Belle: Bullet Magic

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(Previously: Belle’s Grams passes and Belle has another nightmare that takes place at the school. This time it involves both Kristin and her father who shoots her with a crossbow because all her classmates are dead and Belle is covered in blood. Belle realises she is the killer and not the alpha like she suspected.)

I’m still refusing to let the dreams get to me besides I have other problems to focus on like staying away from Jackson and his sexy abs as well as keeping my distance from Scott.  Is it pathetic that it’s only been a week and I already miss talking to Scott?
Wait I already know the answer to that but at least I haven’t faltered . . . Yet. It’s hard to ignore someone you have been friends with for six years especially since we are going through the same thing. Scott is the only one that understands and I can’t even talk to him about it.
I’m just about to reach Zan’s blue Nissan Tiida Hatchback in the car park when I notice Derek fall to the ground in front of Stiles car. There’s a line of vehicles waiting behind the blue jeep. Some beeping impatiently and I immediately tell Zan that I forgot I have a family dinner and Stiles is giving me a lift to his house.
Lying to Zan sucks but I can’t involve her in my mess at least not yet. I know Zan would never do anything to hurt me but if I was her I would completely freak out and run away and never speak to me again.
“Okay I’ll talk to you later.” Zan replies before she gets in her car while I rush towards Derek although Scott beats me.
Frick! There goes my seven day streak or I could just walk away. Yeah right I can’t just walk away. Derek is obviously in trouble and he has helped me, there’s no walking away unfortunately.
Damn growing up and becoming responsible.
“What’s going on?” I ask as Scott kneels in front of Derek who looks like he has been run over by 20 trucks at the very least. His skin is pale with no hint of colour and his eyes look practically vacant.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asks Derek ignoring my question and I can’t help but roll my eyes. I know it’s not intentional but I still don’t understand why guys can’t multitask and concentrate on two different things or people at once.
“I was shot.” Derek replies out of breath as he quickly glances at me before he breaks his focus. I’m not sure if it’s the wolf part of me that is empathising with his pain or the new more mature version of me.
It’s probably the wolf thing.
“He’s not looking so good dude.” Stiles comments and I can’t help but role my eyes.
Well duh Captain Obvious.
“Why aren’t you healing?” Scott asks before I get the chance. I hate it when we think alike. It’s like he is always in my head.
“I can’t. It was a different kind of bullet.” Derek’s voice is becoming more distant with each word spoken and I’m suddenly slapped in the face with an idea. Kristin told me that she hunted for two years with my father and brother.
Kristin can help.
“A silver bullet?” Stiles asks and again I’m left to role my eyes at his stupidity. Stiles is a genius when he chooses to focus on one topic or question, not so much when he doesn’t.
Doesn’t Derek have someone else he can ask for help from?
Wait was it Argent or one of his hunter friends that shot him?
Is that why Derek is need of Scott’s help? I bet it was Chris. For some reason I just can’t trust him even if Kristin does.
“No you idiot.” Derek seethes and I feel myself about to butt in and tell Scott to ask the questions later and focus on getting Derek out of here first, but again Scott beats me to the punch.
“Wait that’s what she meant when she said you had 48 hours.”
She? It can’t be Alison I mean Kristin would tell me if Alison was in the hunting business wouldn’t she?
“What? Who said 48 hours?” Derek asks before I have the chance to verbalise my thought.
“The woman who shot you,” Scott replies and Derek’s eyes start flashing bright blue as car horns continue to beep.
“What are you doing? Stop that!” Scott scolds Derek like that’s going to help the situation.
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you I can’t.”
“Derek get up,” Scott demands as the cars continue to beep impatiently and people begin to emerge from their vehicles.
This is not going to end well. 48 hours? What if we don’t find the bullet in time? What happens then? I may have patched things up with my mother but I still want Derek’s help occasionally.
What? He’s a good teacher it’s not like I have a crush on him or anything.
“Help me put him in your car,” Scott asks Stiles which is when I finally decide to speak up.
“I’m much stronger let me help,” I stand by Derek’s side waiting for Scott to protest. It’s obvious Scott is annoyed that I’m choosing to distance myself from him but now is not the time to hold a grudge.
Scott finally looks at me instead of through me and nods slightly before he stands on the other side of Derek. Together we both manage to get him in the car, but not without a lot of wincing from Derek.
“I’m coming with,” I announce although Stiles grabs my arm before I’m able to get into the car.
“No you’re not, go home,” Stiles orders me and I can’t help but glare. The kind of glare that usually has Stiles practically running away although it seems he is trying to be a man and hold his ground. That’s surprising.
