First Date (e.)

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Some people would ask, can a male and female just be best friends? Like is it possible for them not to fall for each other? Or maybe at least one of them would? My answer for that is probably a NO. I had always liked my best friend, Shawn, since we first met back in eighth grade. My feelings for him grew every single day. He never fails to put a smile on my face, and today is the day. He finally asked me out.

I wore a plain knee high cream dress that he gave me for our best friend anniversary. Since it is a bit of chilly out there, I topped it with a dark washed denim jacket with a very few amount of patches on the front. To finish my get up, I wore my slip ons to have a comfy finish.

I sat down on my bed, and waited for his call. I stared blankly onto the wall wherein I have all of my pictures with him as I was trying to imagine what could happen this night. Will I mess up? Will I be embarrassed? I kept on thinking about such until I heard my phone rang. I picked it up seeing that it was my favorite caller.

"Hey!" He said with joy in his voice.

"What's up?" I asked sitting down properly.

"Look outside." He answered with a soft chuckle by the end.

I quickly ran to my window and saw him with his guitar. He started to sing my favorite song, Y/F/S. He just sounded like an angel. I stayed there with a smile from ear to ear. I had never thought that a guy like him would do something like this for me.

As he ended I grabbed my purse and ran down the wooden stairs with my shoes making it's loud noise. Upon closing the front door, I ran towards him and gave him a hug. I rested my head on his chest since I am no match for his height.

"So are you ready?" He asked casually.

"Of course." I smiled looking up at him.

He held my hand, and lead me to his car. A felt a spark in my heart as soon as we had contact. He placed his guitar back to its case and he placed it on the back seats. He did everything with one hand though. I tried to let go, so that he could do it properly yet he just tightened his grip. He then opened the door for me. He is such a gentleman. I went in, and he walked across going to the driver's seat. He hopped on. As soon as we both buckled our seat belts, he started to drive.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"To one of your favorite places." He answered.

As a reply I simply smiled. I tried to recall all of my favorite places that I mentioned to him, but I thought to myself that he must be joking or something. He just doesn't enjoy the stuff that I like most. We are the opposites, yet it is true that they attract. He turned the tunes up and we just sang along through it. Pretty much the only thing we both agree on.

When we reached our destination, I got all hyped up. He brought me to the boardwalk. He was right this is my top one favorite place. He really does know me. Not that I'm surprised, but I just didn't expect that he would bring me here.

With our hands intertwined, we bought some tickets. I tried to pay it, yet he insisted to the lady to accept his cash. The boardwalk for me, is just a very wonderful place with endless fun for everyone young or old. Both of us rode a few different rides and played some games at the stalls. In one of the games, he won me a big teddy bear.

Walking towards our last ride, he wrapped his around my shoulders and because of the height difference I just leaned in closer. It was the perfect position one could ask for. We gave our tickets to the operator, and went in the ferris wheel. We sat on one side together. I rested my head on his chest as he hugged me by the side.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked curiously with a grin on my face. I just cannot hide my happiness.

"I brought you here because you told me that if you want a guy to ask you to be his girlfriend, you want it to be in your favorite place, in your favorite ride next to the rollercoaster. That is here, the ferris wheel." He said.

My mind started to puzzle up. I did not want to assume or anything. I gave him a confused look.

"I want my future girlfriend's wish to come true." He smiled. "Is the slot for being your boyfriend open?"

The puzzle was finished, yet due to that unexpected question, no words came out of my mouth. It was as if I forgot how to talk. All I did was to smile and nod.

"And soon you'll be my Mrs. Mendes." He smirked.


First imagine! What did you guys think? Anyways, hope you guys liked it. -Winchelle

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