Kristin: Night School Part I

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(Previously: Kristin hangs out with Kate at the bar at the Pizza Place. Although they start drinking and Kristin gets side tracked, and Kate starts questioning Kristin about her love life and assumes Kristin is with Derek. Kristin suddenly blurts the question about the house fire that killed Derek's family and she and Kate argue before Kate leaves. Kristin goes home and has a bad dream where Kate is trying to force Kristin to pick a side and shoot either her or Derek. Kristin refuses and Kate kills Derek before she shoots Kristin. Kristin knows deep down that Kate is the one responsible and blames herself. She feels that it wouldn't have happened if she didn't break up with Derek.)

It still doesn't seem real and part of me is hoping that it's all just a terrible dream. Of course I know I'm in denial. I'm not sure how many near death experiences my heart can handle anymore without breaking down completely.
This time it's so much worse. There is no colour in his skin at all and there is literally a gaping hole in his torso. He's losing to much blood and if it doesn't start healing soon, Derek isn't going to make it.
No I can't think like that. I need a clear head if I'm going to take down the Alpha and get Stiles and Scott out of there alive.
"Just think about it for a minute, you have no plan and your ribs are far from healed," Derek is begging me to stay as his hand continues to grip my arm although his strength is fading with every second that passes by.
"I don't need one and I'll strap them up before I head out but I need to leave now," I reply before I stand to my feet and easily free my arm from Derek's grip. He knows there is no way he can stop me and he lies back on the couch, and stares up at the ceiling refusing to look at me.
I'm sorry Derek but I have to do this.
All I want to do is kiss him but I feel like it would be a goodbye kiss and not the 'I'll be back in five minutes' type but the 'goodbye forever' kind and Derek needs to fight and heal. I can't give up on him.
Derek has to get through this.
"I'll be back soon call mom," I order Belle before I rush to my room, get in my hunting gear and grab my weapons before I start attaching them to my belt and hide a couple of knives in my boots.
It's time to put an end to this asshole.
"Mom's on her way," Belle calls out as I enter the lounge room. She is applying pressure to Derek's wound and I can't help but feel guilty. Belle is only 16 years old and she should be sleeping in her bed and not attending to a dying werewolf.
It's the Alpha's fault and he needs to die before he causes more chaos.
"Good. I'll be back soon," I reply before I take a last look at Derek who is struggling to keep his eyes open and I leave the house, fighting off the worry as I get in my car and start the engine.
Here goes nothing.
With my car parked a block away from the school I quickly rush around the corner to find Stiles Jeep in the parking lot along with a flashy black car, one I don't recognise and I can't help but feel slightly confused.
Belle said it was only Scott and Stiles.
Without hesitating I grab the crossbow from my back and load it with an arrow just before I enter the school. I'm going to kill Scott and Stiles if we get out of this alive. I mean when we get out of this alive.
Why are they even here? Belle said there was a roar. Was it Scott? But why would Scott deliberately draw the Alpha to him? Was Derek meant to take down the Alpha? He didn't do a very good job if that's the case.
Stop thinking you need to focus! I order myself as I reach the unlocked door that is always locked during the night.
Breaking and entering nice job guys . . . Really!
"Brav freaking O," I roll my eyes as I continue down the dark hallway listening intently for the Alpha or Scott and Stiles.
Please still be alive.
Five minutes rush by before I reach the first floor where the massive Olympic size pools are but the room is empty, "Come on!" I yell loud enough for the Alpha to hear me. Maybe I can draw away the attention from Scott and Stiles and whoever else has been dragged into this mess. "What are you waiting FOR?"
There's complete silence and after a handful of seconds I start to make my way up to the next floor, but just as I am about to walk through the door it slams open causing me to fly in the air before my body crashes against the hard cold floor.
God damn it! I quickly jump to my feet and stare the Alpha in the eye as he stands in the doorway. He may have knocked the compact bow from my hands but I always have a backup.
The poison kind. I just have to get enough rounds into him before he cuts me in half with his claws. Sounds easy right. I can do this. I just have to think of those old Western movies my father made me watch. The Alpha needs to be slowed down and I'm hoping it will be enough to send him running in the opposite direction of the school preferably.
With those thoughts in mind my hand inches towards my belt where my lucky Steyr M9-A1 compact pistol is ready and waiting. The Alpha's red eyes are staring into mine as he shows off his sharp canine teeth.
It's going to take a lot more than an ugly face to intimidate me. I know my plan seems idiotic and my survival rate seems very slim but I'm a lot stronger than I look and as long as my insides stay on the inside I know I will get up after this.
He quickly roars before he begins to charge and I grab my gun and fire round after round as I stand my ground. If it weren't for the adrenalin rush I don't think I'd still be here looking him in the eye as he gains on my position with each breath I take.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. I get off five rounds before I feel the sharp intense pain in my side before I land in the icy cold water. My body must be in shock because I don't feel any pain.
