Kristin: Haunting Past

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“I know the plan Chris,” I snap unintentionally. He has been over the plan 50 times already. Okay well maybe not 50, but enough so that it’s drilled into the back and front of my skull.
“This isn’t to be taken lightly Kristin,” Chris Argent replies. We are all huddled around the bonnet of his black Toyota 4runner looking at a map of the area. Our target is on the loose and roaming around the deserted industrial buildings. Even though it’s night time and the werewolf can see in the dark, I’m still confident I can do this.
“I know but I’m ready,” I reply. I have contributed to a lot of captures and kills in the past two years but I have never killed a werewolf myself, and tonight is the night I lose my kill virginity. I’m scared, excited, worried and nervous all at the same time.
“Don’t be cocky,” My father warns me. He is standing by my side and smiling proudly, even his brown eyes are glistening and beaming at me. My father entered the hunting business after a camping trip when I was a young child and I was attacked by a werewolf. My mother scared it away and I was left with scars down the middle of my back, and my father started searching for hunters and became one himself. My older brother Alex became a hunter when he was 18 years old, straight after high school graduation ten years ago.
I found out about werewolves during my junior year while I was dating Derek. I also found out that my mother and grams were both werewolves themselves, but my father has no idea. It seems to have skipped a generation: both Alex and I are human, and Belle celebrated her 16th birthday a couple of months ago and she is still 100% human.
“I know dad,” I refrain from rolling my eyes. I’m not seventeen anymore although I do still act it at times.
“And remember-” My brother Alex starts.
“Guys you are smothering me. I’ve got this plus he’s not going to stick around for long so can we get on with it?” I ask as I move to the back seat and grab out my crossbow, wolfsbane tipped arrows and flashbolts.
I know the werewolf is stalking us and waiting to pick us off one by one. We have been tracking it for months, it’s a beta or an omega- we aren’t sure on that detail. We do know he has been murdering human campers and hikers.
“We’ll push him towards you so you need to be ready to take him out, hit him in the heart,” Chris reminds me again as he points to his heart like I don't know where that crucial organ is located.
“Okay I know,” I reply and Chris, my father, brother Alex, John and Mark (other hunters who live nearby) wish me luck before I leave them and start heading down the dark alley.
We are surrounded by empty buildings and I take refuge behind a blue dumpster. The arrows are sitting around my belt and I load my compound bow with a flash bolt.
Come on I’m ready for you. I say to myself. Even though it’s dark and cold I don’t feel the chill. The adrenalin is coursing through my veins and my heart is pounding in my ears.
I hear a loud thud and I know a flash bolt has been shot in the distance. They are sending him my way, and the flight or fight response kicks in. I’m ready to take him down. I’m ready to prove myself.
After a deep breath I pull back on the bow. The werewolf is stumbling a little as he runs on all fours and I shoot the flash bolt into the wall it is about to pass by. It screeches and pauses which is when I load my wolfsbane tipped arrow into my compound bow.
Without hesitation I shoot him in the abdomen and he yelps in pain before he falls to the ground.
“Gotcha!” I smirk as I stand up and run over to the beta. He looks to be in his mid-twenties with dark hair, blue eyes and pale skin.
“My pack will hunt you down and my alpha will rip you to shreds,” he seethes as he clutches his side. His blue t-shirt is already soaked in his blood and I load another wolfsbane arrow into my bow but I make a mistake. I am not quick enough.
He pounces on me pinning me to the ground, “You’re pretty. I’m going to have fun with you,” He replies although I can see he is in pain. It’s written all over his face as he hisses showing off his four elongated canine teeth. They seem to almost shine under the moonlight.
“I’ll kill you before you get the chance,” I reply as his claws float in front of my face before he wraps his hand around my neck. I can barely breathe as his grip tightens.
“I don’t think so,” he smiles as his claws pierce through my skin although I barely feel it. All I can concentrate on is trying to suck in air. “You know I can smell your fear,” he adds.
“Oh please you’re pathetic. I’m not scared of you . . . You piece of crap,” I manage to choke out and I know what I need to do next. One hand slowly inches to my pocket where my knife is hidden.
“You will be,” he is trying to act like he’s in no pain, but I see through it. He moves his hand from my throat and it travels down my torso, and stops when it reaches the button of my jeans.
“Think I can get in a quickie before your friends arrive?” His smile turns sinister and it sends chills up my spine.
“Oh please do you really think I’ll let you?” I ask.
“I think you don’t have a choice,” he replies and unbuttons my jean’s which is when I quickly move and grab the arrow that is still sticking out of his torso. I yank it upwards which makes him scream in pain before I quickly grab out my knife and stab him in the chest- he yelps.
“You are guilty of twenty five counts of murder, how do you plead?” I ask as I push him off of me, stand to my feet and aim my arrow at his heart. The fear finally crosses his facial features for the first time tonight.
“Let me go. I’ll give you anything you want,” he scurries backward and hisses in pain. He knows he’s lost and I smile in satisfaction knowing I’m about to end his pathetic life.
“You have nothing I want, wait let me change that. You do have something I want . . . Your heart. That’s your favourite part of the body right?” I ask. All his victims were missing their hearts, “Did you eat them or are they sitting in glass jars hidden somewhere?” I add.
A sickening smirk surfaces on his face and I have to resist the urge to punch him in the mouth and make it disappear. What makes me even angrier is that he clearly doesn’t feel any remorse for the lives he has stolen.
“That’s a secret,” he smiles.
“You have been found guilty have fun rotting in hell you pathetic piece of scum!” I hiss before I let go of the arrow and he cries out in pain as it strikes his heart.
I expect to feel empowered as I watch him take his last dying breath although as his eyes become lifeless I feel ill. I don’t feel empowered at all. I almost feel like a monster, like the animal I just killed.
Shake it off this is what you wanted. You begged to be the one to take him down. I remind myself but it doesn’t make me feel any better.
“You’re finally one of us,” I hear Chris approaching behind me and I quickly button my jeans back up.
“I thought I was already one of you after I passed all the tests?” I ask as my eyes stay glued on the lifeless body lying at my feet.
You did a good thing. I tell myself.
“Well now you are truly one of us, how does it feel?” He asks as he rests his hand on my shoulder.
“I don’t know.”
“You have a great talent you were born to do this,” He removes his hand from my shoulder and stands by my side.
“Born to be a murderer?” I ask.
“We’re not murderers Kristin. We are doing the world a favour you know that,” he replies. I did used to think that although now that I have taken a life I’m not so sure.
I don’t like having the power of god but at the same time I know it needs to be done. I know that they need to be killed, and that we are the only ones with the skills to do it.
“I know,” I reply.
“Good job sis I thought he had you for a minute,” I hear Alex’s voice as he approaches and I know the rest are going to be with him. Alex hasn’t changed a bit, he still has his short dark spiky hair although his skin seems to be darkening, as well as his brown eyes.
“You did a great job,” My father speaks next and I can hear how proud he is.
“Thanks guys,” I reply as I continue to stare into the lifeless blue eyes. For some reason I can’t look away? no matter how hard I try.
“Come on we have to get rid of the body,” dad speaks and Alex wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading me away from the dead body- from the animal I just put down.
“You okay?” Alex asks me as we walk in between the dark grey buildings, and continue to make our way to the cars.
“Yeah,” I lie. Although truthfully I don’t know how I feel. I feel guilty, exhilarated and I feel . . . Numb all at the same time.

