Derek: Grave Encounters

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Another family member is dead . . . Murdered and I start to think that I’m cursed to spend what will seem like an eternity alone. Everyone I have cared about has been stolen and taken away from me, and I wonder when the vicious cycle is going to end. Even the wind seems to be echoing my thoughts or maybe it’s all in my head. Am I losing my mind?
After taking a few moments to reassure myself that I am in fact sane, I reluctantly continue to dig the grave in the front yard. The smell of fresh moist dirt wafts through the air and fills my nostrils as beads of sweat start to form above my brow. The anger is doubling in size inside my chest, and burning like a giant ball of fire. Hate and rage is how I survive and has been since the fire that killed ten members of my family six years ago. It’s also how I continue to endure throughout every day and night.
It is after dark and I can hear the scattered voices in the distance as well as their footsteps as the twigs snap under the pressure of their weight. They are all searching for the half of the body that I am burying in my front yard and I hope the dogs don’t lead them here. I barely got Laura out of the woods before I was spotted by some officers with their torches.
It still doesn’t seem real. Apart from my catatonic uncle Peter, Laura was the only family I had left. I want to scream and rip every hunter apart, but I know that will just lead to more pissed off hunters that won’t quit until my head is on a stake, and the rest of my body is in pieces- cut in half preferably. The worst part is that I’m not 100% sure hunters killed my sister, not knowing for sure is the worst and most frustrating part.
I continue to dig and it doesn’t take me long before I am carefully lowering Laura’s body into the earth and covering her with a blanket. I feel my anger turning into sorrow. I don’t understand why my family are all gone.
They never hurt anybody. They never even spilt a drop of innocent human blood plus half of my family weren’t even werewolves and now Laura is gone as well. Laura didn’t hurt anybody either. She didn’t deserve to die let alone such a gruesome death.
I try to think of a prayer as I shovel the last pile of dirt over Laura’s grave but I can’t think of anything at all. The rope with wolfsbane attached in knots is already surrounding Laura’s body, and keeping her in wolf form and it is becoming harder to breath as the anger replaces the sorrow and tries to trigger the change. After Laura inherited the Alpha title it didn’t take long before she was able to shift into a wolf like my mother.
The werewolf part of me is trying to break free but in my state I know it is too risky to shift. I will end up hurting someone, and at the moment there is a forest full of people searching . . . A forest full of potential victims just waiting.
Crunch, crunch, crunch. I hear footsteps gaining on my position, and after I inhale the scent I know it belongs to Tane. One of the last people I want to see let alone talk to. Just when I start to think my night can’t get any worse. . . typical. I roll my eyes and sigh in annoyance.
“What the hell do you want?” I hiss as I turn around and see Tane walking towards me in his police uniform. He looks like a major tool and I can’t help but smirk at the thought.
Tane doesn’t look surprised by my reaction and he stops walking once he reaches my yard.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry about your sister, man that’s really messed up,” Tane apologises.
“It’s just another someone stolen from me. Something I should get used to I suppose,” I reply and I know Tane heard what I didn’t say.
“Come on dude how many times do I have to apologise, but it’s not like you ever planned on returning to Beacon Hills anyway. You are being ridiculous,” Tane points out.
I haven’t seen Tane since he left for Beacon Hills to be with Kristin. I know I’m over reacting but I can’t help but feel betrayed by Tane. He knew how much she meant to me although he was right. I didn’t plan on returning to Beacon Hills, not to stay for any period of time. Sure I’ve passed through and tried to get a reaction from my uncle but I barely stayed an hour before I left Beacon Hills behind again.
“Well you can go now.”
“No not until you talk to me,” Tane takes a few steps forward and a low growl escapes my lips in response.
“We’re not friends anymore don’t you get that?” I raise my voice and take a couple of steps towards Tane hoping for a fight. Every part of me is craving the action, and the wolf side of me wants Tane’s blood and wants to cause him pain.
“We’ve been friends too long for it to end. I’m all you have left
Are you going to throw me away?” Tane closes the space between us and his face is just inches from mine. I can see his nostrils flaring and I know he is also itching for a fight. He seems just as angry and frustrated as I am.
My nails extend into sharp claws, and I move my neck from side to side as a few bones click and shift. My normally green eyes are now a bright fluoro blue, my four canine teeth grow longer and shaper, my ears point and the excess hair on both sides of my face grows.
“Are we seriously going to fight?” Tane asks and I answer with a punch straight to his gut which causes him to double over clutching his stomach. I smile in satisfaction.
