Belle: Family Reunion?

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(Previously: Belle goes bowling with Isaac and Zan to spy and watch Scott and Jackson bowl. She is happy to see Scott kick Jackson’s butt. Belle also tells Scott she needs space and rejects Jackson.)

The tears won’t stop falling. All I can think about is my Grams and how she was here one minute and gone the next. The harder I try not to think about her: the more it hurts.
“It’s going to be okay,” my mother kisses me on the forehead as her arms stay wrapped around me. Her bedroom floor is littered with tissues, my used tissues. I bet there isn’t a single clear space on the floor.
“I hope so,” I reply in a wary and tired voice as my eyes finally become too heavy to keep open.

Finally. It feels like I’ve been crying for days although in reality it’s only been a couple of hours.
My footsteps are heavy as I run through the dark forest as fast as my legs will allow. There is something or someone after me and gaining closer with each moment. It doesn’t matter how fast I run. I can’t lose them.
It has to be the alpha. Is he trying to kill me?
Why? What did I do to him?
Derek! He will help me. I just have to get there in time. Pushing myself harder I continue to run and thankfully manage to gain some distance from whatever is chasing me although just as I am about to reach Derek’s house I arrive at the school instead.
I’m not going in there. There’s no way. I instantly turn on my heels and begin running in the opposite direction.
It’s all I do. I run and run until I somehow reach the school again. It’s hopeless and I know that no matter where I run, I’m going to end up back at the school. At least I’m not being chased anymore.
But I have a bad feeling that there’s something worse lurking in the school waiting for me to enter. Maybe I should just wait it out in the woods. Sounds like a plan to me. I decide and take a seat on the ground on the border of the woods.

“Help me!” I hear Kristin’s voice and immediately stand to my feet full of panic. Kristin is in the school. Why is she in the school?
Kristin screams again and this time I don’t hesitate and run to my doom following Kristin’s voice. The school is unlocked and I open the door and rush down the hallway although her screams are echoing off the walls and I can’t pin point her location.
I’m going to fail to find her.
I can’t lose Kristin. I just can’t.
“Kristin!” I scream as I start searching from room to room desperately trying to find her.
“Kristin please answer me?” I beg as I keep finding each room empty. Kristin is here. I can smell her and others that smell familiar.
The search is a complete fail. Every hallway and every room is completely empty but I know what I heard. Kristin was in real pain. Time to start again I decide and make it past the first three rooms before I trip.
The metallic smell assaults my nostrils before my eyes make out the pile of dead bodies. . . dead students. Their throats have been ripped out by a werewolf. My best guess the Alpha and I frantically search for Isaac and Zan although they don’t seem to be a part of the pile.
Why would he kill a bunch of kids? Oh my god he killed Kristin. No, no, this isn’t happening.
“You’re just like the rest of them.” I hear Kristin’s voice and turn immediately, sighing in relief until I see the crossbow Kristin is aiming at my heart.
“What are you doing?”
“How could you Belle?”
“What are you talking about Kristin?”
“You’re covered in blood.”
“What?” I look down at my hands and at my clothes, and as I notice the blood covering my body- I can taste the blood in my mouth, the blood that doesn’t belong to me.
Oh god it wasn’t the alpha it was me. I did this.
“You messed up Belle and now I have to put you down,” Kristin says in a monotone without the slightest hint of emotion.
“Wait I should do it,” my father emerges from the shadows that are clinging to the walls. His strawberry blonde hair is neat as always and his usual warm brown eyes are dark and empty as he takes the crossbow from Kristin’s hands.
“Dad?” I mutter as the shock takes hold of my body.
It’s been a week since I’ve seen my father. We spent the weekend together and went to the movies and did some shopping. As much as I wanted to tell him the truth about me I decided against it. I trust my father and I know he would never hurt me but its better this way.
It’s when I realised I couldn’t keep hating my mother for lying to my father for so long, sometimes it’s safer hiding the truth.
“I’m sorry Belle but I have to do this,” my father replies before he aims the crossbow and fires.

My eyes snap open as I jolt upward in bed. My mother is sleeping by my side and I try to be as quiet as possible, but my heart is racing as I try to catch my breath. The smell and taste is still lingering as the pile of dead bodies flash before my eyes.
Even though it was just a dream I can’t shake it. It felt so terrifyingly real. Even my chest aches as if I was literally hit with the arrow my father aimed at my heart. But that would never happen because I would never kill anyone.
Okay well Mr Lahey was my only exception, and I failed anyway. There’s no way I will slip up again though. I’m learning to control it and apparently during the next full moon I’m going to be in a cage. I can’t kill anyone if I’m locked up in a cage.
I’m not going to kill anyone. I won’t . . .

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