It takes me a few seconds to gain back enough strength to swim to the surface and stop my body from sinking, and when I search the room I find it empty. The Alpha either thinks I'm dead or broken beyond repair.
The poison will be affecting him and if he doesn't get the bullets out soon then he will be dead. Oh god I've got to get out of here. As I look at the water surrounding me it's turning red as the blood oozes from my wound.
Get your head back in the game and take advantage of the situation I order myself. I may be feeling weak and slightly confused as well as having trouble keeping my breathing steady but at least the pain won't slow me down, well until the shock wears off that is.
It takes all my effort to lift myself out of the pool and gather my weapons and reload my pistol, but I quickly move onto the next floor as I take off my jacket and tie it around my side. The last thing I want is to leave a blood trail just in case the Alpha decides to come back, of course he could just sniff me out easily but at least I won't be leaving behind a mess anymore.
"Keep your eyes open and focus," I whisper to myself. It's becoming harder to stay alert and I feel myself leaning against the walls as I move down the dark hallway. Although any feelings of drowsiness completely disappear as the walls and lockers begin to vibrate along with the very loud menacing howl.
The Alpha!
I guess he isn't going to leave until he gets the job done. I just hope the poison gets a hold of him first.
"Here goes nothing," I push myself off the wall and start moving as fast my legs can manage which by the way isn't that quick.
Come on, come on. A snail could outrun me at this pace.
As I round the corner I see Scott leaning against a classroom door and he looks to be in his Beta form. Wait is that people talking I can hear? Oh god Scott is going to kill them. No, no, no, no . . . No.
Please Scott stop! I silently beg as I point my gun at him although it's becoming almost impossible to hold it up. The little bit of strength I have left is leaving my body and I don't even have the energy to switch out the bullets, and hit Scott with something less potent. It could be enough to change him back to his human form.
Please don't make me do this.
Scott doesn't even notice my presence and I sigh in relief when he rejects his urge to kill and runs around the corner. I hear the police sirens next and I start following behind Scott hoping he is shifting back to his human form. By some miracle they didn't hear my gun firing.
Quietly I pass by the classroom and peer around the corner to see Scott slowly standing to his feet with a happy yet shocked expression on his face.
"Scott?" I rush towards him and sigh in relief. At least something has gone right tonight.
"What happened to you?" Scott reaches out for my wound but I take a step back before he gets the chance to grab the jacket and expose the nasty gash, well more like gashes- three prominent marks to be exact.
"Nothing and right now I have to get out of here but I want answers later got it?" I ask and try my hardest to keep my face composed and hide the degree of my injuries. Scott will tell Stiles and he will completely freak out and Stiles has been through enough trauma tonight by the sounds of it.
"Yeah of course," Scott replies and I turn my back on him and start my escape using the walls as my support crutches. After I manage to sneak out of the school undetected by my Uncle and his officers I head straight for my car and grab the emergency med kit from under my seat. I need stitches or else I'm going to bleed out.
"Just remember the training. You can do this. It hasn't been that long," I coach myself as I remove my jacket from around my waist, take off my shirt and wipe away the blood with a gauze. Next I grab the lighter and sterilise the sewing needle before I thread the cotton through the eye of the needle.
I'm hoping it's like riding a bike, something you never forget how to do. If only the car light wasn't so dim, it would make the whole thing a lot easier. There's always the option of waiting until I get home and getting my mother to do it for me but she will literally freak out and have me under house arrest.
After using disinfectant on the wound and pausing a few times to clean away the new blood, I finally finish with the stitches and get the large square bandage prepped and ready. When going through training to become a hunter you learn to assess injuries, and whether or not you need medical attention from a doctor. I got very lucky, if the claws had just been half an inch deeper than I would need surgery to stop internal bleeding.
Next it needs some herbs which will help with the healing and mask the smell and I apply the mixture to the bandage before I press it on the wound. There's only slight pain and I know it's nothing compared to what I'm going to be feeling once the shock wears off. Luckily I have my own supply of pain killers in my emergency First Aid kit of course they are the weak kind but it's better than nothing.
Last but not least I grab my spare bag from the backseat. It has a change of clean clothes and I'm thinking I might be able to make everyone think I'm uninjured well apart from Scott who could smell the blood on me but he won't say anything to Belle hopefully. Maybe I should've told him to keep that information to himself. I'll text him later although I'm guessing Stiles already knows. Oh well I can't worry about that right now.
It's time to face the music and by music I mean listen to my mother lecture me about making stupid and dangerous decisions.
"How is he?" I ask as I enter the house and head straight for the lounge room. Derek is asleep and completely patched up and my mother is pressing a cloth against his clammy forehead. Speaking of clammy I'm pretty sure my face is also looking grim.
