|46.| First- Maehara Hiroto X Reader

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It was a nice sunny Tuesday. You were sitting down under a tree reading your book. Everybody else were playing with Koro-sensei but you didn't join. It wasn't fun. More like, you don't know how fun felt like.

You weren't completely emotionless. The only emotions you showed more ofter were being annoyed and being confused. Ever since your parents died and you had to move in with your aunt. You didn't like her. She was so happy-go-lucky and loud which irritated you.

Now, another irritating person entered your life ever since you transferred to Class E. Maehara Hiroto. The guy who wants to date everybody. He's been bugging you to date him since you got here but you'd say no bluntly and leave. Until now, he hasn't stopped asking you out and getting attention from you.

"(L/N)-chan~" An annoying voice which apparently belonged to Maehara, cooed behind the tree you were leaning against, "You're always here," Maehara said, "Want to go play with them?"

"No." You replied.

"Aww." He said and sat down beside you. He peeked on your book and frowned, "How can you read this? They use too much deep words." He said.

You pointed to another book beside you, "Dictionary."

He sighed and leaned on the tree. You peeked out from your book to see him watching Koro-sensei and your classmates. He'd chuckle whenever one of them would fall or when Koro-sensei will become flustered when one of them would nearly hit him.

You shifted your look at them. You didn't understand what was so funny. It's just your classmates failing to kill Koro-sensei. There was nothing amusing there at all. You went back to reading your book.

"Ne, (L/N)-chan," Maehara called.

"Yes?" You asked.

"Can you smile?" He asked.

You put down your book and faced him and he gave you a look with curiosity. You furrowed your eyebrows and twitched your lips.

You gave a grin which reached your ears and Maehara bursted out laughing.

You stopped grinning and gave him a confused look. "What?" You asked.

"D-Don't do that again!! Hahahaha!" He said, "You look like a psyco killer!! Haha! But it doesn't suit you!!"

You frowned and turned back to reading your book, "I hate you." You mumbled.

He wiped off his tears and leaned back on the tree. "Hey." He said.

"What?" You scoffed.

"You still won't date me right?" He asked.

"Yup. I won't." You replied.

"Hmm. Have you ever felt love?" He asked.

"No. Of course not." You said bluntly.

Maehara grinned widely. You not falling in love gave him a big opportunity to date you. In fact, he likes you. It's just that you keep on denying him and anything he does to get your attention, fails.

You gave him a weird look, "What?" You asked.

"Let's make a bet," He smirked. You raised an eyebrow and he stood up.

"I will be your first love and I'll guarantee that!" Maehara exclaimed, "Then, you date me. I'll be all your firsts you haven't experienced yet. And I'll start by being your first love."

You felt your heart pound really fast and blood rushing up to your cheeks upon hearing him say that.

"First love?" You asked, "Do what you want." You said and when back to reading your book.

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