Belle: Questions

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(Previously: Isaac sees Belle’s glowing yellow eyes and her four sharp canine teeth after she finds out Isaac’s father is abusive and runs out of the house after Mr Lahey. Belle’s mother stop’s Belle before she can kill Mr Lahey and Belle runs off into the woods and sees Derek and Scott in their wolf form, but she stays hidden from Scott. Derek helps Belle turn back into her human form and Kristin finds her.)

The drive home with Kristin is silent and awkward, and I gather it’s because she doesn’t know what I am going through and knows better than to pretend otherwise. That’s the good thing about Kristin, she doesn’t pretend and is honest even when you don’t want to hear it.
“Mom is at home waiting for us, she knows more than I do.” Kristin speaks as she taps her hand on the steering wheel in synch with Apologise by One Republic and Timbaland which is playing on the radio.
It’s one of my favourite songs. I love the lyrics and the beat of the music and it’s also Kristin’s favourite. She is the one that got me hooked on the song. I swear I’ve listened to it a million times already.
Part of me is angry that they didn’t tell me that werewolves existed let alone that I could be one, but honestly I know I wouldn’t have believed them. I would've written them both off as insane and riding the crazy train.
“It’s too late to apologise it’s too late. I said it’s too late to apologise . . . It’s too late,” I sing out loud at the top of my lungs and Kristin joins in with me. We sound awful well at least I do. Kristin isn’t too bad- at least we have finally broken the awkward silence.
“We should totally audition on idol or X-factor.” Kristin smirks and we both laugh at the idea. Kristin would totally sing on live television if I dared her, but she already gets enough attention. All the boys at school check her out on a daily basis, it’s almost embarrassing.
“How old were you when you found out about werewolves?” I ask getting straight to the point.
“I was seventeen. It was during my junior year and I was dating Derek. I was attacked by a werewolf and Derek and his family saved me. Derek told me, well showed me what he was I mean- is.” Kristin keeps her eyes on the road avoiding my gaze but I still see the regret.
“You two made a cute couple.” I reply as I stare out the window looking at the porch lights as we pass each house.
“I don’t know about that.” Kristin replies as she pulls into the driveway and parks behind my mother’s small blue Ford Fiesta.
I have so many questions that I don’t know where to start. Part of me is anxious to see my mother I mean what if she is ashamed of me? I did try to kill a man and what about Isaac? How can I face him again? What if he is still there? My life is over!
“Come on I know you have many questions and you don’t want to keep mom waiting do you?” Kristin smirks before she gets out of the car and walks into the house.
How can Kristin be so cool about it? Werewolves are meant to be fiction- false. They aren’t meant to be real, but then again Kristin has had six years to deal with the information and I’ve only had an hour at most. It still doesn’t seem real, if I hadn’t seen my reflection in Lahey’s glasses and my claws I might not believe it. My life is never going to be the same again is it?
“No of course not,” I mutter to myself as I slowly open the door and take my time, counting to five before I take each step. My life went from normal to werewolves in what feels like two seconds.
I admit that I like the strength, the speed and the hearing but I don’t like that Isaac knows that I’m a monster; a freak with gross facial hair.
For the first twenty minutes we sit in silence. I know my mother isn’t sure where to start and neither am I and luckily we have the television on as background noise. I’ve been watching Punk’d for the last twenty minutes.
“What happened to Isaac?” I finally ask my mother.
“I told him it was all a prank and then I drove him home. I told him they were contacts and fake teeth. I think he believed me you just need to corroborate the story and Mr Lahey won’t remember a thing in the morning he drank far too much alcohol.”
Well I don’t think I would have thought of that. I have to give her points for that. I just hope Isaac will believe me when I tell him and that Mr Lahey won’t remember any of it. The last thing I need is for him to call me out as a wolf.
“Okay fine so who else in the family are werewolves other than you and me?”
“Your grandfather was a werewolf and your grandmother is a werewolf. Your uncle Kyle is a werewolf and so is his wife.” My mother replies. She looks relieved probably because I’m finally speaking to her.
