Belle: Full Moon Part II

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“Where are you going?” Isaac questions and follows on my heels as I begin to make my way to the back door. I’m going to find him, kill him and end his pathetic life. He’s not going to touch Isaac ever again.
“None of your business,” I reply as I walk out the lounge room and down the thin hallway.
“You need to stay here, haven’t you seen the movies where the werewolves attack everything and everyone in sight?” Isaac asks.
“And that’s a bad thing because?” I ask as I reach the kitchen.
“Belle please you’re going to hurt someone,” I feel Isaac’s hand as it grasps mine, but I easily break free from his grip.
“Well that is the plan so stay out of my way!” I shout and rush out the back door before Isaac has the chance to stop me. I feel powerful like I have the ability to snap people in half like twigs or rip them apart with ease, and I feel the anticipation grow in response leaving me with a warm and fuzzy feeling deep in my core.
“Belle please wait!” I hear Isaac yell from the back door but I don’t slow down. I test myself and lunge over every fence in my way. I feel invincible like a super hero, as if I can jump off the top of a ten story building and land perfectly on my feet unharmed.
It hardly takes any effort to clear every obstacle and dodge the dogs as they try to pounce on me. Part of me wants to rip the mutts apart but I somehow control myself until I arrive at Isaac’s house within a few minutes- it’s amazing. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins and I only have one goal, to take Mr Lahey’s life.
It’s going to be sweet and I can almost feel his warm blood on my hands and I smile as I walk towards the back door.
All the lights are out but I can hear the television and Mr Lahey laughing and a small growl escapes my lips as I imagine ripping out his throat with my teeth. I can’t wait to find out how it feels to take a life, and I can already smell the blood.
“Here I come,” I smirk and kick down the door.
“What the hell!” Mr Lahey shouts after a few seconds. His reaction time is slow and I can tell he is very drunk. It takes him a few more seconds to make his way to the hallway where he switches on the light.
“I’m going to have fun killing you,” I smirk as Lahey sways down the hallway half leaning on the wall with each step.
“What the hell are you? Who the hell are you? I’m going to call the cops if you don’t get the hell out of my house!” He slurs before he stops walking and leans against the wall.
I don’t respond instead I rush at Lahey and pounce on him and his body crashes to the floor, and he groans in pain as I lean over his body.
His heart is racing and I can smell the fear on him. He’s petrified and I can’t help but smile at the realisation as I hiss in his face and show off my long and deathly sharp teeth.
“Stop, stop it! Get the hell off of me!” Lahey screams.
“I haven’t even started yet,” I smirk as I lean my left hand on his chest holding him to the ground while I bring my right hand to his face, and show off my claws, lightly dragging them down his cheek, barely breaking the skin.
First I’m going to make him even more petrified and then I’m going to rip him apart limb by limb after I rip out his throat.
“Stop!” I hear a voice yell although it’s not male but female, and my head whips around to see my mother standing in the doorway behind me. Why the hell is she here? Why is she ruining my moment?
I raise both my claws and aim for his throat but my mother is somehow quicker and she grabs my hands and starts dragging my away from Lahey. How dare she, my mother cannot stop me! I have to do this no matter what it costs. I have to kill Lahey. I want to rip him apart . . . I need to rip him apart.
“Let me go!” I scream and break free from her grip although I don’t make it more than two steps before my mother has hold of my arm, and then I’m slammed against the wall with my mother’s hand around my throat. She’s stronger than me, but how? She looks human.
It doesn’t matter because she won’t stop me!
I snarl and struggle to break free which is when my mother’s eyes turn and glow amber and she growls; this time with authority. She removes her hand after I stop struggling.

