Derek: Let the Tests Begin

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(Previously: Derek and Scott visit the crime scene at the video store and Derek shows Scott that pain is what causes him to shift back into human form, and it will get him killed by the Alpha unless he learns how to control it, and Derek is going to teach him. Derek visits Jackson to see if he saw the Alpha which Jackson didn’t. Kate and a couple of hunter attack and Derek just manages to escape with his life before he goes to Tane’s and finds out Tane is moving back to Brooklyn. Derek finds Kristin at the old bridge near his house and they hook up.)

For Scott to be useful against the Alpha he needs to learn a few tricks:
To be able to get angry enough to shift at any time and any place.
To be able to stay in his beta form even when pain is being inflicted upon him.
To be able to fight or avoid the alpha if the situation calls for it.
To resist the Alpha and the degree of control it has over him.
To master his abilities including his teeth and claws.
And finally he needs to get rid of all distractions and that includes Alison who is probably his trigger in calming the beta wolf. Kristin was mine and that could be a problem especially since anger is the trigger for the transformation.
Speaking of Kristin I can’t get her out of my mind or my thoughts. I tried fighting against my desires at the bridge. I tried to walk away but my impulses were stronger. I’ve been craving and needing Kristin for six years and all I wanted to do was ask her to stay, but instead I acted like a coward and let her walk away.
Although the more I think about it, the more I realise it was for the best. Kristin is my weakness and I need to focus on the Alpha and getting my revenge for Laura. I have to focus on training Scott who is going to help me. We need to get to him before the Argents and their hunting team do.
You sure like making up excuses. Kristin isn’t your weakness she is your strength. You could have your cake and eat it too in fact Kristin could probably help you take down the Alpha but you’re afraid of letting her in again. You’re a pansy! My wolf starts.
Oh shut up I’m doing Kristin a favour she is-
Better off without you yeah I know. I’ve heard it a million times before, but you are full of shit. Are you just going to pretend you didn’t mark her last night?
It wasn’t deliberate. Besides Kristin will hate me when she finds out that I’m the reason her Grams checked out after the fire.
You don’t really believe that.
How do you know?!
Because I am you idiot and you can’t ignore the fact that Kristin is our mate and that’s never going to change.
She walked out and left.
It’s not like you told her to stay even though you didn’t want her to leave. Why didn’t you just tell her the truth? Kristin wouldn’t have slept with you if she didn’t feel the same way.
Because . . .
You’re busy punishing yourself and by the way it’s getting old.
Okay enough. I’m done arguing with myself. I have more important things to do like training Scott.
Fine but you know I’m right.
“Whatever,” I mumble to myself as I stay hidden in the car park. It’s just after dark and Scott has just finished grocery shopping, and I begin quietly stalking him as he starts looking for his car on the 4th level. After failing to find it he puts down the shopping bags and grabs the keys from his pocket before pressing the unlock button, which is when he realises he is on the wrong level and needs to be on level 5.
“Crap,” Scott mutters as the plastic bottle of milk tips out of the plastic bag and rolls on the ground under the car where I’m patiently waiting ready to attack.
Here goes nothing.
My claws extend and I scratch the bottle gently before rolling it back towards Scott. The milk is slowly oozing out of the bottle leaving white claw shaped marks on the ground, and it’s not until he looks through the car window that he sees me coming towards him. Of course it’s just my shadow and I’m hoping he thinks I’m the Alpha.
You may think my teaching method is harsh but I know it will work and scare the crap out of Scott at the same time, a win-win situation in my books.
He is going to hate you for this.
Scott’s brown eyes grow wide in surprise before he starts to run away from me and I growl in response making sure not to hold back. Scott needs to take this seriously. It’s the only way he will learn.
I have the upper hand. Scott is running like a human while I’m running like an animal which gives me more speed and strength behind my movements. As we reach the third level I’m pleasantly surprised when Scott tries evading me by setting off many of the car alarms.
Smart move now I can’t rely on my sense of hearing to find him by focussing on his heartbeat. Although I know he can’t be that far away and I keep up the chase as I try focusing and using my sense of smell.
Just as I round the corner and head for level two I hear his phone ringing, and bite back the disappointment. This is why he needs to get rid of all distractions. I don’t need to be a mind reader to know Alison is calling.
Got ya!
While Scott is hiding behind the car and trying to shut off his phone I jump on the roof of the vehicle and grab him by the shoulders before slamming him against the bonnet. It’s like he isn’t even trying.
“You’re dead,” I try not to hiss.
Scott’s face is full of shock and confusion and as I jump off the car I know anger is going to be the next emotion to surface. I’d probably want to bite my face off as well but Scott has no chance of gaining the upper hand.
“What the hell was that?” Scott asks as he follows by my side.
“I said I was going to teach you but I didn’t say when,” I keep walking. It’s not like the alpha is going to send him a letter with a time and place. Scott needs to be ready at all times or else he isn’t going to survive.
“You scared the crap out of me,” Scott is still panting, a mixture of anger and shock from my surprise attack.
“Not yet,” I reply. Training has only literally just started. I’ve got much more up my sleeves besides I look much less monstrous than the Alpha. He is literally four times my size, more hairy and resembles a big ass wolf with red glowing eyes.
The Alpha is literally something ripped out of a horror movie.
“Oh okay but I was fast right?” Scott asks.
“Not fast enough.”
“But the car alarm thing, that was smart right?”
“Until your phone rang.”
“Yeah but that was. I mean- would you just STOP . . . Please!” Scott yells and after an eye roll I stop walking and face him. “What happened the other night, Stiles dad getting hurt- that was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this,” Scott replies and I’m assuming he is talking about the mountain lion that had stumbled onto the school parking lot during the parent teacher conference.
“Look I am what I am because of birth, you were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time and I don’t even know if I can teach you,” I make sure to sound unconvinced hoping Scott will want it more, and be more willing to ditch Alison at least for the time being.
“What do I have to do?” Scott asks.
“You have to get rid of your distractions,” I reply and grab Scott’s phone from his hand. “You see this?” I ask and hold it up and sure enough the missed call was from Alison, “This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you- get rid of her,” I reply. For us to have a chance at taking down the alpha Scott needs to be able to get angry and stay angry no matter what, and he can’t do that with Alison around and he won’t be able to unless he practices.
“What just because of her family?” Scott asks and I throw the phone against the wall watching as it shatters on impact. Maybe now he will take me more seriously. I’m not here to play games.
“What the hell!” Scott seethes.
“You getting angry? That’s your first lesson, you want to learn how to control this and how to shift. You do it through anger by tapping into a primal animal rage and you can’t do THAT with her around,” I yell and begin to raise my voice.
At least I know being a teacher is completely out of the question. I don’t have the patience to put up with other people’s crap.
“I can get angry,” Scott’s nostrils begin to flare but he isn’t even close to being angry enough to shift.
“Not angry enough. This is the only way that I can teach you. Now can you stay away from her, at least until after the full moon?” My voice continues to rise with each word as my frustration begins to grow.
Scott isn’t taking this seriously at all.
“If that’s what it takes.”
“Do you want to live? Do you want to protect your friends- yes or no?” I am close to screaming hoping Scott might take this situation more seriously.   
Scott is my only link to the alpha.
“Yes! If you can teach me I can stay away from her,” Scott replies more convincingly although I was a teenager once and I know it’s not that easy but it’s the only way if Scott wants to live.
Damn teenagers!

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