We haven’t spoken to my uncle Kyle in over ten years, he doesn’t have any children apparently the problem is on his end. My grandfather died when I was two years old. I don’t remember him at all but Kristin says he was awesome and spoilt us rotten, she was eight when he died.
“What about dad? And why don’t we see Uncle Kyle anymore?” I ask.
“Your father is human and a hunter. He started hunting after Kristin was scratched during a camping trip before you were born. Your brother hunts with him and your uncle Kyle hates me for being stronger and able to have kids.” My mother replies regretfully.
Okay wasn’t expecting any of those answers, my father a hunter? It doesn’t sound right and my Uncle Kyle well I didn’t think he was such a douche. Well at least now I know the truth.
“A hunter like he kills werewolves? Does he know that you are one?” He wouldn’t hunt them if he knew mom was one of them; that we could be one of them would he?
Kristin is the daddy’s girl. I love my father don’t get me wrong but I get along with my mother better. I guess there’s a reason for that, it makes sense now- we’re the same.
“No I was going to tell him eventually but then he turned to hunting and I knew I could never tell him, not after he joined with the Argents.”
“So you lied to him? Wait the Argents as in Alison Argent?” That is so weird; so my father hunts with Alison’s father? What a small world. I wonder if miss perfect knows about her father’s job.
“It’s not that simple Belle and yes-” My mother starts.
“How can you lie about something like this, dad will understand he would never hurt you or any of us.” I interrupt. I guess I’m not a mummy’s girl after all. I can’t believe she has been and is lying about something this huge, about what she really is.
“It’s complicated Belle, you don’t know the type of people he works with-” My mother starts talking but I’m tired of her excuses. Besides how bad can they really be, I mean Alison doesn’t seem psychotic.
“I know that you’re a liar.” I snap and my mother’s jaw practically hits the ground.
“Belle enough already you must have other questions!?” Kristin interrupts me. She’s right but I’m still annoyed at my mother. Usually it’s me defending mom while she and Kristin argue. I don’t like that the order is reversed but until I cool down I’m not going to apologise. I won’t and I can’t.
“So I can only turn during full moons?” I ask.
“It starts during a full moon, but after the first turn you can turn willingly without the full moon. It takes time and practice but I know you can master it’ you’re strong.” My mother smiles and I know she is hoping that the compliments will help soothe my anger but I don’t think so.
“If I bite someone will they turn?” I ask. It’s how it happens in the movies. People get infected through a bite.
“Not unless you are an alpha.” My mother replies, so Scott was turned by the fugly werewolf which must also be an alpha. I realised it and Derek were to different people after I saw Derek’s eyes, and they glowed blue, not red. I thought for sure it was Derek that bit Scott it sure sounded like it in the woods when they were talking.
“There’s another alpha in town isn’t there? It bit Scott you know?” I hear the sorrow in my voice as I look over at Kristin, she looks to be in shock. I know she cares about Scott too but in the brotherly kind of way. She isn’t pathetic and in love with him like me.
“It bit Scott? When?” Kristin asks before my mother has the chance. My mother also looks worried. She is friends with Scott’s mother Melissa. They work together at the hospital. Melissa is sort of like an aunt to Kristin to I. We don’t hear much from my father’s side of the family except for my uncle Stilinksi.
“The night the body was found I went looking for the other half with Zan, Scott and stiles. I saw the werewolf, it breathed in my face but didn’t attack me but it bit Scott,” I still can’t believe it’s only been two nights since I came face to face with that monster, not counting the night itself. I told myself it wasn't real.
“Scott’s fine- he’ll be fine.” Kristin replies.
“Kristin you know that a bite means-” My mother starts talking.
“There’s a first time for everything.” Kristin interrupts and I can see the desperation in her eyes. She is in denial and I can’t tell her that Scott is a werewolf, she’s not ready to hear it yet.
“Well I’m done for now I’m going to bed.” I reply and stand to my feet waiting for my mother to order me to sit down.
“Goodnight Belle.” Kristin forces a smile.
“Yeah goodnight,” I reply and start to walk to the stairs.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow.” My mother says but I don’t reply, instead I keep walking and rush up the stairs slamming the door as I enter my room. The only thing that can calm me down is my iPod and my earphones. They never fail to distract me from my problems.

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