Kristin: Surprise!

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“I heard you killed it in practice,” I smile at Scott who is sweeping the floor as I wipe down the surgery table with disinfectant. It smells like bleach and nail polish remover mixed with lemons and it’s so pungent that it’s almost making my eyes water. Belle told me all about Scott who was goalie and caught every ball that was flung his way.
“Hopefully it’s enough to make me first line,” Scott replies and I can see the hope shinning in his adorable brown eyes. We are both on late shift at the veterinary clinic meaning we have to make sure the animals are fine, and clean the place.
“If you’re as good as I’ve heard, Bobby will definitely make you first line, trust me,” I reply and Scott gives me a weird look, “I mean Coach will definitely make you first line,” I correct myself.
“Are you friends with Coach?” Scott smirks although I know what he is implying by the word friend.
“Yes I am friends with Coach, now get your head out of the gutter,” I stress the word friends and throw the blue cloth at Scott who catches it before it gets the chance to hit the ground.
Nice reflexes.
Bobby is the only teacher at the school I can stand. He doesn’t look down at me because I quit college and he even gets me out of the office sometimes by needing my “assistance” with Lacrosse practice. I usually just sit on the bleachers and enjoy the fresh air, but sometimes I get stuck serving beverages although I don’t mind it’s better than being stuck in the stuffy office all day, answering calls and making announcements.
“Whatever you say,” Scott laughs and I give him the evil eye as he runs his hands through his scruffy brown hair.
“Can you get the sign?” I ask Scott as he throws the cloth onto the surgery table.
“Yeah sure,” he smiles before he leaves with the broom. There isn’t much left to do other than feed the animals although it’s Scott’s turn tonight.
“Babe?” I hear Tane call and I make my way to the front of the clinic. Scott is smirking at me as he stands by Tane’s side, the kind of smirk that says he knows something I don’t.
“Hey what’s going on guys?” I ask and they both just shrug their shoulders after they look at each other and then face me again.
“Okay weirdo’s,” I reply with a raised eyebrow. There is definitely something going on that I don’t know about.
“You ready to go?” Tane asks me.
“Are you going to be okay here?” I ask Scott.
“Yeah of course I’m sixteen remember, go have fun,” he urges and I grow more curious as Scott and Tane share another look.
“Okay. I’ll see you later,” I reply as Tane holds open the door and I head out into the rain and jump into Tane’s dark blue, 2004 Ford Mustang GT and Tane is just a few seconds behind me.
Tane’s car is his baby. When he brought it a couple of years ago it was missing its engine amongst other crucial parts and he built it up and replaced everything, and added a dark blue paint job.
“I’m so over the rain,” Tane says as he gets into the car and runs his hand over his damp blonde hair.
“Stop being a baby it’s only been a few hours,” I tease. I love the rain especially thunder storms. They’re so powerful and the lightning is always magnificent to watch as it strikes down from the sky.
“Whatever freak,” Tane grins and chuckles as I punch him in the arm. Tane loves the heat whereas I hate it. I don’t mind a little bit of heat, but as soon as it hits over 86 degrees Fahrenheit I retreat indoors unless I’m at the beach, it’s the only exception.
“So are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I ask as I pull on my seat belt and click it in place while Tane starts the car and reverses out of the practically empty parking lot.
“What do you mean?” Tane asks trying to play dumb as he drives down the street, but I can see the smirk that he is trying to hold back.
“Come on now you can’t lie to save your life.”
Whenever Tane tries to lie, a smirk always tries to surface on his lips and he can never look me in the eye for more than a few seconds without looking away.
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out soon,” Tane smirks and my curiosity doubles as I try not to squirm in my seat.
“Not even a hint?” I ask.
“Not even a hint.”
“You’re evil like worse than the devil and Hitler combined,” I reply and Tane smiles at my remark.
“And you’re an impatient brat.”
“Come on just a hint please,” I try begging.
“Nope,” Tane grins clearly pleased with himself.
The rest of the car ride consisted of me begging and Tane shutting me down. I wasn’t even given a tiny clue or hint.
“Is it a present?” I ask as I face Tane who closes the front door.
“Kind of.”
“Kind of?” I ask as I close the space between us and push Tane against the door, pinning him with my body.
“You know I’ve become immune to your seductions,” Tane replies as I take off my fake purple leather jacket and throw it across the room
“Oh really?” I remove my white panda singlet top next and throw it to the floor beside Tane, “Want to take off my bra for me?” I smirk and Tane gives me the evil eye before he presses his lips against mine.
