Kristin: Night School Part II

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(Previously: After Belle brings a severely injured Derek to Kristin’s she goes after the Alpha who was at the school with Scott and Stiles. Kristin gets a nasty wound and stitches it up herself before she returns home and hides it from her mother and sister and Kristin sleeps on the couch with Derek.)

Knock, knock, knock!
“Answer the door Kristin!” I can hear my uncle who sounds like he is about to kick down the door. Of course I’m hoping he would dig for the spare key in the flower pot before resorting to that over dramatic action.
Wait what time is it anyway? The lounge room is being lit up by the sunshine that’s breaking through the gap in the middle of the curtains. It can’t be past lunchtime. I never sleep past midday.
Why didn’t my alarm wake me up?
As I sit up I have to cover my mouth with my hand as I try to contain the scream. The pain is shooting up and down my torso, and I can feel the tears moistening my eyeballs as I slowly get my body up off the couch and cover Derek with the blanket again.
FRAK! Oh god I think I’m dying. At least I know I’m not infected. The wound would be healed by now if I were. Of course the thought only occurred to me early in the morning after I woke from a terrible nightmare where I turned into a werewolf and killed half the town.
It makes me wonder if I’m some mutant freak. I mean I was scratched by Julian six years ago and didn’t get infected and then the Alpha practically takes a huge chunk out of my side and I’m still not infected.
What’s wrong with me? Not that I’m complaining.
“Just a minute,” I reply and take a deep breath before I make my way to the door and open it slightly, trying my hardest to support my ribs but look unhurt at the same time, and it’s not easy.
Just act normal. You can do this.
Oh god it hurts so MUCH. Deep breaths!
“Why weren’t you at work? I went there looking for you and Deaton said you didn’t even call in sick. I’ve been worried about you!” uncle Stilinsky is trying not to yell but I can tell he is extremely frustrated and pissed at me.
Well I’m sorry that I was mauled last night and had to stitch my torso to stop from bleeding to death! No don’t think about it. You can’t ignore the pain if you are thinking about it but seriously what time is it? I can’t be that late for my 9am shift at the Vet clinic can I? I’m going to have to call Deaton and then I think I might need to go back to sleep- just for a few hours. Crap Belle and mom will be here soon and they are going to know something is wrong if I’m in bed.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“Derek Hale is wanted for questioning. If you see him you need to call me immediately okay?”
“Wait for what?” I ask. It doesn’t make any sense and it doesn’t help that my brain is still half asleep.
“He’s a suspect,” he replies matter-of-factly and I have to stop my jaw from hitting the floor.
“For the murders?” I can’t help but ask in shock even though I’m trying to sound unaffected by the news. He can’t be serious right now. This is either a joke or a bizarre dream/nightmare. Please be a bad dream.
“On what grounds?” I ask.
Derek isn’t a murderer.
“It’s believed that he was at the school last night and he attacked a few students. That’s all I’m telling you, it’s all over the news.”
Attacked a few students? What the hell! Derek was the one that was attacked. He has the wound to show it and is unconscious on my couch suffering. This can’t really be happening . . . No way.
“Kristin I mean it. I’m putting a car out front your house just in case.”
“No-” I start to object. That’s the last thing I need: one of my Uncle’s officers spying on me. God damn it.
“You don’t have a choice. Are you sick?” He asks.
“Just a cold. I thought I had called in sick but must have forgotten. The cough medicine is making me really drowsy so I’m going to go back to bed. Sorry I didn’t know you were worrying about me.”
“Just rest up and keep your doors locked,” he forces a smile before he walks away back to his car which is parked behind mine in the driveway. The spy is sitting in his car, out the front my house on the curb.
Great because I so need a babysitter. Why does he think Derek was the one to attack them? Please don’t tell me Scott and Stiles used Derek to cover up the Alpha’s attack.
I really am going to kill them but first I need my pain killers and antibiotics, and I have to change the bandage and apply more of the herb mixture before Belle and my mother arrive. I’ll never hear the end of it if they find out.
By the time I finish attending to my wound I check the time: 2.30 pm. Crap! I’ve never slept that long in my entire life. My body must have needed it although it wants more and the fogginess is getting worse instead of better, and I’m not even going to start on the pain. It’s almost unbearable.
For the love of god just smite me right now!
Stop thinking about the pain! I order myself.
I wonder how Derek is doing.
My actions catch up with my mind and I make my way back to the lounge room and check on Derek. He looks exactly the same, maybe even worse. His face looks slightly paler and is thinner as if he hasn’t eaten in months.
The Med Kit is beside the couch and I pull back the blanket and remove the bandage. Considering the severity of the wound the bandage isn’t as bloody as I expected it would be although it does look worse. At least it’s not infected.
Cleaning and disinfecting the wound only takes a few moments and I press a new bandage onto Derek’s chest before I cover him with the blanket. He doesn’t even twitch and his eyes stay shut as his chest continues to rise and fall.
He should be healing by now.
“Why aren’t you healing Derek?” I ask and I’m answered with silence. This is going to be a one sided conversation but I don’t care. I need to get it all off my chest even if he can’t hear me.
