|22.| Saving You- Shiota Nagisa X Reader

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Requested by: PercyRandom

I apologize for keep on editing.. XDD


You actually had a crush on Nagisa, one of your closest friends in Class E. Although, you successfully hid it by acting like your normal self.

"Please be careful when you go home." Koro-sensei said, "There's this gang that hangs out near the convenience store where you usually pass by going to school and going home."


"Thanks Koro-sensei."

"See you tomorrow."

You were staring out the window, not paying attention, when somebody tapped your shoulder.

"Did you hear what Koro-sensei said?" You turned over to see Nagisa,

"Huh?" You asked, "Oh right. That the convenience store got more snacks? Yup, I totally listened." You smiled and went back to looking out the window.

Nagisa sighed, "No, there's a gang there, so be careful." He said.

"Yeah. Be careful in going home." You said, "Gotcha."

"Well, just be careful." Nagisa said, "I'm going ahead."

"See you tomorrow!!" You waved.


You were spacing out and finally got back to your senses. You checked the time, 4:30.

"It's this late already." You said, "I gotta get going."

You got up from your seat, fixed your things and left.

You were humming while walking, when you spotted the convenience store. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of your favorite snacks.

"Koro-sensei wasn't joking!!" You said and ran inside.


You came out with a plastic bag filled with your favorite snack.

You were smiling and humming, when you bumped onto a thick body.

"Sorry!!" You immediately replied.

The dude you bumped had a group with him. Their figures weren't very large. They looked around 2 or 3 years older than you. They also had some piercings on their lips and ears.

"Tch. Watch where you're- oh, hello~" The guy you bumped smiled creepily at you.

"Hello." You said. 'Gangsters?? Nobody told me- right... Nagisa reminded me..'

"Well, I gotta go now sooo..." You said and quickly walked away.

He grabbed your right wrist, "Going so soon?" He asked, tightening the grip. You winced slightly and glanced over to see your wrist turning blue.

"Unfortunately, yes." You fake smiled, "Mom is waiting for me and she's sick. I made a mistake and bought snacks." You said, "And I really need to go now."

He frowned, "Alright then." He let go of your wrist, "Let's have some fun next time." He said.

You pretended not to hear the last statement and started walking faster.

'What the hell, what the hell, what the hell!! I think I need a bodyguard now.' You thought.


You arrived home and leaned against the door, "I can't believe they fell for that!! Thanks mom who is still on her business trip." You laughed and brought down your bag and snacks.

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