I wrap my legs around his torso and he starts walking towards the couch as our lips mash together, and our tongues explore each other’s mouths. It’s not until we’re sprawled out across the couch with my body lying on top of Tane’s that I remember about the surprise.
“So what’s the surprise?” I ask after I pull away and sit up with my legs sitting on either side of Tane’s torso.
“And here I was thinking you forgot,” Tane smirks as he stands to his feet and lifts me before putting me back on the couch.
“Maybe just for a second,” I sheepishly admit.
Tane stands on one knee and grabs something out of his pocket and I gulp.
He’s not going to ask you to marry him, don’t be silly! I tell myself as I try to hide the shock from my face.
“Kristin Lee Sparks will you marry me?” Tane asks as he opens the small box to reveal a beautiful white gold ring with a purple stone.
Holly crap! I stare at the ring in astonishment although I can’t bring myself to look at Tane’s eager face.
What am I meant to say? I’m not ready for marriage. I’m happy the way things are but how can I say no to Tane? He’s so amazing and more than I deserve, but marriage is a huge step. Plus we’ve only been dating for six months.
What’s the rush?
“Kristin?” Tane snaps me out of my daze and I finally look at his eager face although his smile is starting to disappear.
“I love you Tane but this is a huge step.”
“I know but I’m crazy about you Kristin. I don’t want to be with anybody but you until the day I die,” Tane replies and I’m flattered and scared by his words. I don’t even know what I’m doing in two weeks and Tane is talking about a lifetime commitment.
Breathe Kristin breathe. I order myself and exhale.
“I love you too, but I just need some time to think about it and it’s not because of you, you’re perfect. I just I don’t know if I’m ready, please don’t hate me,” I reply as I watch all the joy disappear from his face.
“Sure. Take all the time you need,” Tane stands to his feet, closes the box and hands it to me, “I’m just going to go for a beer with the guys.” Tane forces a smile and I stand to my feet and grab his hand before he can walk away.
“You know that I love you right?” I ask as the guilt starts to weigh down on my chest. I feel horrible and want to punch myself in the face for causing Tane any pain.
“Yeah I know. I’ll be back soon,” he kisses my forehead before he turns his back and leaves out the front door. I sit back on the couch and open the box. It’s so beautiful and breath taking. It’s shaped in a tear, the purple rock is sitting in the middle and there’s a small pattern around the stone which trails along the band as well.
The ring fits perfectly on my ring finger and I can’t help but sigh in admiration although I quickly take it off when I remember the heartache that was written all over Tane’s face just moments ago.
I put the ring back in the box and put in my jean pocket before I grab out my phone and call Michelle. I befriended her over a year ago when she started placement at the Beacon Hills High school just two months after I started my reception job.
“Here comes the bride all dresses in white slipped on a banana peel and went for a ride,” Michelle starts to sing, and that’s when I realise Michelle knew long before I did of the proposal.
“You knew?” I interrupt her song and she sighs in frustration.
“I was just getting to the good part, so when’s the wedding? I totally bags being the bridesmaid of honour by the way,” Michelle replies.
“You could have warned me?”
“Warned you? You’re talking like it’s a bad thing?” Michelle sounds confused, and she isn’t the only one. Tane’s a great guy, and we’ve been dating for over six months so why couldn’t I say yes? There are couples that get married just after a month of being together, it’s not that crazy right?
“Oh my god you didn’t say yes did you?” Michelle’s voice if full of horror as she asks.
“I said I need some time. I was thrown off guard. I . . . I think he’s mad and upset.”
“Of course he’s upset but you are going to say yes right. I mean eventually?” Michelle asks. Although truthfully marriage hasn’t even crossed my mind yet. I don’t understand the rush. I know you can easily get divorced but I see marriage as a lifetime commitment that I’m not ready for.
“Yeah maybe in a couple of years but I don’t know if Tane will be able to deal with that.”
“He loves you, of course he will get over it.”
“I hope so, but what if I screwed it all up?” I nervously bite my thumb nail- it’s a nasty habit.
“Oh please that boy is crazy about you.”
“Yeah,” I reply although my voice is lacking confidence. Lately Tane and I have started to slowly drift apart which is why the proposal shocked me so much, but then again it could all be me seeing something that isn’t there.
“Are you going to be okay? Do you need me to come over?” Michelle asks.
“Nah I’m just going to have a shower and go to bed,” I reply although I know I won’t be able to sleep until I see Tane again, and know that he is okay and that he doesn’t hate me for needing time to think about it.

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