Here goes nothing.
Just take a deep breath. My heart is racing a million miles an hour and I try to shake off the feeling of dread.
“You can’t die Derek. I need you to stick around-” I start and try to figure out what I’m going to say next. “Before you came back to town I thought I was completely over you like 100% but I’m not over you at all.” I add and have to hold back the grin. I’m not the kind of girl that awe’s my way through one of those gushy romance movies. I’m the one that laughs at the corniness of it all. Yet here I am practically starring in my own corny romance movie.
Enough of the cringing and just get on with it already!
“I’m in . . . I still . . . I never stopped,” I can’t help but feel frustrated as the words refuse to leave my mouth.
I’m completely pathetic. Just last night I went head to head with the Alpha and didn’t hesitate yet I can’t say I love you to Derek out loud.
Once I say it I can’t take it back. I’ll be giving all of myself to Derek and I can’t help but worry that he is going to leave town again as soon as he avenges Laura’s death. Wait a minute did the Alpha kill Laura? How could I not realise this before. I’ve been so worried about all the other problems that I missed linking her death to the Alpha. My idiocy just keeps growing.
Why didn’t Derek say anything?
Wait I need to focus. I know I can do it. Besides he is sleeping and can’t hear anything I say anyway right?
“I love you Derek. I never stopped loving you and somehow I know I’m never going to stop loving you,” I sigh in relief and I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest and Derek stirs slightly before his body becomes still again.
My mother and Belle will be here soon in fact I’m surprised they haven’t already turned up although all we can do is keep Derek’s wound clean and even I know how to do that. I’ll wait until they get here before I question Stiles and Scott and find out why the hell they are framing Derek for the murders.
They arrive just an hour later and after I explain why the cop car is parked out the front I head straight for the front door determined to get answer and hopefully make sense of this mess.
“Where are you going?” The young officer asks and steps out of his car and heads straight for my vehicle.
“Visiting friends,” I reply simply.
“Derek Hale?” He asks and leans against his car with his arms crossed over his chest. He is new to Beacon Hills and almost looks like a younger Chad Michael Murray but he has the cocky and arrogant vibe which is just annoying.
“No but even if I was going to visit him I wouldn’t tell you.” I reply and unlock my car.
“He’s a killer you know?”
“Alleged killer,” I clarify before I carefully get in my car and drive to Stiles house. Even with the pain killers it hurts to sit down or stand. It’s a lose-lose situation and if it weren’t for my high pain tolerance than I would probably be in bed trying to sleep through the next few weeks.
As I reach Stiles house I see the cop car behind me keeping its distance. Is he really going to follow me wherever I go!?
“You home Stiles?” I call out after I enter the house and use the ‘emergencies only’ key my Uncle gave me to his house. The place is completely silent. Maybe Stiles is at Scott’s house.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Stiles calls out from his bedroom before he emerges and rushes down the stairs. Why does something have to be wrong?
Do I look wrong?
“Why is Derek wanted for questioning?” I ask and Stiles worried face turns guilty as he avoids eye contact.
“Uhh well we were kind of attacked by the Alpha last night-” Stiles starts.
“Yeah I know.”
“Were you there?” Stiles asked shocked.
“Yes and you are so lucky you weren’t killed. I know Scott is your best friend but-”
“I know what you are going to say but I’m not ditching my best friend and I know if you were in my position you wouldn’t either,” Stiles interrupts and he is right about that but I can’t help but feel that we’re both doomed to die protecting the ones we care about.
“Fine but promise you will be careful.”
“I promise,” Stiles replies.
“So you were saying?”
“Well it wasn’t just Scott and I. Lydia, Jackson and Alison were there, lured by a fake text message. They were asking questions and with Derek dead we sort of blamed him. I’m sorry but we had to tell them something.”
“Derek isn’t dead and what fake text message?”
“But I saw the Alpha shish kabob him right through the chest. The blood was literally gushing from his mouth like a freaking waterfall. I figured he slithered away and died in the woods somewhere.” Stiles replies and I try not to cringe at the image as it flashes through my mind.
Nice show of compassion Stiles.
“Well he survived so you can hold off on the celebration party, now tell me about the text message.” I ask trying not to sound impatient.
“Alison got a text from Scott telling her to meet him at the school and she was with Jackson and Lydia but Scott didn’t send it. The Alpha wanted Scott to kill us-” Stiles starts.
“To join his pack,” I finish and feel the anger surging through me.
How the hell am I meant to protect them? If it hadn’t been for Belle than I wouldn’t have known about the attack until afterwards. I’m lucky no one was hurt or killed and that Scott gained back control.
“Did he hurt you?” Stiles asks and I’m sure he can see straight through my act as his brown eyes bore into mine. It’s almost like he is reading me.
Am I an open book?
“No I’m fine ” I lie and force a smile.
“You’re lying.”
Quickly change the subject.
“I’m worried okay.”
“Because of the Alpha?” Stiles asks and grabs my hand reassuringly as we stand near the bottom of the stairs.