Just play it cool.
"Honestly I'm not sure," my mother removes the damp cloth from Derek's forehead and places a thick doona over his still body. If it weren't for his rising chest, I would be sure Derek was dead.
"Are they okay?" Belle asks panicked as she sits on the floor by Derek's side. Belle has probably been going out of her mind not knowing.
"They are fine. They got lucky and the police showed up," I reply. I'm assuming the Alpha went back to his den or whatever to attend to his wounds. I'm hoping he is dying right now.
He deserves a harsher end and days of suffering but I'll take whatever I can get at this point. I'm lucky to be alive.
God what was I thinking?! I'm going to get myself killed. It's like I lose all sense of reason when I come face to face with the Alpha.
"Thank god," Belle sighs in relief as her focus goes back to Derek completely unaware of my stitched torso.
"I need some help in the kitchen?" My mother clearly looks unimpressed and I follow behind her and close the door behind us. Not that it matters since Belle will be able to hear every word anyway.
Here it comes.
"What the hell were you thinking!" My mother is trying to keep her voice as low as possible as her blue eyes bore into mine.
"Stiles and Scott were in trouble-" I start.
"You should have called Chris!"
"If I did he would have shot Scott without hesitating."
The first thing you are taught during training is to shoot first. If I had followed the training, Scott would be dead right now, and he would've died an innocent werewolf I couldn't get the hunters involved in this.
Scott and Stiles are my family.
"Wait . . . Scott shifted?"
"Yes but he didn't hurt anyone. He fought against the bloodlust," I reply and feel slightly proud of Scott's degree of control. If he can do it than so can Belle. I'm sure of it okay well like 95%.
"Where was the Alpha?"
"I don't know," I reply and it's not a complete lie. I have no idea where he went to after he left Scott. Please don't give me away heart. It's obvious my mother is looking for any sign of me deceiving her. If it weren't for the lavender I added to the herb mix she would know I was deliberately trying to hide something from her. The lavender masks the scent of all the other herbs and smells like body butter or even subtle perfume.
"You got very lucky Kristin."
"I know. He wants Scott to kill with him doesn't he?" I ask. It's the only thing that makes sense and why he forced Scott to turn.
My mother nods, "And he won't stop until he succeeds."
After another half hour passes I finally manage to talk Belle and my mother into going home for the night. My place is to small for four people and I can feel the pain breaking through the shock.
It's time for the pain killers and antibiotics. I dig in my pocket and take a couple from each bottle before I down them with a cup of water from the kitchen sink. The cold chill is creeping up next and moving all around my body, luckily the heater is on in the lounge room.
Quickly and quietly I grab a spare blanket from the hallway closet and sit in front of the heater as the fever takes over and I shut off the light. I'll be fine once I get some rest and the antibiotics will help fight off infection.
After a few minutes pass I decide to grab my blankets and make a temporary bed on the floor beside Derek, in hopes that sleep will soon take me away from the chaos. Usually I always turn off the T.V before I go to sleep but I don't have the energy or the strength.

"Kristin," I hear Derek's voice as it rips me from my slumber, and as I blink the sleep away from my eyes I can see him standing on his feet although he is swaying from side to side. I'm surprised he hasn't fallen over already.
"Derek you need- you need to . . . To rest," my mind is full of fog from tje pain killers.
"You're going to set yourself on fire if you stay in front of that heater any longer. I can literally smell the blanket burning," Derek replies and his voice sounds completely strained. He also sounds weaker than earlier and I can't help but worry.
What if he doesn't get better?
Stop it, he's going to get better.
Derek is right. I feel like my skin is on fire but I also know I'll be to cold if I go to my bed, even if I layer up on the blankets.
"I'll keep you warm," Derek extends his hand although I know he is in no shape to help me up to my feet.
Oh god this is going to hurt like a bitch.
After taking a deep breath I stand to my feet and hold in the wince as the pain shouts determined to be heard.
Fraking hell!
"Fine just get back on the couch," I instruct Derek who stumbles back the few feet before he crashes back on the couch. He is lucky he didn't fall on his ass and do himself more damage.
Not that I think it's even possible, knock on wood.
Derek's eyes immediately close and I take off my jacket before I lie beside Derek on the couch and cover us under the blanket. His bare chest is radiating heat, almost mimicking the heater but without the harshness and I shift onto my side and face Derek.
The heat is exactly what I need and I feel the cold chill leaving my body again. It's hard to look at Derek when he looks so weak and near death. There's still no colour in his skin and his face looks gaunt.
"Come on Derek you can get through this," I softly whisper before I press my lips against his, lingering slightly before I pull away as the urge to close my eyes becomes unbearable to fight against.

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