Kristin: The Night In The Woods

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(Previously: Kristin has breakfast with her father and brother before they leave town and warns Belle to stay away from Derek because it’s too dangerous to be around him. After Kristin finishes her shift at the animal clinic she goes to the video store to rent out a few movies and the alpha attacks knocking her out.)

I’m being forced to rest because of my three broken ribs, practically tied down to either the couch or the bed. Okay well not literally but I do have a babysitter with me at all times. Last night it was Stiles and we spent hours playing video games and eating pizza. Today it’s Michelle, but of course she denies it and says that it was her day off and she had nothing better to do. At least it means I get to ask about Cory and if they are dating yet.
Speaking of dating, who should I set up next? Maybe my mother and officer Michael who works with my uncle, and is around my mother’s age. He reminds me a bit of Johnny Depp but when he had short hair and more weight on him.
“I give you two weeks before you break your oath,” Michelle smirks as she sits on the end of the couch with my legs resting across her thighs. Apparently I should be lying horizontal most of the time although I’m feeling fine thanks to the pain killers.
“Oh please. There is no one in this town that is worth the time or effort,” I reply as America’s Next Top Model plays in the background on my television, “Not even Derek.”
“You’re such a liar!” Michelle rolls her bright blue eyes and chuckles.
Is it really that obvious? Not that it matters, Derek hates me and he practically called me a monster at the wake. 
“I will kill the alpha. You’ve probably done enough killing to last you a lifetime.” Derek’s words instantly replay in my mind, and I quickly shake them off.
Get over it already!
“How’s Cory?” I ask changing the subject. There’s no point arguing with Michelle especially when she is right. Even though I’m pissed and angry with Derek for what he said, it doesn’t mean I can shut off my feelings.
All I’ve dreamt about for the past few nights is Derek’s unconscious body lying on the floor in the animal clinic, and it’s like I’m reliving the moment six years ago with Alyssa all over again. Derek literally died because of me, because he tried to save me.
Maybe it hasn’t been about Derek staying away from me for my sake whatever that means. Maybe Derek shut me out of his life because I’m practically a bad luck curse, and I seem to bring him nothing but pain. First the break-up followed by the torture and then the shooting where I accidentally shot Derek with an arrow in the woods.
“Don’t change the subject. You and Derek need to kiss and make-up already, but if you must know I think Cory is going to ask me if we want to become official tonight. Has he said anything to you?” Michelle asks and reaches for her cup of coffee which is sitting on the beige coffee table in front of us.
Cory had called this morning wanting tips and advice of how to ask Michelle to be his girlfriend. Lucky for Cory, Michelle is a low maintenance girl and all Cory needs to do is literally ask her the question.
“I don’t know,” I shrug trying to hold back the smirk although it manages to surface slightly against my will.
“Well hurry up and get back with Derek so we can double,” Michelle whines and I can’t help but laugh at her suggestion.
“That’s not going to happen, besides Derek isn’t the double date type or at least he didn’t used to be and I doubt he has changed much.”
“Oh please you can talk people into doing anything,” Michelle flicks her dark brown hair off her shoulder and smirks.
It’s true, Michelle was very hesitant about Cory until I talked her into and now they are almost inseparable.
“Not everyone,” I reply. There’s nothing I can say to get Scott to stop seeing Alison, and I know Belle is going to ignore me as well and get involved in Derek’s problems again.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Michelle asks. The worry is clear on her face. It sucks not being able to tell Michelle the truth about the alpha and werewolves in general. There’s no one I can talk to anymore. The last thing I want to do is dump all my problems on Stiles, Scott or Belle. They’re only teenagers and have enough problems of their own.
There is my mother but I don’t want to talk about my Derek problem with her, and she can’t know I’m hunting the alpha. Neither can my father or brother. Not even Dee and Cassie know and I can’t drag them into this crap either. I did have Tane but we’re not even friends anymore.
“There’s nothing going on. I’m just stressed with the whole Tane thing-” I start.
“And Derek thing,” Michelle adds and laughs as I scrunch up my face at her.