“You could’ve been killed last night Stiles.”
“I’m not the one that went after the Alpha,” Stiles replies and I can tell he is angry and annoyed.
“Promise me that you will call me if anything happens like that again,” I ask.
“I wanted to call you but . . .”
“I don’t want to lose you too,” Stiles shrugs. He lost his mother to cancer when he was young, watched her die and I can’t even imagine experiencing that pain at such a young age. Yet somehow Stiles survived and now I’m thinking of my Grams.
Damn- no I need to focus.
“And I don’t want anything to happen to you either. Trust me Stiles. I have experience with werewolves. Call me I can protect you.”
“I don’t want you to protect me. I want you to live. In fact I want you to live so long that you have great, great, great grandchildren.”
“And I can’t want the same thing?”
“It was bad enough that I had to call my father and the rest of the police force. I don’t know what I would’ve done if they were killed by the Alpha,” Stiles replies. Of course I’m the one with experience and weapons that actually stands a chance against the Alpha.
“You’re forgetting the difference between me and your dad.”
“Just because you were a hunter doesn’t mean you’re invincible.”
“Can we not talk about this anymore?” Stiles asks as his hand lets go of mine and hangs back by his side.
Why is Stiles being so difficult? I just want to make sure that nothing happens to him. He can’t protect himself and he doesn’t even know how to fight. Maybe I should bug his jeep or something.
What other choice do I have?
“Fine but I don’t agree with this Stiles and I’m not going to let the Alpha hurt you. No matter what you say. How is Scott?”
“He’s freaking out. Alison broke up with him. She knew he was lying and he came close to slaughtering us all last night.”
Yeah I know I had my gun pointed at him. I silently reply knowing that is the exact opposite of what Stiles wants to hear.
“Don’t worry. The Alpha isn’t going to get what he wants,” I reply. I’m not going to be the one to kill the Alpha. I’ll leave that for honour to Derek but it doesn’t mean I can’t help with the fight. Who knows maybe Derek and I will make a great team. He has the werewolf perks and skills and I have the hunter knowledge.
How can we fail with that combo?
“Just know that if you let the Alpha murder you than I’m going to kill you,” Stiles warns me and I can see the fear in his eyes as well as the sarcasm.
“I was going to say the exact same thing of course I have to add Scott in case he accidentally wolfs out.”
As harsh as it sounds, there’s the strong possibility that Scott will lose control, wolf out and maul Stiles. It’s times like these I wish I was a vampire that way I could compel Stiles to stay away from Scott. Don’t get me wrong. I love Scott and he is a younger brother to me as is Stiles but Scott is dangerous right now.
“He hasn’t hurt me yet.”
Doesn’t mean he won’t.
“Let’s hope it stays that way, for his sake and yours. I should go.”
“Back to Derek?” Stiles asks unimpressed and I get the feeling he would’ve preferred if Derek had been killed by the Alpha.
“Does it matter?”
“You tell me to stay away from Scott yet you’re taking care of a guy who attacked Deaton and has threatened Scott’s life on many occasions,” Stiles snaps and sighs in frustration before he runs a hand over his buzz cut.
How does he not see how different the situations are? Stiles had known nothing about werewolves until Scott was bitten, but I’ve known for six years and spent two of those years learning how to kill them.
Wait attacked Deaton?
“There’s a difference between threatening someone and acting on it. I’m guessing Derek warned Scott to be careful and how important it is for him to keep the secret? And when did he attack Deaton?” I ask knowing Derek isn’t a murderer. His bark is worse than his bite. He may have changed in the past six years but there’s no way he’s changed that much.
“He thought Deaton was the Alpha but it appears that he is wrong.”
“I don’t know what to believe anymore but you better run back to Derek and fix him up so he can go back to being a dick, and threatening to rip out my throat with his teeth,” Stiles replies. I hate it when he is mad at me. We’re both great at the silent treatment and cold shoulder.
“I don’t expect you to understand but don’t shut me out.”
“I’ll see you at the family dinner tonight but you should probably leave Derek behind,” Stiles hard expression softens and I hold in the sigh of relief.
“Noted,” I smile before I carefully hug Stiles, say goodbye and leave the house, and of course the cop car is parked down the end of the street.
Damn you uncle Stilinsky.

THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it?
RANT TIME so I am devastated after watching the latest episode of Teen Wolf. First Erica is killed (and yes I know Gage left the show but still lol) and now Boyd. HELLS NO! They need to bring him back like they did Peter. I can't wait for episode 8 it will be interesting to see Derek's past. I'm very surprised that it seems that Derek has blue steel eyes because of something bad that happened in his life. I just assumed it was because he was born a werewolf. I will say that the 30 seconds of Erica was nice to see but I do miss her even more than Jackson, and honestly I kind of liked Erica more than Alison. It's cool that Scott is a true Alpha and it makes sense that Deucalion wants Scott as part of his pack. I'm hoping Danny isn't killed off. I watched the After Show on Youtube, and Keahu was asked what he would do if he was in charge of the show and he said not kill Danny, so now I'm very worried. I LOVE Danny!

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now