“Yes I am and that’s final. Just remember I actually have sharp canines now, so this time if I bite you I might bite off your arm,” I reply. Stiles takes a step back giving me enough room to get in the jeep and I take a seat in the back. He’s probably recalling a memory of me biting him when we were kids, yep I was a biter.
The beeping is getting more frequent and our time to leave is becoming more urgent. We need to get Derek somewhere safe and comfortable while we wait for Scott to get the bullet, at least I’m guessing it’s going to be Scott. He is dating Alison after all.
Wow I didn’t even cringe at her name, that’s a first.
“I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used,” Derek asks Scott through the window as I watch the line of cars behind us. Both Jackson and Alison are gaining on our position and I know Alison is just moments away from reaching the car.
“How the hell am I supposed to do that?” Scott asks. It must be dumb question day. It’s called go to her house and look for it duh!
“She’s an Argent, she’s with them.”
Hurry it up guys seriously!
“Why should I help you?” Scott asks as Stiles gives me daggers through the window and I return them with a polite ‘in your face’ smile.
“Because you need me,” Derek replies as I subtly get out my phone and text Kristin the news that Derek has been shot.
Derek is probably going to hate me.
“Fine I’ll try,” Scott replies as Stiles enters the car. About freaking time!
“Get him out of here,” Scott orders.
“I hate you for this so much,” Stiles whines before he starts the car and finally begins to leave the parking lot.
Is there anything Stiles wouldn’t do for Scott? Pathetic! Or maybe I’m just jealous that Stiles cares more about Scott than he does me. Or maybe I’m just being over-dramatic. I can never tell the difference.
The drama queen gene runs in the family.
“About time,” I sigh in frustration.
“You need to shut up!” Stiles grumbles and I instinctively roll my eyes. I can’t help it, it’s like breathing to me.
“What is your problem?”
“You! You are my problem and you shouldn’t be here.”
“I can take care of myself unlike you,” I snap. He’s the human one yet he is acting like he would actually be able to do something if Derek turned rabid and tried to attack us. Yeah right  I bet Stiles would run away screaming like a girl.
It would be me trying to help Derek calm down.
“Sharp claws and teeth will only get you so far especially if you barely know how to use them.”
“Oh please I’m a girl of course I know how to bite and scratch. You still have the scars as proof and that was before my transformation. You want me to demonstrate and prove it right now?” I smirk evilly as Stiles uses the mirror to glance at me, most likely trying to read my expression to see if I’m serious or not.
Which I am of course and Stiles knows that.
“Oh please I bet all I have to do is get you in a head lock and ruffle your hair and you will cry like the old days,” Stiles teases which is completely unfair. I had just learnt to plait my own hair so of course I was sad when he messed it all up.
Guys are so mean.
“Just shut up!” Derek snaps and I can’t help but smile smugly.
In your face biatch.
Wait where are we even going?
After many hours of sitting parked on the side of the road and a lot of deliberation and arguing we have somehow ended up at the Veterinary Clinic which I find kind of offensive in a way.
Hopefully it has given Kristin enough time to help us out, we need backup just in case Scott fails to find the bullet in time. Although I am still surprised Kristin agreed to help. Maybe her and Derek are back to being friends. He probably won’t hate me at all.
“Does Nordic blue monkshood mean anything to you?” Stiles asks as we enter through the back door of the clinic where Derek practically collapses on a stacked pile of animal food. He is looking ten times worse not that I thought that was even possible.
As Stiles said earlier while we were waiting in the Jeep. Derek literally well almost looks like death. I’m trying to fight down the panic but it is becoming harder with each minute that passes by.
“Yeah it’s a rare type of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet,” Derek breathes and his voice much weaker than earlier today.
“Why?” Stiles asks although I fear I already know the answer.
“Because I’m going to die without it.”
Wait did Derek just say die? I immediately text Kristin and tell her the bullet Derek needs. Kristin must have one right?
“There has to be another way. Something else we can do,” I speak out. It can’t end like this. Wait it’s not going to end like this. Either Scott or Kristin will get here in time with the rare bullet that’s needed.
It’s all about the positive thinking.
“There’s no other definitive way,” Derek replies as slowly stands to his feet and I immediately rush to his side acting as a crutch. I can tell Derek doesn’t like being helpless and needing my help but he leans on me anyway.
“This way,” Stiles begins to walk down the hallway and leads us through a door to what looks like the operating room and turns on the light.
Come on Kristin or Scott!!!
Derek lets go and walks to the table taking off his shirt to reveal the wound. The bullet hole is bloody and very evident, as are the dark veins running up his arm. If blood and bad wounds made me queasy then I would be on the floor right now.