“You’re evil.”
Over the next few hours we waste time watching T.V and gossiping. It’s exactly the distraction I need although it’s interrupted when Tane arrives and Michelle leaves giving Tane and I privacy.
I’m guessing this is the part where he tells me he’s leaving town and going back to Brooklyn with Tina and Phoebe, or maybe they are planning on moving somewhere different or maybe I’m completely wrong but I doubt it.
“How are you feeling?” Tane asks as he takes a seat on the end of the couch and I sit up straight, ignoring the shooting pain in my rib cage. It’s not the worst pain I’ve had to endure and I know it won’t be the last.
“Great,” I lie as Tane stairs straight at the T.V. The news is on and depressing as always but I do the same thing.
“We’re leaving and going back to Brooklyn,” Tane blurts and I feel his eyes on me as his attention shifts from the T.V.
It’s not a surprise. I had assumed it was going to happen, sooner rather than later but it does make it all much more real.
“When?” I ask as I look at Tane. His usual bright blue eyes seem dull and his face is more pale than usual.
“Tonight,” he replies grimly and I hold back the frown.
“I’m sorry,” he adds, “I didn’t want it to end this way.”
“It’s okay. I knew this was going to happen.” I reply but it does still suck.
“It’s not okay-” Tane starts.
“Tane just stop. What’s done is done and we can’t change it. We have to move on.”
Tane thinks that Phoebe just needs time and then she will be okay if Tane and I pick up our friendship and continue, but I know better. I’m losing my best friend and I can’t hold onto him like I did Derek. I can’t go through that again.
“I just wish it didn’t have to be like this,” Tane’s head hangs in shame and I have to resist the urge to comfort him and wrap my arms around him.
“I know,” I grab his hand and squeeze it gently. “You should get going I’m assuming Phoebe and Tina are in the car?” I ask and stand to my feet.
“Yeah,” Tane nods before standing to his feet also. He seems to be dreading the goodbye just as much as me, and I can feel the tears trying to surface.
Not going to happen, besides I’ve already mourned the end of my relationship with Tane as well as my Grams who is always going to be in my heart. I’m just hoping that the hole she left behind heals with time.
“Take care of yourself Kristin,” Tane pulls me into a hug, probably our last and I return the embrace.
“You too,” I reply before I pull away and walk Tane to the front door. Thankfully he doesn’t linger and gives me one last smile before he walks over to the car and leaves my life and me behind.
Even though the pain is constant and I know my body needs to rest. The anger is overpowering my common sense and the urge to hunt is too strong to ignore. Within the next five minutes I’m dressed and ready to hunt.
If the alpha wants to play games then let’s play.
As usual I park out front of the 'No Entry' sign and begin the trek into the forest. Although since the Alpha is moving into town there is no guarantee that he’s going to be here, but I have to try.
Come on Alpha!
If he attacks you are screwed. My common sense speaks up. I still can’t figure out why the Alpha killed Rob but spared me and Jackson. Especially since the Alpha tried killing me not that long ago. If it weren’t for Derek interrupting than I would have been dog food.
“I know okay but I can’t just sit around at home any longer,” I quietly mutter to myself although after half an hour of walking and searching the anger starts to die down and the pain starts calling out.
Damn it. I didn’t bring any of my pain medication.
After wandering for another half hour I somehow end up at the old broken bridge. The one I used to hang out at during my junior year with Derek. How the hell did I end up here? This isn’t where I want to be.
God damn it.
Even though it’s night, the moon is bright enough to make out the bridge which doesn’t look that bad considering it’s been six years. It’s managed to hold up strong well apart from the part that I broke when I kicked at it.
Being here is bringing back memories. My first kiss with Derek plus others we shared as well as a couple of arguments. At the time I just thought Derek was being a dick with his hot and cold act. I had no idea he was dealing with hormones and shifting problems.
It almost feels like another lifetime ago.
“This is the last place where I thought I’d find you,” I hear Derek’s voice before he steps out of the shadows and I avoid looking directly at him, knowing the moonlight will be enhancing his handsome features.
