Mommy? Daddy? (Part 2)

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I woke up and saw Hazel and Shawn hugging each other. They are just so cute.

I got my phone and took a pic of the two. Now I have a new lockscreen and a new Instagram photo.

@Y/I/U/N: My two angels.

A lot of people commented of things such as 'since when did you two have a child?', 'Aww, she looks a lot like Shawn.', and 'I thought your child was lost?!'. I kept on scrolling and it was all the about the same topics.

I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I took the pancake mix and started to do it. I mixed it with water and everything that I need.

While mixing those stuff, I have mixed thoughts in my mind as well, like 'What if Hazel is really our child?', 'What if she is the daughter that we lost?', 'Or but what if she isn't our real daughter?'. Suddenly I heard two people walking down the stairs.

"Mommy!" Hazel squeaked running to me.

I carried her and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. How sweet is this kid! I placed her down and Shawn hugged me from the back.

"Good morning baby girl." He greeted me with a smile.

I turned around and tiptoed to give him a nice good morning kiss on the lips.

"Mommy, what is for breakfast?" Hazel asked with her really cute voice.

"Pancakes sweetie." I answered looking down at her.

"That's my favorite!" She squealed! "Daddy! Daddy! Mommy is gonna make my favorite!" She said jumping infront of Shawn.

I smiled and finally I finished the pancakes. I served it to them and Hazel finished it first, despite the fact that she was the youngest and the smallest among us.

"I'm done mommy!" She said showing us her clean plate.

"That must be really your favorite." I smiled.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

I giggled and she went back to her room. I sat down beside Shawn.

"Shawn, can I tell you something?" I asked looking at him playing with my fork.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I think Hazel is our real child." I said.

He didn't say a word.

"I know it might be crazy but trust me, I think she really is." I said finishing my food.

"Y/N, you just adopted her, how could that be even possible." He replied.

"I know she is our daughter." I let out a deep sigh. "Trust me I am her mother." I stood up placed the dishes on the dishwasher and went up to our room.


Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't updated for quite some time, but please bare with me, I did a lot of things for the past few weeks.

I also want to say that I published new stories and I hope that you guys would check them out.

Anyways, I hope that y'all enjoyed this imagine, plus there will be a part three! Stay tuned. Hehe

- Winchelle

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