Kristin: Past Wounds Resurface

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(Previously: Kristin watches Scott during Lacrosse practice and knows that he is a werewolf- stops living in denial. Scott knocks Jackson down and starts shifting on the field. Scott and Stiles run towards the school and Kristin goes to follow until Derek stops her. Kristin threatens to scream if he doesn’t let her go so he does. Kristin see’s Scott in his wolf form as he is about to kill Stiles. They talk before Kristin leaves and goes back to her car to find Derek leaning against it although he doesn’t speak but just gets in his car and leaves.)

“Tane will you hurry up and get to bed!” I mumble into my pillow knowing he can hear me clearly. It’s still dark and I assume it’s still very early in the morning. I was sleeping until I heard the door creak open. After a slight pause there’s still no movement and I sigh in frustration.
“Seriously?” I reluctantly sit up in bed and turn on the lamp which sits on my bedside table. I don’t have clocks in my room. I can’t stand the ticking noise. I also don’t have any digital clocks in my room since the glowing numbers piss me off and keep me awake.
I hold in the gasp as my eyes fall on Derek who is leaning against the door frame. Tane has the graveyard shift of course he wouldn’t be home yet, but why is Derek here? What the hell does he want?
“Derek?” I ask in confusion. This can’t be real.
“Kristin.” Derek replies with a straight face.
“What the hell are you doing here? Is this what you do now, break into people’s houses?”
“Only yours,” Derek replies and I feel the butterflies begin to roam around in my stomach.
What the hell?
“Well you need to leave!” I snap as I bring my knees close to my chest and wrap my arms around them.
“But you don’t want me to.” He replies.
“I’m going to close my eyes and when I open them in five seconds you need to be gone,” I close my eyes and begin counting. One . . . Two . . . Three . . . Four . . . Five . . .
I open my eyes which is when I see Derek laying by my side. How did I not feel the bed dip? What the hell is going on and why is Derek here torturing me? Tane’s going to know. Tane will smell Derek in my bed, how the hell am I going to explain that one?
“What are you doing?” I inch away from Derek although he grabs my wrist and forces me by his side.
“Come on Kristin you don’t have to keep pretending with me. I know you still love me,” Derek’s grin turns cocky and I want to smack it off his perfect face, I mean stupid face.
“No you’re wrong, I love Tane!” I don’t want to love Derek. I can’t love Derek. He’s the one that shut me out of his life completely. He’s the one that doesn’t care about me anymore. He broke my heart and I’m not going to give him the chance to do it again.
You broke his first. I'm reminded.
“Oh come on Kristin you know that Tane already has a mate and it’s not you. You’re trying to hold onto someone that isn’t yours. You don’t need Tane, you can have me.”
“No you’re wrong-” I start.
“No I’m not. Tane might love you but Phoebe is his mate, and not even you can’t change that.”
“Leave! Just get the hell out!” I try to get my wrist free from Derek’s grip, but it’s no use. The more I struggle, the closer Derek pulls me to his body.
“You don’t want that.” Derek replies.
“I don’t love you anymore!” I yell although it’s not just Derek that I’m trying to convince. I thought that I was over Derek, but since his return to Beacon Hills it’s like I’m seventeen years old again. I don’t want to feel that way. I don’t want to feel anything towards Derek. Not a single letter or phone call in the past six years. I only knew that he was moving to Brooklyn but I didn’t have an address or phone number to contact him with.
“Yes you do!” Derek replies as he pulls me into his lap. I know better than to fight. He’s much stronger than I am but I refuse to look him in the eyes. I already want to slap him in the face and if I see that smug smirk than I won’t be able to resist.
“Just stop it. The only reason your here is because of Tane. It has nothing to do with me, you just want to make him angry to get your revenge, but I’m not going to be your pawn so just leave!”
“I’m sorry I hurt you Kristin but I’m not here to piss off Tane. I’m here to see you, I missed you.”
I feel the rage start to grab hold of my body. “You missed me . . .  Really? Stop lying! If you missed me so much, you wouldn’t have been a stranger for the past six years. You don’t get to come here and say that!” My hand automatically rises in the air and it swipes down at Derek’s face.
“I’m sorry!” Derek grabs my hand before it has the chance to connect.
“I don’t care Derek I just want you to leave.” I fight back the tears. There’s no way in hell that I’m going to cry in front of Derek.
Without warning Derek’s lips crash against mine. I try to fight him but my lips betray me. They open for Derek and before I know it my tongue is moving against me and exploring Derek’s mouth. Every part of my body starts responding to Derek, against my will. My body pushes itself against Derek’s core as one arm wraps around Derek’s neck while my free hand runs through Derek’s thick and midnight black hair.
Well thanks for nothing body parts!!!
Within seconds our kiss becomes fast and more heated as our lips move in synch in a frenzy as if we only have seconds to live before the world and everything we know ends.
I shouldn’t be doing this but being with Derek is almost soothing my wounds, and helping to ease the pain that he’s been causing me since entering my life again. It was easier to forget about Derek when he wasn’t in my life anymore but now that he’s back so are the wounds.
Derek’s arms wrap around me before his body pins me to the mattress, and again my body betrays me. My legs wrap around his torso as my arms wrap around Derek’s neck and my body presses itself against Derek’s again. There’s no point fighting it anymore. My body is obviously craving Derek but my mind knows that there is no happy ending. That Derek will leave again.
“Say it.” Derek whispers after he pulls his lips from mine.
“Say what?” I ask in between heavy breaths. I feel like we’ve been lip locked for hours and my lungs are in need of some serious oxygen.
“Admit that you’ve missed me.” Derek speaks after he places a few kisses along my jaw line.
“Fine I’ve missed you.” I reply and Derek’s lips curl into a smug smile before his lips find mine again.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now