Damn his perfect face.
“This is the last place I expected to end up at.” I reply as I lean over the rickety bridge surprised it can hold my weight.
“I’m assuming Tane visited you before he left?” Derek takes a few steps forward until he is standing by my side.
“Why are you here? Aren’t you worried that I’m going to murder you and add to my lifetime of killing?” I can’t help but snap. The real reason Derek is here is because he thinks I’m after the alpha, and he doesn’t think I can handle it.
I bet Tane even made Derek promise to look out for me. Pfft . . . I don’t need Derek’s help. I don’t need anybody’s help.
“Oh come on Kristin how do you expect me to react to the news?” Derek sighs in frustration and I can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
What did he expect? Am I not meant to be offended by that comment? The only person I am able to talk to about everything and I can’t even talk to him.
“I don’t know. Since Tane understood I thought that you might not be so spiteful.” I reply and keep my gaze locked forward.
“Well I haven’t had much luck with hunters.”
“When have you dealt with hunters? Was it while you were in Brooklyn?”
“It doesn’t matter. Shouldn’t you be resting? Please tell me you aren’t out here for the alpha! You have broken ribs. You can’t fight anyone in this condition.” Derek starts and I keep my focus on the moon which is reflecting in the water.
It’s calming and helping me block out some of the pain.
Wait did he just say condition? It’s not like I’m pregnant.
“Condition? Oh please I can take you right here right now!” I finally face Derek who is looking down at me.
The rage may have been disappearing but now it is back and in full force. Since the alpha isn’t around I guess I’m going to have to take my frustrations out on Derek. Besides it’s not like he doesn’t deserve it.
“Are you serious right now?”
“Yes I am Derek. What you think you’re better than me?”
“I’m not the one that attacked you last night and I’m not the one that dumped you and left, and I’m not your punching bag.”
“It was MUTUAL!” I feel my fists clench by my sides.
“You’re being ridiculous right now Kristin. Why the hell is hunting the Alpha so important to you anyway? Are you trying to prove a point to Argent? Or maybe you are trying to impress him, is it really worth your life?”’
Does he really think I’m trying to impress Argent? No way, prove a point maybe but it’s more than just that. The Alpha is killing people and adding to its pack. Am I just meant to sit back and not try to stop it. Plus I need to kill again and not feel the chest crushing guilt to prove that what I said to Derek is real, and that there is difference between killing savage werewolves and not killing the good ones, that I was doing the right thing, and that I’m not a monster myself.
Derek can’t understand that.
“Why do YOU care so much?” I can’t help but yell as the frustration grows and I can see the anger on Derek’s face as his nostrils begin to flare, and he closes the space between us with a small step.
“Seriously, do you really think that I just left and stopped caring?” Derek replies and the frustration is clear in his voice. “How many times do I have to tell you that I was doing you a favour, you’re better off without me!”
“That doesn’t even make any sense Derek, besides I know the truth. You stayed away all those years because of me. I’m not stupid so why do you insist on saving me when I can handle myself?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m bad luck and people die around me, even you were nearly killed because of me,” I feel the anger start to die and I sigh before taking a deep breath, “I finally get it. I wouldn’t want to stay in touch with me either.”
“What?” Derek shakes his head as if he is physically unable to comprehend my words. Did I start speaking in another language unintentionally?
“Do you really want me to repeat myself?”
“You can’t be serious,” Derek looks like he is literally in shock.
What the hell is going on?
“What?” I shout. The frustration is beginning to grow back, and Derek is giving me nothing. Either he is a great liar or I’m completely off track. But if I am than that leaves me even more confused. Derek isn’t a bad person so why would I be better off without him.
“I’m not lying and you’re not bad luck.”
“But you died because of me.”
"And you brought me back," Derek replies.
“Just give me a straight anwser, what do you mean by me being better off without you?” I ask and the conversation with Scott on the day of my Grams funeral starts replaying in my mind. Scott said that Derek blames the Argents for the house fire.
Is Derek blaming himself for that? But why? It’s not his fault even if Kate is the one behind it although I still can’t believe it. That Kate would kill innocent children, and innocent werewolves.
