His Girl, My Boy

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"Yeah, Yassi, let's meet at the park." I heard Shawn, my best friend, said.

I turned my head and looked at him while I'm at my kitchen island drinking a glass of cold water. I then looked back through a few memories. When Shawn asked me what I thought about that Yassi chic until he admitted to me that he likes her. I was hurt, but if my he is happy, I'm happy. I sighed and snapped back to reality. I walked towards Shawn.

"So Shawn, is everything set?" I asked knowing that today is one of his big days.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Let's go."

I got my bag and followed him. We both hopped into his car and left to the park. The ride wasn't that much long since it wasn't far. After a few minutes we hopped off.

We went to this area of the park wherein we claim it "ours" and we started to decorate the place. It was Tumblr inspired and I can say that it was just super cute. I then stared at the street art that I did for him and Yassi.

"Hey babygirl, will you please be mine?" He read what my art said. I looked at him. "I also like it how you placed Yassi's face there." He smiled.

"Well of course." I replied. "Oh wait, before she comes, I would just like to give you this." I ran to my purse and got a small box. "Give this to her and I guarantee you with a sweet yes from her."

"Thanks." He said hugging me.

I hugged him back and I said good luck. I then let go and ran away to give him and his girl the privacy. As much as I want to say that I am fine, I just am not. I hid behind a tree and released tears.

I covered my face and just decided to keep quiet. It lasted for like twenty minutes and I felt someone sit beside me. I slowly peeked my eye out and I saw that it was Shawn.

"Oh my g, I'm what happened? Why are you here already? I mean please do not take it the wrong way." I said.

"Because he loves somebody else whom we both know loves him as much." I heard a girl say. The girl also sat beside me. It was Yassi.

"What?" I looked at both of them confused.

"I like you. I mean, I love you." Shawn said standing up. "Now if you stand up, I would like to ask you something." He helped me to get up.

"Will you please be his girlfriend?" Yassi looked at me while Shawn kneeled down opening the small box that I gave him.

"Y-E-S. Yes." I smiled.

He picked me up and spun me around. By the end, we had a passionate kiss.


OH MY G Y'ALL PLEASE #PrayForHayes. I know that he is strong already, but I still am so worried for him. I hope that he will be okay.

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this imagine. Love ya all. - Winchelle

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