Special Visitor

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I was playing the guitar at the living room waiting for my special visitor. Our cat was just beside me til it went down the couch and roamed around. I then checked the time on my phone and I just realized that it has been a couple hours already.

"Y/N, what time will he come?" My dad asked.

"I'm not sure, but I know that he is probably near now." I answered.

"Well, can you please go with me to visit my friend Charles' place. I just need to drop off their gifts." He said.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled.

I got up from the couch and placed my guitar by the side. I went up to my room to get my coat and my purse. I went out and my dad was already waiting at the car. I hopped in he started to drive towards his friend's house.

I am not really happy of course. I mean, I'm waiting for my special visitor and he still haven't came. Also, what if he arrives and I'm not there. I let out a soft sigh as I looked out the window.

We arrived and I went down. I rang their doorbell and someone texted me. Someone opened the door and I was surprised that it was Aaliyah. It made me somehow weirded out.

"Check your phone." She said.

I opened my phone and I recieved a text from her brother telling me to go to the backyard. I decided to reply.

Me - Okay, but aren't you at my house.

Shawn - Just go.

Me - K.

I then moved towards the door to the backyard. I took a deep breath upon opening it and I was surprised seeing Shawn beside an Olaf snowman beside him. There I decided to tease him. Instead of running towards him, I ran towards the snowman and hugged it.

"Why did you run towards the snowman and not to me?" He asked.

"Well, you were supposed to be my special guest, but I guess you went somewhere else." I faked my madness.

"I just wanted to surprise you." He then carried me and showered me with kisses.

"Dang. I cannot be mad at you. Merry Christmas baby." I smiled.

"Merry Christmas baby girl." We kissed passionately.


Merry Christmas people! And this crappy imagine is my gift for y'all.

I can't say much now hehe

Hope y'all enjoyed this imagine. Love y'all.

- Winchelle

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