“You know that really doesn’t look like anything some Echinacea and a good night’s sleep couldn’t take care of.” Stiles gives Derek one of his trademark comments as Derek begins searching through drawers.
What is he looking for?
“If the infection reaches my heart it will kill me.”
Don’t panic, don’t panic. No one else is going to die. I try to calm myself down as I grip the end of the steel table but I’m sure the fear is practically shining in my eyes for both Stiles and Derek to see.
“Positivity just isn’t in your vocabulary is it?” Stiles retorts and I hold back my tongue. This really isn’t the time for a smart ass remarks.
The last thing I need is to lose someone else I care about, yet Stiles is practically treating the whole thing like a joke.
“If he doesn’t get here with the bullet in time. I have a last resort,” Derek replies and I feel the hope rise in my chest.
“Which is?” Stiles asks and Derek responds by holding up a bone saw and the hope immediately vanishes completely as if it was never there in the first place.
“You’re going to cut off my arm.”   
“Cut off your arm? You can’t be serious,” I practically scream, unintentionally of course.
This is just a nightmare.
“I’m deadly serious,” Derek replies and I can see the shock taking over Stiles’s body. There is no way in hell Stiles will be able to cut off his arm and I sure as hell ain’t doing it either. This is a disaster.
“I told you not to come, you shouldn’t be here!” Stiles snaps at me.
“And what, you’re more qualified for all of this?”
“It’s my job to look out for you, but how can I do that when you don’t listen to anyone but yourself?” Stiles replies and I can’t help but scoff. Are we really going to argue again? This isn’t the time or place.
“Look out for me? Yeah right I’m the one that’s been looking out for you and right now you shouldn’t be running around with a werewolf who has no control. It’s like you are asking for trouble.”
“Oh yeah well than shouldn’t you be staying away from Zan and Isaac?”
“I would never hurt them.”
“And Scott would never hurt me.”
“Enough!” Derek snaps us out of our argument again as he returns to the table with the saw and slides it across to Stiles and a rubber tourniquet which he ties at the top of his arm. This is so bad.
Wake up. Wake up!!!
Immediately I’m fighting off the queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. There is no way I can watch this. Is Stiles really going to do this?
Stiles grabs it and his face instantly contorts into disgust, “Oh my god. What if you bleed to death?” Stiles asks as he puts the saw back down on the table. Well thanks Stiles because I so needed to think about that right now.
Where the hell are Scott and Kristin?
“It will heal if it works.”
If it works? IF it works?
“Look I don’t know if I can do this,” Stiles gulps. His whole body is practically shaking, not that I can blame him.
“Why not?” Derek asks as if the answer isn’t obvious.
“Well because of the cutting through the flesh and sawing through the bone and especially the blood,” Stiles replies and I silently agree and realise that I can’t let Stiles do this. I’m the werewolf,  doesn’t that mean I should do it even if I really, REALLY don’t wanna?
“You faint at the sight of blood?” Derek practically snickers like cutting off arms is something he does every day. Oh my god Derek doesn’t cut off arms a lot does he? Is he like a serial limb remover?
What the hell am I thinking of course he isn’t.
“No but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm.”
“Alright fine how about this. Either you cut off my arm or I’m going to cut off your head,” Derek threatens and I don’t get any pleasure out of it like I thought I would. Maybe I should just leave the room, it’s not like either of them would notice.
Why hasn’t Derek asked me to do it? Does he think I can’t handle it just because I’m a girl? I bet that’s it. Sexist much!
“Okay you know I’m so not buying your threats any-” Stiles starts although Derek immediately reaches out and grabs Stiles’s shirt. “Oh my god okay alright fine. Totally. I’ll do it, I’ll do it,” Stiles panics and the urge to speak up is becoming almost unbearable.
Am I really going to do this?
Derek hunches over the edge of the table and let’s go of Stiles before he throws up dark liquid all over the ground leaving Stiles and I to look at each other in disgust.
“What in the hell was that?” I somehow manage to ask before Stiles.
“It’s my body trying to heal itself.”
“Well it’s not doing a very good job of it,” Stiles states the obvious as per usual. He should really get a trophy for that.
“I’ll do it,” I practically shout and quickly make my way to the other side of the table. There is no way Stiles can do this and not be haunted by nightmares every night, whereas I’m used to the nightmares.
Please Kristin or Scott I need you to save me right now!
“No!” Stiles grabs the saw before I get the chance to and I start thinking of the best and least painful way to immobilise Stiles and steal it back.
“I don’t have the bullet. I thought I did but I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it.” Kristin charges through the door to see Stiles holding the bone saw in his hand. Even though she looks calm I know she is just as shocked by this as I am.