I’m tempted to go back to Mr Lahey and rip out his throat but instead I rush out of the house using my speed and endurance. I clear each fence and start to head out towards the woods. I still need to hunt. I need to kill something.
“What the hell!” I grunt in frustration as another deer manages to escape before I have the chance to take it down. My footsteps must be heavy. They are hearing me before I can get within a few feet of them. Not that it seems to matter much anymore. My bloodlust is dying down and I’m starting to get bored with hunting but I’m not ready to go home yet. I can’t risk hurting Isaac, he’s already suffered enough.
“Where is she?” I hear a familiar voice off in the distance. It almost sounds like Scott although it’s hoarser and I follow the sound but stay hidden behind a tree as I see Scott but he looks different, he looks like me.
The bite! It turned him into a werewolf but I didn’t get bitten so why the hell am I a werewolf? Is it hereditary? In most of the movies I’ve seen you change after a bite.
Just thinking it sounds ridiculous. Supernatural creatures aren’t supposed to be real well apart from ghosts and bloody Mary, I swear she tried to eat my face and I wasn’t the only one that saw the womanly figure in the mirror.
“She’s safe from you,” Another voice replies although I don’t recognise the new one.
What the hell is going on here?
“What did you do with her?” Scott asks.
Her? Oh right he’s probably talking about his lover Alison.
Miss perfect smart and pretty Alison the girl of Scott’s stupid dreams. Stop it Belle! I order myself. I need to get over it already. I’m being pathetic and acting like a complete loser.
I watch as Derek appears in front of Scott. He’s not afraid or even surprised by Scott’s werewolf form. Is Derek a werewolf as well? Is he the monster with the red eyes that bit Scott?
“Shhh, shhh . . . Too late they’re already here run!” Derek starts to flee. Who the hell is he talking about who’s here? I wonder as I stay hidden out of sight and watch as Scott begins to run.
He barely manages a few steps before something hits the tree and flashes on impact.
I want to yell to Scott to try and help but I know if anything goes wrong that Derek will help, he did warn Scott to run after all.
Scott yelps in pain as an arrow pierces through his forearm pinning him against the tree. Okay where the hell is Derek? Do I help? I can’t stand Scott’s cries of pain I have to help . . . No I can’t. I don’t want Scott knowing what I am, it’s bad enough that Isaac knows that I’m a monster. Derek has to help he just has to.
Three men come into view, and I can see the man holding the crossbow. I want to rip him apart. I want to make his scream in pain and hurt him like he hurt Scott.
Come on Derek! Come on!
“Take him,” The man with the crossbow orders although Derek strikes and takes out the second man and the third with complete ease. He swatted them away like they were flies. Cool.
I stay hidden and watch as Derek rips out the arrow and both he and Scott escape before the man with the cross bow has any time to retaliate. He looks familiar but I can’t place him.
Take that you assholes! I smirk and follow Scott and Derek. I keep my distance. I don’t need to see them but I do need to hear them. I need answers like who the hell were those people.
They stop running after a handful of seconds and I crouch down behind a tree also keeping an ear out for the man with the crossbow and his two slow baboons.
“Who were they?” Scott asks and takes the words right out of my mouth.
“Hunters, the kind that have been hunting us for centuries,” Derek replies and my curiosity doubles.
Hunters? Makes sense I guess there are always vampire and werewolf hunters in the movies and books, but why did they hurt Scott? Scott didn’t do anything wrong did he?
No of course he didn’t. Scott isn’t a murderer.
“You mean YOU, you did this to me!” Scott yells and I can hear the pain in his voice. I want to comfort him but I fight the feeling and stay hidden against the tree.
“Is it really so bad Scott? That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope? You’ve been given something that most people would kill for. The bite is the gift,” Derek replies.
Why did Derek bite Scott? Was it just wrong place- wrong time? I’m sick of always having questions, I want answers.
“I don’t want it,” Scott replies and I feel sorry for him. He sounds so sad. I on the other hand am getting used to what I am although I still think vampires are way cooler. I bet with time I can even control the blood lust myself and I won’t feel compelled to kill.
It almost scares me how close I came to killing Mr Lahey, sure he deserves it but I can’t just go around killing people.
“You will and you’re going to need me if you want to learn how to control it. So you and me Scott, we’re brothers now,” Derek replies before he leaves. I want to stay with Scott but I know I can’t. If Scott finds out than he is going to see me as a monster. He clearly hates what he is, will he hate me? The thought saddens me but I shrug it off.
Instead I start to follow Derek. He seems to know a lot and since I can’t go home yet I’m going to pick his brain for answers. Since I wasn’t bitten I gather it’s hereditary and that my mother is also a werewolf but why didn’t she look like Derek did the other night, she still looked human apart from the glowing eyes, but then again maybe she was just holding back, and maybe she can turn into the monster like Derek did that night.

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