|72.| Asano Gakuhō X Reader

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Requested by: taintedyin


"Well, then," Gakuho stood up from his seat which was in the middle of a circle and the rest of the chairs were occupied by the faculty of the school, and that included you, "that'll be all."

'Geez, why does he have to keep on repeating the same topics every meeting,' You thought while standing up from your chair, 'We ain't stupid y'know.'

"Bye." You said and exited the room.

You headed to the car park. It was dark already and you were hungry and cold. You still had to grade the tests and prepare your lesson plan for the following day.

You sighed and entered your car, "Welp, instant ramen it is again tonight," You said and placed your bag on the shot gun's seat.

You turned the keys of the car to start it. But it didn't.

"What." You kept on trying to start the car but the damn car just wouldn't start.

"Unbelievable," You threw your hands up and leaned on the seat. You hopelessly checked your wallet if you had enough money for a cab but you were broke. There was only change in it.


You sighed and turned, "Now who the hell would- Oh!! Good evening headmaster."

Gakuho was standing in front of you with his suitcase in his hand, "It appears that your car won't work."

"Ah. I-I'm fine!" You laughed and placed the keys back in to start it, "S-See?"

The car didn't start. You sweat dropped and smiled at him while trying to turn the car on, "H-Hold on a moment."

He waited but the car still wouldn't start.

After moments of hearing the engine he said, "No. No. Stop, you're going to cause an explosion."

"Hehe~" You sheepishly rubbed the nape of your neck.

"Won't you ride in my car?" He asked.

Your face heated up from embarrassment, "N-No, I would be fine walking home."

"I insist," He said.


"And your house is quite far, isn't it?" He said while smiling, "It would take you a very long time to walk home."

You sighed, "Okay."

He walked you to his car. His driver opened the door for you and you smiled at him for his kind gesture.

Gakuho entered after you and the driver closed the door.

The ride was very silent and awkward.

Gakuho looked at his watch, "I should treat you dinner too,"

You looked at him, shocked and eyed him, "Why?"

"It wouldn't hurt to eat dinner with my co-worker." He smiled at you.

"It's okay," You shook your hands, "I have food at home,"

"And is that instant ramen?" He asked.

"Y-Yes.." You blushed.

He smiled again, "We'll take a stop at (Restaurant's Name)." He said to the driver. The driver nodded in response.

"T-Thanks.." You mumbled and he smiled once more.

'Why do you keep on smiling??!' You thought.

Gakuho rested his head on his hand, 'Why am I doing so much for this girl?' He asked himself.

He looked at you and you were playing with your fingers and looking out the window with a small smile.

Gakuho was so busy, the thought never crossed his mind. Now that he had time to think and reflect, everything was so clear to him.

He looked out his window and smiled, 'I see. I have feelings for her.'


thank you xoCANDYox -chan for this ideaaaaa. x33

Gakuho was really hard for me to write. ^^ But I enjoyed writing it.

I hope it wasn't short or too rushed. i also hope you guys enjoyed this and wasn't disappointed.

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