Plus it was ruled an accident. I think Derek wants someone to blame for his family’s death and I don’t blame him. It was tragic and I have no idea how I would deal with losing that many members of my family. It’s hard enough dealing with the pain of my Grams being gone.
“You never told me why hunting the Alpha is so important to you,” Derek changes the subject and looks at me again with his usual forced and distant expression. As if it’s against the law to shown emotion.
“And you’re ignoring my question as well,” I cross my arms over my chest and I feel the slight panic as Derek’s eye focus on the seahorse pendant necklace, the one Derek got me while we were dating all those years ago.
I dug it out from the bottom of wardrobe and started wearing it again the day after Derek was almost killed by the Wolfsbane bullet. What? It’s pretty, that’s all and the only reason I kept it.
I’m serious.
You’re lying. My inner voice retorts although I ignore it- me.
“You still have it,” Derek reaches out almost mesmerised by it and I feel my heart begin to accelerate in response.
No, no . . . No. Don’t even think about it. You took an oath and Tane literally only just left town.
“Well I haven’t been able to find another one like it,” I try to reply distantly although I know Derek can hear my heart racing.
Wait why am I even worried? Derek isn’t going to kiss me. He is still angry that I spent time hunting werewolves with my father and brother. My oath isn’t going to get broken, not tonight and not with Derek.
“It still looks great on you,” Derek’s hand lingers although his eyes continue to stay distant, and he is a lot better at it than me.
Stay strong.
Keep your hands and mouth to yourself.
Just walk away. There’s no point going through this again, not when it ended so tragically the first time right?
Oh god why can’t I move?
Stop freaking out! I order myself. All I’m doing is making my heart race even faster, but Derek isn’t helping the situation especially since his hand is now leaning against my chest as he stares at the sea horse pendant.
His hands are cold although comforting at the same time, and I can see the internal struggle in Derek’s eyes. At least I’m not the only one that is practically a slave to the moment. I don’t like having no control over my body.
Oh please you can move if you really wanted to . . . My voice of reason comments but I ignore it again.
It’s time I stop messing around and walk away. Yep I’m going to walk away right now. . . okay now.
Derek’s bright green eyes shift from the pendant and sweep over my lips before they focus on my blue orbs, and I know what is about to happen and that there is no walking away, even though I should. I wonder if Derek is feeling the same way.
Our bodies slowly inch closer until our faces are just inches apart. I can feel his hot breath on my face. It amazes me how much Derek has changed, yet hasn’t changed at the same time. His cheek bones and jaw are more prominent and the stubble is new and enhances his features.
Tane only just left town. This is wrong right?
Oh please you and Tane have basically been live in friends with benefits. He needed you because he was refusing his bond, and you needed Tane because he filled that hole that Derek left behind.
I start although my internal struggle is interrupted when Derek’s hand moves from my chest and up my neck before it rests on my cheek. He lingers as if he is trying to talk himself out of it as well.
Part of me is worried that the kiss isn’t going to happen but at the same time I’m hoping Derek will chicken out and walk away.
Come on Derek stop torturing me and make up your mind already! I silently demand, and I’m barely able to get in another breath before Derek’s lips finally clash against mine. It’s almost like we are back in high school and the six years of being apart never happened as the memories and my feelings start bombarding me.
My body starts reacting instinctively as my hands run up his torso, over his black leather jacket and wrap around his neck.
As I inhale his scent it’s exactly as I remember and reminds me of the ocean mixed with the woods, and I feel the hunger as it grows.
I’ve never needed anything in my life so badly before. My body presses itself against Derek as the kiss changes from slow and deep to fast and urgent, and my legs wrap around his torso as his arms wrap around me, holding me tight.
Am I really going to have sex in the woods? I know I hinted at it all those years ago, but that was because I was having a mini breakdown over my parent’s divorce and I practically ran away before anything could happen anyway.
God brain shut up! I zone out and push away my thoughts as Derek’s kisses trail down my neck- moving back to my lips. . . Just one last time.

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