“Does that answer your question?” I ask as Tane quickly shifts. His blue eyes change to a fluoro yellow, his fingernails turn into claws and the rest of his face shifts as he stands defensively and growls.
“If it’s a fight you want than it’s a fight you are going to get!” Tane replies before his claws swipe out to get me although I quickly dodge his attack. My fist connects with the side of his face which dazes him for a second,  although he counter strikes a lot quicker than I expect and he tackles me to the ground before I can move out of the way.
“I’m sorry okay,” Tane speaks before he punches me in the face although I know he is holding back.  It barely stings and the small cut on the inside of my cheek is already healing.
“Sorry about hitting me?” I ask as I turn my head to the side and spit out a mouthful of blood onto the ground. I don’t like the taste of blood I never have. I can’t stand the metallic tang.
“You know what I’m talking about,” Tane replies and I quickly strike him in the centre of his face while he is distracted which causes him to clutch his nose, and I push him off of me with ease.
“Whatever I don’t care anymore anyway,” I lie as I stand to my feet, but Tane stays on the ground and sits up looking at me.
“Really?! So why do you still hate me?” Tane questions and I hear the crack as he straightens his broken nose before it has the chance to heal crooked.
We both change back to our human form and I notice the blood on Tane’s face which has made its way onto his uniform.
“I don’t hate you. I don’t feel anything towards you so just get the hell off of my property!” I growl.
“I know you have the other half of the body that we are looking for, but I won’t say anything because you can’t hate me forever. This isn’t the first fight we have had, and it won’t be the last,” Tane finally stands to his feet and dusts himself off.
“Like I said before hate implies that I care and I don’t. You should clean yourself up by the way,” I clarify although I’m lying. I miss having a best friend . . . I miss Tane but my possessive side is refusing to forgive him which I know it ridiculous. Kristin stopped being mine the minute I left Beacon Hills all those years ago.
“I take it you don’t want Kristin knowing you are in town?” Tane asks.
“You assumed correctly.”
“You’re not even going to say hello?” Tane’s blue eyes grow wide in surprise.
“No I’m not,” I know seeing her face is just going to remind me of the past and I don’t want to think about everything I have lost, besides it’s been six years. I’m probably just a distant memory to Kristin.
“Well I should probably get back to searching for the half of the body that we are never going to find.”
“Yeah have fun with that,” I reply and Tane just rolls his eyes before he starts to walk away. I know I can’t hate him forever and I also know that he is right and I’m wrong, but I can’t admit to it at least not yet.
After Tane is out of hearing range I walk back to Laura’s grave. I still can’t believe that she is gone and that I’m never going to hear her voice again or see her face.
Laura was the one I went to for advice and help besides Tane, she was my only friend.
“I’m sorry Laura,” I start talking although I stop because I don’t know what else to say.
We have always been close and since my family perished in the fire we’ve only had each other. What am I meant to do now? Tane is the only family I have left, but until I forgive him I’m all alone. In every sense of the word. Peter doesn’t speak so I don’t count him, and I’m without friends. I always thought that I didn’t need anybody but myself, and now I realise how much being alone sucks.
“I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry. I wish you didn’t come here alone but one thing I do know is that I’m going to find the ones responsible,” I feel my eyes begin to water although I try to fight against the tears. They won’t help the situation.
Tears never help anything. Anger and rage are the emotions I find most useful. They give me drive, strength, motivation and keep me from repeating my mistakes. I’ve learned you can never trust anyone that comes into your life, not when you’re a werewolf.
“I’m going to make them pay I swear it. I swear on my life,” I promise. I’m going to find out who is responsible and I have two suspects: the hunters and a werewolf. If it was a werewolf than it is now a new alpha and I will find it if that’s the case and kill it.
I can almost hear Laura’s voice telling me to be careful and that the hunters are dangerous. I never told Laura that Kate Argent was behind the fire that killed our family, but Laura suspected it was no accident.
I’m also sure that Kate is behind the fire that killed Tane & Tina’s parents and family although Tane swears he never laid eyes on anyone that looked like Kate.
I am still sure he is lying.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be okay but they won’t,” I reply although finding the murderer or murderers isn’t my only goal. Laura was close to figuring something out and I have to piece it together. I have to know the reason why Laura returned to Beacon Hill’s in the first place. I have to know what was so important that it cost Laura her life.
“Say hey to the family for me and tell them that I miss them all dearly,” I say before I walk away and make my way into the house. I can almost hear their screams echoing off of the walls and it sends shivers down my spine.
I feel guilty for being alive when my family and sister suffered such a horrible death.

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