Worldwide (Part 3)

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It's been months since and our shoot officially ended. Surprisingly we finished filming ahead of time. The rest of the cast and crew wanted to stay in New Zealand for a few more days, but I decided to go home right away. I do not want to waste any time. I really wanna see my boyfriend again. Right now I'm at my friend's car and she is driving me towards Shawn's house.

"I cannot wait to surprise Shawn." I said really stoked. I was smiling uncontrollably. I was snapchatting but I didn't say anything about me surprising Shawn just incase if he was to check out his account. But it was kind of impossible it was too early and he was not a morning person. He prefers waking up at noon or pass noon.

"Well it's not obvious at all." She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes playfully and it was just really crazy. I really missed Shawn though. We actually haven't talked for about a month before my movie ended. To be honest, I was nervous and jealous. Maybe he and Lucy started to date, but no. I hope not.

"So how was New Zealand?" My friend asked.

"Its really cool there. If I have the chance I really want to bring Shawn there." I answered. "Just like in Pitch Perfect's Cups song, its got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers, but it sure would be prettier with you." I sang my favorite part of the song.

"Well if you bring Shawn there, then you have to bring me too." She joked.

The airport wasn't actually that far, but the traffic was the one stopping us from getting there really quick. I am seriously excited, but this traffic is killing me. I just wanna kiss my boyfriend's soft lips.

As we finally got away from the traffic there it is. Shawn's house. I stared at it and I gotta say, I missed this house. I remembered the memories and all.

"Are you gonna go down?" Y/F/N asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. I slowly opened the car door and I started to walk towards the door. While having at really small stroll I felt like I everything was in slow motion. Just like in the movies, am I right?

As I was about to knock on the door it opened. I was so shocked on what I just saw. My jaw dropped. It was Shawn and Lucy kissing.


Another part or imagine inspired by the show Big Time Rush. Well only the ending. The ending was inspired by Big Time Rush. It's actually kind of obvious that I do not like that show. Haha yeah I'm sarcastic because I love that show and the band itself.

So yeah... Part four anybody?

I hope y'all have a good day! - Winchelle

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