’re running out of time and we’ve barely made a dint in the food.” Isaac shifts back slightly giving us space to shove the food in our mouths although I’d much rather spend the rest of lunch kissing than eating; of course the teachers aren’t a fan of PDA.
Boo teachers!
“Fine,” I try not to groan before I start on the potato gems.
Zan knew something big had happened. We made it back to the cafeteria a few minutes before the bell and Zan looked like she was about to burst from happiness. I was going to fill her in with all the good details, but first I had to get my books.
Or . . . I see Lydia rushing down the hall after Jackson. Well I have a few minutes before I need to get to class. I’ll just tidy up my locker quickly.
“Jackson this little text . . . Not funny,” Lydia hisses as she catches up with Jackson and they stand in the middle of the busy hallway. Sounds like there is trouble in paradise is there another couple calling it quits?
“No I wasn’t trying to be funny. I would have put a haha at the end of it and you see there’s no haha.” Jackson points to the phone that Lydia is holding in her hand; it’s a typical jackass Jackson remark.
“Lydia please return my spare house key at your earliest convenience because we are no longer dating.” Lydia’s voice becomes a hushed whisper.
Knew it. I so called it!
“You didn’t lose it did you?” Jackson asks.
“What the hell is this?” Lydia almost sounds genuinely hurt. The Queen Bee has really stepped up her acting.
“Well Lydia in preparation for some big changes I’ve decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life and you’re just about the deadest.” Jackson is smiling and I’m instantly reminded of his conversation with Scott this morning.
Jackson literally thinks he is going to get the bite, what an idiot.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Lydia is still whispering.
“Dumping actually. I’m dumping you.” Jackson shrugs and smiles before he starts to walk away.
That was harsh!
Lydia quickly grabs Jackson’s jacket causing him to halt. “Dumped by the co-captain of the Lacrosse team I wonder how many minutes it will take me to get over that.” Lydia replies sarcastically before she lets go of Jackson.  “Oh wait seconds actually SECONDS!” Lydia yells and I quickly look away as her eyes scan the area. The last thing I need it to look her in the eye and get turned to stone.

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