How You Two Met

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You and your choir had to attend a competition in San Francisco. It was your first time there and you really wanted to go there ever since you were in diapers.

Being such a weirdo, you went out the hotel. Suddenly you started to scream, "I love you San Francisco!" with open arms spinning around. By your last turn, you weren't able to finish it. As you said "I love you" you bumped to a guy and with your arms perfectly placed on his shoulders.

Both of you were really surprised. And when you looked up, you saw the one and only Shawn Mendes.


And you will be the one to end this imagine! :)

Okay, sorry for not updating for a while, but I'll make it up to y'all. Plus I'm writing new stories and just published one of them.

Hope you like 'em. Love y'all. - Winchelle

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