Part 36 (postponed)

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One month later

Luke's pov

Sam has been getting used to our house now and isn't crying as much. I am going on tour in two weeks but I don't know how to tell Milly. I said that I will be here but my manager didn't like the fact that we were going to postpone the tour and she forced us to go. I don't want to tell her but I have to. Our manager also said that we can't take Milly and Sam. I really hate our manager because she only cares about money and not us. I guess I have to tell her.

"Umm, Milly?"


"Ughh. You know how I said that I will be here for you?"

"You going on tour aren't you?"

"I'm sorry Milly. I tried to postpone it but our manager doesn't care about us, she only cares about money"

"When are you leaving and how long?"

"Umm next week and eleven months"

"So you are going to miss most of sam's first year"

"I'm sorry. I tried everything I could. I really don't want to leave"

"Luke, it's ok. I have been preparing myself for this moment"

"Wait what?"

"I have known that you would be going on tour some time soon so I got myself prepared"


"Will you be fine with living here? Or are you going to live at your mums?"

"Mum said that when you go on tour she will stay here with me"

"Ok. My mum will also be here to help out."

"Yep. It's ok Luke. I am disappointed but I'm not going to hold you back from your dream."

"Milly, I would much prefer to stay here with you"

"I would prefer that too but you need to go"

"Ok, but only if you are ok with me leaving"

"Luke go pack"


I went upstairs to pack. I can't believe I'm leaving my family behind for 11 months because Deborah is too caught up in money that she has no feelings for us. I really hate this feeling and I know that mill does to. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here in Milly's arms. It's going to be the first time that I go on tour without her but I will Skype her everyday. Once I finished packing I went down stairs to see Milly crying. I know that it's because of the tour. I went over to her and and hugged her.

"Mills, it's ok. I will Skype you every day"

"I don't think I could do it Luke. It's going to be too hard."

"Milly it's going to be hard for all of us. The boys have their fiancés stay here. Laura is a month and two weeks pregnant so ash will be flying around when their child is born. It's really going to be hard for all of us"

"Wait. Ash won't be here for Laura's labour?"

"He will but he has to fly back straight away to rejoin the tour. It's going to be really hard"

Her tears started to fade and she was now sniffling. Is till can't believe that she has be put through this because of Deborah. She is a heartless beast that needs to see what she is doing to my family. I can't stand with this pain.

"Milly. I'll be back in about an hour. Don't worry about anything"

"Ok but don't be too long"

"I won't"

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