Damn it really? Just when I thought my prayer was answered you go and do that to me? How is that helpful?
“Now you got to do it now!” Derek practically ignores Kristin as he lays his arm on the table. 
“Look honestly I don’t think I can.” Stiles keeps the saw out of my reach.
“Just do it.” Derek yells and Stiles picks up the saw.
“No way,” Kristin somehow manages to quickly grab the saw from Stiles and push him aside. “You two need to leave the room right now!” Kristin orders us as she leans the saw just below the tourniquet.
Oh god, oh god, oh god! I can’t breathe, why can’t I breathe?
“But-” Stiles starts and I know he is just trying to seem strong but he is literally just seconds away from running out of the room, because that is how I’m feeling.
“Get out before I cut your arms off as well,” Kristin threatens this time. Wow she sounds just like Derek.
Not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing.
“Stiles?” Scott yells from the hall and Kristin sighs in relief. I told her Scott was at the Argents looking for the bullet.
“Scott?” Stiles almost looks like a deer caught in headlights.
Please tell me Scott has the bullet.
Please, please, please . . . Please.
“What the hell are you doing?” Scott asks all of us and seems to be just as shocked as we all feel.
“Oh you just prevented a life time of nightmares.” Stiles chuckles in relief as Kristin puts down the bone saw.
“I told you both to leave,” Kristin practically growls at both of us although she knows it’s not the time to lecture us. She backs down, turning her back on us before she retreats to a wall and leans against it. It’s hard to tell what she is thinking and I feel the guilt begin to rise in my chest.
Kristin better not tell mom, she will literally ground me for the rest of my life.
“Do you have it?” Derek asks. His voice practically nothing more than a whisper.
“Yeah,” Scott immediately begins digging in his pocket and pulls out the bullet before handing it to Derek who looks like he is just seconds from passing out.
“What are you going to do with it?” Stiles asks as Derek holds up the bullet.
“I’m gonna. . . I’m gonna-” Derek’s eyes become heavier and he drops the bullet before his body crashes to the ground. Suddenly my body becomes heavy and I literally can’t move. All I can do is stare at the scene before me and watch as Kristin rushes to Derek who looks dead.
It can’t be. This can’t be happening again.
 “No, no, no, no-” Scott rushes for the bullet which rolls off of the table and down into the drain.
Move body, do something!
Kristin stands to her feet and starts searching through the drawers as Stiles tries to wake up Derek. Not that it is going to help. We’re too late. I don’t know how but I just know it’s over and we failed.
“What the hell are we going to do?” Stiles asks no one in particular.
“I don’t know I can’t reach it.” Scott is struggling to fish out the bullet.
“Just focus and keep trying.” Kristin instructs. Somehow her voice is completely calm but how? How is Kristin not freaking out right now?
Just breathe like Kristin said- focus.
“He’s not waking up.” Stiles shouts.
“Keep trying!” Kristin demands and she moves onto the cupboards.
“I think he’s dying. I think he’s dead.” Stiles voice is full of panic and I’m glad I’m not the only one losing my shit.
God I’m so pathetic.
“Just hold on,” Scott continues to reach wasting his time and effort as Kristin moves to the other side of the room.
“I got it.” Scott shouts and stands to his feet.
“Please don’t kill me for this,” Stiles somehow manages enough force to punch Derek and bring him back to the conscious world.
The realisation is enough to send away the panic that had been consuming me just seconds ago and I gain back control over my body.
“Give it here,” Derek demands and Scott passes the bullet before he and Stiles help Derek to his feet.
“We are so talking about this later,” Kristin stands by my side as we gather around the table watching as Derek pulls off the casing of the bullet with his teeth and empties the contents onto the table before setting it alight with a lighter.
The pile burns up and I watch in amazement as the smoke turns a vibrant blue, even more vibrant than Derek’s wolf eyes. I guess there is still much to learn about the werewolf world although I don’t plan on getting in the way of hunters.
I’ve heard enough stories to know they can be bad news, except my father and brother who strictly hunt according to the code. They would never harm an innocent werewolf. I know it in my heart.
Of course my thoughts are cut short when Derek gathers the powder and rubs it into his wound causing all of us to cringe, except Kristin who is still keeping on her calm face. Maybe I should ask for lessons.
Derek’s screams immediately fill the room and he falls to the ground.
“Just give him some room.” Kristin instructs and rushes to the other side of the table, standing in front of Scott and Stiles protectively.
