Foreign Language

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Reading my book at foreign language just makes me so stressed out. Well I know that the language itself doesn't have anything to do with what I am feeling right now, but why do I even have to take it? I mean, I've been studying it for quite a while now, and I can't even have a conversation using that language.

I rolled my eyes closing the book. I turned my chair around to my bed to see my boyfriend, Shawn, whom went in my room without me being conscious about it. He knew I was having a really hard time in foreign language.

"Hey." I greeted with a weak smile.

"Is it that subject again?" He asked.

I nodded and he gestured me to go sit by him at my bed. I sat on his lap and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Tell me all about it." He said.

"Well, I have a test on that subject tomorrow and I seriously can't take it anymore." I sighed.

"You know what, you won't be there in the first place if there ain't a reason behind it. I guess you should just try your best, and even if you fail, just remember that it's a normal thing in life." He smiled.

"But I've been studying it for years now and still I can't even talk to someone using it." I looked at the corner of my room.

"It's alright." He moved my head to face him using his fingers. "I believe that you can do it." He then slowly pressed his lips unto mine. " I know that you will do great."

I finally smiled and I went back to my desk to continue studying my the best (take note of the sarcasm) subject ever!


So I just came up with this because I'm studying foreign language, specifically Chinese, for like since forever ago and trust me I cannot go on a conversation using that language. Whenever I'm studying it I feel worse than me studying math, and sometimes I even end up crying or freaking out.

BTW requests are open and I'm also open to all of your suggestions.

Hahahaha so yeah that was a little story of mine, but yeah I hope y'all have/had an amazing day! Love y'all! - Winchelle

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