|17.| Someone Who Isn't Attracted to Me- Maehara Hiroto X Reader

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Requested by: Loki-Roki


You and Maehara are just labeled as friends. You would talk sometimes but, it would mostly be about him asking you out.

"(F/N)-chan!!" Okano called you, "Wanna go and-"

She was cut by Maehara who now put his arm around your neck, "No. She can't. She has a date with me." He winked.

'Gross..' Was the only thing you thought.

You spoke up, "Okano, I can-"

"-n't." He cut you off causing to get irritated.

"I can-"


You removed his arm and faced him, "I can-"

"-n't." He smirked.



"I said I can-"

"-n't. Yeah, you can't 'cause your having a date with me." He said.

You scoffed, "I CAN-"

"-N'T" He said and crossed his hands.

"God dammit, I don't have time for this." You rubbed your temples. "Let's go Okano, to uh, wherever we're going." You said and ignored Maehara.

"Woah, you were actually able to decline him." Okano said.

"What do you mean actually? He's so persistent and wouldn't shut up." You said.

You saw an arrow fly past you, and heard Maehara groan in pain.

"Seriously, he is good looking and all, but he has to stop it with the playboy thing." You said.

Okano laughed, "Hahaha. You're right."


School was over the next day and you were busy finishing your homework so you wouldn't do it at home.

Maehara came running to you, "(L/N)-chan~ Let's go on a-"

"No." You said


"I said no, right??" You said.

"But why?!" He complained.

"Can't you see I'm doing homework?!?" You said.

"(L/N)-chan, in case you don't know, homework is supposed to be done at home. Hence, the name, homework." He explained.

You twitched your eyebrow, 'I'm not stupid to not know that.'

"Well then, let me rephrase that. I'm doing schoolwork now." You smiled.

"Let's just go on a date~" He said.

"Pfft. Go date yourself." You scoffed.

He fake cried, "You're so *sniff* mean!!! I hate you!!"

"Yeahh. You don't even love me." You said and continued working.

"Hmph." He said and walked away, 'I do actually.'


You were eating lunch with Okano and Fuwa, "You're lucky you can get him to stop." Okano said.

"Really?" You asked, obviously uninterested.

"Yeah. I mean people usually agree." She said.

"Hm~" You said, without looking at her.

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