Derek can’t be about to die. We got him the bullet he has to be okay. The worry and fear is rising to the surface again although I’m not the only one freaking out. Scott and Stiles both look to still be in shock as Derek’s screams become louder and the growling mixes with the cries of pain.
Scary combo! Although just like magic the wound literally begins to fade away completely as if it was never there in the first place.
“That was awesome. . . YES!” Stiles practically cheers as Kristin steps aside and I can tell she wants to slap the hell out of Stiles.
“Are you okay?” Scott asks Derek as I continue to stare in astonishment.
“Well except for the agonising pain.” Derek slowly beings to stand to his feet.
“I’m guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health.” Stiles replies which in return gets him ‘I’m going to rip out your throat’ eyes from Derek.
He is really good at that, screw the calm thing I want intimidation lessons from Derek. Although before I get the chance to speak Kristin grabs my arm and drags me out of the room without warning and doesn’t stop until she reaches the pathway by the road.
“What the hell Belle!” Kristin’s grip tightens before she lets go and I can tells he is literally about to explode, but why am I the one being yelled at and why not Stiles and Scott? They are more a part of it than I am.
Talk about unfair.
“What? I couldn’t not try to help. It’s Derek.” I reply stunned. Does Kristin really expect me not to help?
Where is this coming from?
I’m not just going to stand back and do nothing and I know for a fact that Kristin is exactly the same. She was literally going to cut off Derek’s arm yet I’m the one being scolded like a child, typical.
“You can if you try hard enough.”
“Are you serious?”
“The last thing you need is to get involved in all of this crap. I know you think you are indestructible but you’re not.”
“But it’s okay for you to be involved in all of this crap!” My arms instinctively cross over my chest as my eyes become narrow. I can’t help but challenge any and all authority but I’m sure I will grow out of it eventually.
I’ve matured enough for now.
“I went through training Belle besides you are just a teenager and you should be doing teenage things, and not assisting Stiles chop off a freaking arm.”
“But it’s okay for you to chop off an arm?” I ask. Part of me wonders how many arms she chopped off during her hunting days. I bet she went rogue, that’s why she is getting so angry right now.
“I’m not 16 years old. Don’t make me tell mom.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” I can’t help but shout. I’m not a child anymore and I shouldn’t be treated like one. Kristin isn’t my mother and she can’t boss me around and run my life for me.
This is so unfair and so Kristin, god I wish I didn’t have siblings sometimes,
“I bet you had fun hunting didn’t you? I bet you loved killing werewolves. Maybe you should go back to it and get out of my life, just leave me alone!” I retort harshly although I’m too angry to feel bad about it and instead of listening to more of Kristin’s crap I get in Stiles’s jeep and begin the waiting game.
Kristin doesn’t follow me and I sigh in relief as the guys finally exit the building a few moments later. I wonder how much Derek and Scott heard.
“I know you want to bite my head off so go ahead,” Stiles is the first to speak to Kristin who is standing by the door way. Time for the show to begin. I could do with some popcorn.
“Just go.” Kristin replies and my jaw instantly drops to the ground. Why is Stiles off the hook and not me?
“Really?” Stiles asks just as surprised as I am.
“It’s late and the funeral is tomorrow, just go before I change my mind.”
“So that means I’m off the hook too right?” Scott asks. He obviously wasn’t listening to the conversation. I doubt he would be so calm and collected if he knew Kristin hunted his kind for two years or maybe he would. It’s not like he was born a werewolf.
“Yes.” Kristin replies before she starts walking to her car. Maybe I was too harsh. Kristin doesn’t seem like herself.
Whoops how was I meant to know she would take it so hard.
Stiles and Scott both get in the car while Derek walks after Kristin who turns and faces him as she reaches the driver’s seat door. Crap. Derek might be about to rip into her if he overheard our conversation. I mean argument.
“So the rumours are true and it finally all makes sense now. You’re a hunter.” Derek sounds surprisingly calm.
“I was a hunter and I used to scold myself every day for it, but I’ve recently realised that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. The animals I hunted are nothing like you or your family or my family, and hunters are the only ones that can put them down. I'lk understand if you can’t make it to the funeral tomorrow but my Grams would really appreciate you being there.” Kristin replies in a hollow voice as if she is just a shell and the real her packed up and left her body.
It’s eerie and alarming and I feel like I’m the reason or maybe Grams is finally getting to her. Kristin is the type of person to deal with her feelings later rather than cry and get it all out of her system.
Damn! I just made it all worse. Me and my stupid big mouth. Before I get the chance to leave the car and apologise Kristin literally speeds down the street. But that’s not the only problem, how are the four of us meant to squeeze into this crappy Jeep!?
This is going to be fun . . . Not.

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Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now