“Kristin,” I hear Tane’s voice which is full of worry, and I feel his hand resting on my face. My eyes snap open to darkness and I gather it is very early in the morning as I lean over my bed and turn on the lamp.
“I’m okay,” I reply as I face him. Tane practically lives at my house because I refuse to stay the night at his. He shares an apartment with his sister Tina and her best friend Phoebe, who obviously still has feelings for Tane although he denies it.
“You had that dream again didn’t you?” He asks, and the lifeless blue eyes flash in my mind. It still haunts me and has for the past year and a half, I only lasted another two weeks before I quit hunting.
“I’m fine really,” I sigh in relief as I stare into Tane’s beautiful bright blue eyes- they remind me of the ocean and not like the dead werewolf’s lifeless blue eyes.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks as he sits up and leans against the cream headboard which matches the bed frame.
“How can you be with me knowing that I hunted your kind for two years?” I ask as I follow his move. I had told Tane about my hunting past the minute he told me he was thinking about moving back to Beacon Hills.
I knew I couldn’t keep it from him, and he needed to know that information before he made his decision.
“Because I love you,” Tane replies simply.
“But-” I start.
“No buts. What you did was a good thing Kristin, they were murderers. They were everything I hate about my kind,” Tane explains.
“You know I don’t deserve you right?” I ask as I inch closer to him and he puts his arm around me.
“It’s me who doesn’t deserve you,” Tane replies as he kisses the top of my head although I completely disagree.
Tane isn’t just attractive he’s smart, kind, caring, strong, funny, gentle, courageous and selfless plus much more and I still can’t believe he moved to Beacon Hills just to be with me.
His fingers start running up and down my bare arm and I feel relaxed immediately under his soft touch.
“Let’s agree to disagree,” I reply.
“Deal,” Tane agrees as I look up at him and he presses his amazing lips against mine.

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